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Miller11 last won the day on December 22 2023

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  1. These are categorically not licensed by either ASICS or Rovers. They will likely also be of very poor quality.
  2. One of the strangest performances I’ve ever seen from an opposition player. He absolutely terrorised us that day, but his finishing was woeful. If he’d banged in 10 goals last season he’d no doubt be getting a move to the Premier League considering his physical profile, the fact he’s only 21 and a full international.
  3. Just heard Southgate saying our ball retention needed to be better. While Adam Wharton never got out of his tracksuit and bib. Definitely time for a change. Anything other than a Spain victory would’ve been scandalous really. Without even taking into account how poor and boring England have been, Spain were by far the best team in the tournament. I particularly enjoyed seeing a side bucking the modern trend and playing some genuinely exciting stuff - I think the standard throughout has been generally really dull. The winning goal tonight was glorious.
  4. It’s definitely something we can look to introduce. We need to find ways to better engage with the membership and this could be an effective way of doing so.
  5. No criticism aimed at you Carl, just making the point that if people want the Supporters Trust to act in a certain way they need to be a member.
  6. I missed the post(s) that are hidden, but in response to Carl’s quoted above: Josh has made really valid and accurate points regarding space on the board, but it goes even further than that. We are a democratic membership organisation. Anyone who feels WATR should be taking a different approach/implementing ideas raised on this message board - it costs £10 a year to join.
  7. Got to agree, it looks amazing on. Definitely 95 vibes. That shade of blue is it!
  8. Jury is still out. Difficult to judge accurately in all honesty but didn’t stand out either way.
  9. Interesting how we lined up today. 4-4-2 and a 4-1-4-1. It would certainly support Eustace’s comments that he likes out and out wingers… let’s hope we sign some. First half we saw a lot of the ball in wide areas. JRC was drifting in and Dolan cutting in, both fullbacks were getting up and supporting. Brittain saw a lot more of the ball, but Pickering was the more useful of the two with it. Gallagher won a couple of flick ons to nobody in particular. Szmodic made some really good runs in behind but the ball was either missed or too late. Sammy going off injured is a major concern. Second half really demonstrated our frightening lack of depth. I can only think Saadi was thrown in at the last minute as the planned strike partner for Vale was unavailable. Gent was lively and Duru impressive. Buckley streets ahead of the vast majority of players in the pitch. Despite their involvement in the goal I thought Markanday’s decision making remained very poor and Vale looked miles off it. Ref robbed us of a bit of excitement in seeing Tyjon. Ridiculous considering he let their keeper (who made Wahlstedt look as composed as prime Friedel) stay on after a ridiculous challenge near the half way line!
  10. Pretty certain. The ex players speaking out has all stemmed from the Mail article, but most of their complaints appear to be around the way they were treated rather than the amount they were paid. Which articles Carl? Would be good to have this info to discuss. The only one I can see is the Mail one and it doesn’t mention any reduction. Also I haven’t seen any club statement, so rather than being muddied I think it’s just a complete lack of any info.
  11. Asked and answered on dozens of occasions. Its always been “they have no intention of selling” so far.
  12. Plenty to work with there. I’ll keep you posted!
  13. Specifically what questions do people want asking regarding the Women’s team? If anyone wants to post them on here I’ll get them asked and answered. To reiterate again the current budget for the women’s playing squad hasn’t been reduced, it’s been kept at the same level as last season. Obviously some of the comments regarding use of facilities etc are concerning and I’ll make sure those form part of the discussion.
  14. Apologies, I’ve got this wrong. There were concerns that with the restructure last year the Women’s team would be viewed as its own entity and the accounting procedures around it changed. I seemed to have lumped this in with Covid costs being removed from the PSR calculation in my head and notes. As it stands they can still have an add back for any losses for the PSR calculation. @arbitro
  15. I’m not willing to shout “Venky’s Out” into the void any more. They haven’t been moved by 2 really sustained periods of supporter pressure, and if and when they do go it’ll be because of circumstances beyond any of our control. The criticisms coming in from the ex players are a completely different story to the player exodus that happens at semi-pro level, including Rovers Women, every summer. I think I need to be accurate in my criticism of the club for them to pay any attention to it.
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