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Posts posted by glen9mullan

  1. Just now, rovers11 said:

    Venky's have a £7m house which they never use seized. I don't think they're going to lose any sleep over that one. Much ado about nothing.

    Generally, the Indian government making it harder for overseas investment is very bad news for us. It doesn't force them to sell and it means they have the perfect excuse not to put money into the club. It's a winner all round for them. 

    Sadly I don't think they will ever sell the club. I suspect the plan is to pass it down through the generations. 

    Quite the contrary, their wealth is land and property and if it can be confiscated so easily they won't be sleeping easily.

    As i mentioned earlier, Venkys is a listed company with shareholders, and shares open to everyone.

    Swiping 7 million of company funds for their own use if that turns out to be the case will have ramifications on their business.

    Their share price is plummeting, their sales have dropped off the map.

    Saving face in their own Country, is very much different to sticking two fingers up to us in Blackburn

    • Like 4
  2. 23 minutes ago, 1864roverite said:

    If any office in the UK was linked SFO would have raided it before property in India was seized to link and lion for corroboration of evidence such as bank accounts, documents and other lines of enquiry. They haven’t done so and that says to me it’s an Indian investigation only.

    The statement from Rovers is poor

    Venkys overseas has been registered in UK for 12 years, the same as Venkys London.

    So my point is, if they are looking at one, they will be looking at the other.

    No one is suggesting a UK investigation 

    • Like 3
  3. Venkys overseas only relation to venkys London is the directors.

    That being said, if they are looking at the overseas company, you can bet they are also looking at London too.

    You plough £200 million into something which you in turn into share equity and its value don't increase,   then its got to be worth a second look by those investigating.

    Regardless of Rovers statement, we have already seen the ripple effect at rovers during the last two months, with also cut backs and lack of investment into the squad.

    Doing some research on Zedra, also throws up a worrying similarity in terms of where they do business and office from those darkest days. (Also paper trail of money which PhilipL presented to the Premier League)

    The newly listed company which replaces the old one too, also list the uk bases director as the person of responsibility.

    its too early to see where the investigation is going, though I'd imagine the properties seized will be temporary until they pay some sort of fine, which will be a fraction of the money in question.

    I'd be interested where they transferred the initial funds from given Venkys India is a listed company with shareholders?

    If this cash has dropped out of there and not personal wealth, I imagine this could be a massive problem, especially with their share prices also on a massive decline and sales being down by 60% I think I read somewhere.


    • Like 4
  4. 11 hours ago, JHRover said:

    So a lengthy interview that actually tells us very little. I say interview because after the interviewer has set him off there are barely any questions, Waggott just goes off on one almost as through his is reading from a script.

    It is amazing how he manages to make out as though the basics of operating as a professional football club - paying tax, paying wages, paying bills, relaying the pitch, getting ready to host games - is some sort of special achievement on his and his staff's part. It kind of sums up his mentality that on the eve of the new season one of the first things he talks about is how well we've done to pay our bills and tax.

    The interview of a bloke panicking and throwing whatever he can out there in a bid to protect himself and his bosses from any criticism by having to remind everyone listening of just what a stellar job he's doing. No wonder the owners keep him on if they believe everything he comes out with.

    I'm not sure how others have found him when they have had meeting with him, but I recall my first meeting quite well. Once he opens his mouth, he goes off point straight away and it can be quite challenging to get a word in edge. I recall him going on about a trip to Scotland he had made, and I was scratching my head thinking what's that got to do with the question I asked?

    Second time around, his answers were not consistent with the answers he had given from the first meeting and it was much easier to probe, as his default answers or schooled answers for a better word, where no longer his go to answers when re-directed.

    As I said on here the first time I met him, he comes across as a hard working guy, and there is no doubt he puts the hours in.

    I'm not surprised in the main looking around social media that his interviews have gone down well with a lot of supporters, as this level of transparency is not what most are accustomed to. Whilst many don't use the message boards, and tend to bounce off the twitter trends or facebook groups. So don't read some of the things suggested, posted leading up to the interview to think otherwise.

    He suggest there is an issue in India, but not what that issue is, or a timescale to when this will be resolved. Is he suggesting a block on operational capital being put into the club, or is he suggesting the operating capital will come with a tax attached thus, the owners are not comfortable in putting it in right now? If they fail at their challenge on this issue, what is the next step? Further cuts? lack of funding totally? Funding will be come and they will just pay the tax?#

    How will this affect January? Has he already put together a best case/worse case scenario with a contingency plan? How will this affect us at the end of the season, given we have already taken an advancement of the next three years sponsorship?

    If he simply does not know the answers, how can we confidently spend any of the incoming transfer money without leaving ourselves short later in the year?


    • Like 3
  5. 31 minutes ago, philipl said:

    Having read so much about Steve Waggott on this board, I found the BBC interview a very pleasant surprise.

    I would normally advise CEOs to keep answers shorter and simpler but he threaded complex replies together comprehensively, engagingly and with little repetition.

    It is remarkable how little of the 30 minutes is being quoted out of context on here given how much talking he did.

    100% absolutely right he should have been in Blackburn and nowhere near Birmingham on transfer deadline night. 100% right the buck stops with him and the O'Brien screw up is on his charge sheet.

    The rovers interview was good,

    The second one, was a Prince Andrew interview moment for me.

    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, wilsdenrover said:

    Out of interest, what percentage chance would you put on you deciding to renew?

    Highly unlikely, taking family on holiday instead.

    Given my health, I wanted to have some great days with the kids at football next season and make some memories. we'd made the decision all five of us was going.

    Then the ticket prices came out,  "the one pay day early bird" and that put paid to that.

    So i've opted to take them all on a memorable holiday.

    Its been very tough these last few weeks, but i'm determined to get on that plane, and out of principal a renewal is very low on my "to do list"

    I've been going on rovers for over 40 years, renewed my season ticket season upon season despite the shit show of Venkys,  I think i've shown my loyalty throughout. 

    At no point have  I ever considered walking away, however i aint paying more for my season ticket, because i didn't renew before the last ball was kicked last season. Where is the loyalty from the club?



    • Like 3
  7. 9 hours ago, only2garners said:

    The presentation should now be available on the website as a link from the minutes.

    Out of interest the free season tickets they give to employee, players etc, are these part of the season ticket numbers.

    Could you ask next meeting please.

    Of the ones gone how many are.

    1. Free.

    2. Kids

    3. Under 18s

    4. Full adult.

    5. Seniors.

    Also given the £20 club cash has been revoked, why did they fail to mention this when claiming they had maintained last seasons price.

    Most use that £20 as part payment of a replica shirt.

    Its very stealth tax from where im sitting



  8. 24 minutes ago, wilsdenrover said:

    Amateur hour strikes again…

    The below tweet is from four hours ago - the link includes the following lines

    Time is ticking for fans who are renewing from 2022-23 to secure their usual seat, with supporters needing to do so by the end of this week (Friday 26th May).

    Phase two sees prices frozen at last year’s standard pricing, as detailed below, until Friday May 26th.




    Regarding yesrterdays email drop,


    I did catch up with Waggott who stated.

    "Its very poor and I have raised it with the head of marketing Fraser Read, it negates all the hard work behind the scenes"

  9. 1 hour ago, Rovers Trust said:

    It conveys different things to different people though. To some Rovers Trust is a protest group. To others it’s an entity trying to buy BRFC. Rovers Trust also leads to a lot of confusion with the Community Trust

    We want it to convey that the Supporters Trust if open to absolutely all of our fans, and that supporters are the lifeblood of the club.

    WAR in the Raos eyes will be remembered for chucking golf/tennis balls from outside the ground onto the pitch against Blackpool.

    Can't help thinking this takes you further away than closer to your goals.

    The other point to note RE shadow board,

    Waggott has categorically stated that any shadow board will be made up of various supporter groups/supporters and never be exclusive to a single entity.

    With the FF the starting block .

    As you know i fully support you guys (especially as ex secretary) which you still aint put on your website.

    Also the white paper is very dear to me, given i presented it to Parliament for the reform to be signed off all those years ago, with the sports minister as it was an action group 'brain child".

    You have a chance, so please think things through in terms of impact.

    The Raos are the people you need on board, to date the club still aint facilitating direct contact



  10. Surprised at the re-branding guys, especially with the traction you've gained.

    I dont recall this being put to the members?

    Wasnt this the name used to put the Ewood Blues, Trust, Action Group etc under one banner? It got a lot of bad press at the time, which the trust then distanced itself from.

    The Rovers Trust brand, sounds professional, not my cup of tea this new one; but good luck with it


    • Like 1
  11. Without fans, there is no job for waggott, no club to support and no national game.

    To be the CEO of a football club and to have supporters attending as one of the lowest points on the agenda is pathetic 

    Rovers has become a place for a cosey job, where the lack of income is offset by the owners.

    Who in the right mind (players) wants to play in a ground less than 33% full?

    Whats the pull? 

    Its a slow death only kept on life support by the generosity of the Raos.

    I'd love to know what the business plan is, what waggotts 3 , 6, 12 month plan was, what his 2, 3 and 5 year plan is?

    Losing supporters is the worse thing for a club like ours. You very rarely get them back , especially when those im power show zero desire to do so.

    All i see going forwards is a few chancers waiting to suck on the bones which are left, with a club/board not held accountable for its piss poor management 

    • Like 5
  12. 37 minutes ago, tomphil said:

    We could have cheaper tickets in the riveside and Hyam could have his wall of fans but the BBE and JW would be half full and the atmosphere gone after the initial welcome onto the pitch.

    The issue as always and mentioned a thousand times is drive up ST sales instead of reducing them year on year then token gestures to hang on to the renewers.

    My 5 has just become a 2 week trip to Egypt in August, f*** em.

    Brothers 2 is now a 1 week break in Greece,

    My mate, not bothering either.


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