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Posts posted by glen9mullan

  1. 19 hours ago, Hi Mack said:

    I can’t believe Greg Broughton is getting a free ride. His recruitment this summer has been pathetic. I have hopes for Siggurdsson but beyond that I’m struggling to see an improvement! 


    Strangely once they decided it was feed the whole club with a couple of loaf's and bottle of wine, his job became impossible. Trying to bring 7 or 8 players in with less than a million quid is asking the impossible, if you then expect those players to be better than what left, then disappointment awaits.

    I was not overly impressed with last summer, but he has already said he used the previous coaches/scouting lists to sign players.

    January hook line and sunk, its GBS Fault, we missed out on the play offs by goal difference, and those deals that fell through were far more than just "We will learn from it".

    However this window, he has been fooooooked over like the rest of us, and I cannot apportion the blame at his door.

    So on the whole, I'd say circumstances have intervened more than they should of during his tenure, and he needs to be given a chance.

    • Like 5
  2. 2 hours ago, philipl said:

    The impression I am getting is that it isn't just the tiny vocal minority but the whole fan base now has zero confidence in SWAG.

    The last six months have been an object lesson in how not to communicate with your customers.

    He has not only misjudged how and when to speak but has become a laughing stock meme when he has to the extent JDT made the bus a running joke for at least a couple of months.

    His inability to communicate reasons for decisions and then produce risible unconvincing rationales when he attempts have destroyed his credibility. 

    Marketing to the fans is a case study in failure.

    Every CEO always has a massive backwards management job with the shareholders but the total absence of the occasional cuddly word for SWAG from Madam throughout his how many years -7? suggests he is failing in that direction also to the enormous detriment of the club.

    I know how difficult it is to tell someone they are failing to their face but I think it needs doing on 31 October. 

    Be before then

  3. Was a decent championship game, with both sides having moments of quality and then not so.

    More positives than negatives,  and at ths stage of the season I think Boro have more issues than us, particularly at the back where they were closed down quickly, and the mistakes crept in.

    Pears must be on borrowed time, looked suspect on a number of occasions and it's rather when than if, before we see the new boy.

    Brittain put some superb balls into the box that both Dolan and Gallagher wasted, though creating chances does not appear to be our issue.

    Sammy, getting two is critical, we need to share goals out and he was very sharp today.

    Carter continues to improve and JRC was crucial change at right time and did excellent when coming on.

    Jury out on new boys, but far too early to judge them.

    It's a big 3 points and a wins a win


    • Like 1
  4. 9 minutes ago, roversfan99 said:


    Pears looks like starting tomorrow. Has a real blind spot towards him.

    Certainly appears his understanding of the 3rd player is not the story we were given yesterday.

    I still don't get the feeling that he is content with the moving goalposts of this summer, and don't know the odds,  but it must be short that he won't see out the season.

  5. 5 minutes ago, joey_big_nose said:

    He speaks really well and really clearly, like everything about how he communicates. But in terms of how good he is at the job we dont really know until Ennis, Sigurdsson, Moran, Wahlstedt, Tronstad, Telalovic and Hill have racked up some proper game time.

    He could be a genius, he could be bang average. We just have no idea.

    Given no cash, I think its difficult to judge this lot he got.

    Last seasons signings is a little more tangible,  some hits/some misses.

    None of this window falls with Ewood or the Manager.

    It's the loons in Pune who are fully responsible for leaving us up shit creak a few weeks before the season started .

    • Like 5
  6. 7 minutes ago, only2garners said:

    Gregg came to the Fans Forum on Monday night. He spoke about the feeling that the squad had one too many midfielders in. Alongside that John Buckley had fallen down the pecking order a bit and was keen for a loan move to get some game time. So effectively I think it was a bit of both.

    JDT Feels differently though, he feels we are short of experience, 


    Thanks for sharing though, as it's helpful to know he attended the forum


  7. Listening to interviews, and reading LET articles points to note.

    1. Budget was slashed by 15% and £5 million was needed to aid cash flow (this was exactly as I posted , and denied by others.

    2. He suggest Buckley exit was to play games, which is the opposite to what JDT said. JDT stated it was to free up wages for another signing and he wanted to keep him. (So one ain't telling the facts?)

    3. He mentions the Raya money but suggest the club was not reliant on it, so why mention it? That £5million now would of had big baring imo. The suggestion is now we will see it over 3 years when deal goes through.

    4. Phillips was always going, and got the best they could. They could of got more if he had played more and that conversation happened, but agreed collectively to play the best 11 rather than play Phillips.

    5. Final transfer was a loan but budget wouldn't stretch to it.

    6. No knowledge of if/when the Venkys financial/government issues will come to an end, but expects it all to come out publically in the wash.

    7. He is happy with window given constraints and feels although it slowed down, they met their objectives.


    On the whole, he did the best be could with both hands and feet tied and fair play for sticking around to do so.  It can't have been easy to change horses mid June, and regardless of Vs issues at home. They seriously let this club down this summer and those holding the Fort.

    • Like 8
  8. 31 minutes ago, RoversClitheroe said:

    Interested to hear @glen9mullan view of this new appointment? 

    A positive step or just another move of nothing?

    Possibly an appointment to shadow Cheston, before he exits? Continuity planning?

    Or an indication of getting their own man in before possible investment from elsewhere? (A new investor/part owner).

    Or it could be a simple case of having a mother ship Venkys employee as a listed Director to give a comfort blanket to those currently in situ, given under UK law, the Directors carry the can.

    The other names Gupta etc, do they actually work for Venkys the business? I'm not sure they do.

    Another salary we could do without tbh unless someone is going to exit?

    Will it be full time, or additional duties to his existing role?


    Certainly some questions to pose as anything more than a paper exercise is certainly not a vote "in confidence" to those currently there, and a question for Waggott, when I see him


    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Miller11 said:

    Completely agree Glen. The issue has already been raised by one of our board members that any price should not have gone out in the newsletter. Given that we still need to finalise details with SW/GB it is very premature. It certainly hasn’t been agreed by the trust board, and is therefore an error.

    Personally I agree we ought to be making it free, though we might have to have some sort of ticketing system as we don’t want to be either turning people away, or even worse ending up with an empty room.

    I think the consultation meetings are a slightly different issue in that the club believe that they are now meeting their EFL obligations via the fans forum (I’m not sure I’d agree). We have previously requested they be re-instated. Although the output will likely be similar to a consultation meeting, this idea would be a Trust initiative rather than a club one though.

    Thanks Duncan

  10. Thanks guys, just had news letter.

    Though have a question.


    The club has always done consultation meetings as per the EFL guidelines, and I see you are planning one with SW and GB.

    However unless you are a paid up trust member you must pay £10 to attend?

    Why is something that has always been free to supporters now going to cost supporters £10 unless they join the trust?

    Given membership is a few hundred on the trust (a low % of the supporter base) this is not the best way to gain additional traction and should be reconsidered.


  11. 24 minutes ago, JoeH said:

    Your definition (exaggeration!) and my definition clearly differ.

    The reports definition and wording is what I've quoted "plummeted" is the word used.


    Shares Plummets 16.34%

    net profit down 60.6% 

    All this has been provided in their first quarter report.

    Always wanted to use this line.

    "You can't handle the truth " lol






    11% drop in last month. With the size of venkys, that's not chicken feed.



    • Like 1
  12. 8 minutes ago, rovers11 said:

    You know a lot more about this than I do so I take your word for it.

    I guess all us fans really care about from this situation is:

    1. Will it mean they will sell the club?

    2. Will it result in reduced funding from the owners and us needing to be more self sufficient?

    The answer to 1 is a firm no imo. The answer to 2 is most certainly yes in the short term and possibly in the longer term too.

    All in all, I don't see any of this being positive for us. 

    I think everyone on this forum in same boat.

    The info is sketchy, the implications unknown.

    I have been looking at the new names linked to the Vs , and some old ones too, but will take a while to decipher.

    I guess for now, it's see what else is printed in India and further questions to our board.

  13. 3 minutes ago, jim mk2 said:


    Are India's shareholder laws and rights as robust as the UK's?

    To me, this news potentially leaves us in the worst of all worlds: they have another excuse to limit or withdraw funding for Rovers yet they're not impacted financially enough for them to have to to offload the club in a fire sale

    We're still stuck in their bottom drawer, maybe useful at some point in the future yet actually forgotten and unwanted



    You can buy shares in Venkys its a global listed enterprise. They are not above the financial regulations 

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