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  1. It's all sounding depressingly familiar. Rovers entertaining bids for their star man and the manager pleading via the media that the club needs to reinvest money into the club. Essentially, like JDT did, starting to lay the ground work for an exit when no money is spent, the squad remains paper thin, devoid of quality and struggling in the league.
  2. He seems very quiet as well (in interviews at least), appreciate it can be different on the pitch bit he doesn't strike me as good captain material. I'd be giving the armband back to Travis tbh.
  3. When you add in how much we've brought into the club and are likely to be adding £8m more in a Szmodics sale, near £40m in total, it's all very depressing. Totally unacceptable.
  4. Yep terrible planning all round and it's now smacking of a desperate signing. The Ohashi deal dragging into next week isn't good news either, as it just gives more time for us to fuck it up.
  5. Agreed on the keeper, Pears is no where near good enough and we'll always struggle if he's our No.1. A new No.1 has to be a priority.
  6. Hang on, Ohashi has gone from like a £500k signing, to a £150k signing, to a free transfer?? How has that happened? Something doesn't seem right here.
  7. Announcing Ohashi and And an U21 signing and then confirming Szmodics departure would be hugely fucking infuriating
  8. I wonder how we've come across this guy? At 27 years old, he's not a potential prospect/wonderkid and he's had a fairly unremarkable career to date. Could be wrong but it's not a market we've really explored before? It's a very intriguing signing though.
  9. Tyjon isn't ready but we'll have to give him game time, as it's the only reason he's still here. Agree on Vale.
  10. Is Ohashi an out an out striker? If so: Ohashi, Gallagher, Leonard, Vale and Tyjon is a few to carry. Hopefully it spells the end of Vale at least.
  11. I actually thought he was a good player, based on his brief time/appearances here. Not sure where he would fit into our squad though, nor could I say what his best position would be.
  12. I mean they can't put any money into the club but assume they can spend money that has been received from transfer incomings. But if the court case goes against them, and they can't send any money, we'll need the Szmodics money for operating costs, surely? It doesn't really matter tbh, probably not worth discussing. Just have to see what happens.
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