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Everything posted by Cocker

  1. THIS GAME SERIOUSLY MADE ME ANGRY FOR THE FIRST TIME LAST NIGHT I was playing manager mode as Rovers. I was top of the league by 10 points and had just beaten Chelski 5-1 and I was in credit with the bank. It then goes to the newspaper screen and says that I have been sacked I loaded up again, and drew with Chelski this time. It let me through. I then beat West Brom 2-0 and it sacked me again Has this happened to anyone else?
  2. I think someone has made a balls up:- Click If you have ordered it for £17.99 pls give me a link because that will be getting snapped up. Cheers
  3. The new Manager mode on FIFA will keep you entertained for longer. If you have a spare £30 give it a go. I played the demo of the new pro evo the other day and normally I HATE it but have to say the new one is pretty good
  4. The News of the World is reporting that Southampton are after Matty - dont know why they are bothering after we have just turned Preston down.
  5. Point 1. I can never get close enough to use the circle tackle button Point 2. Close or far when ever I pass it goes straight to them Point 3. This may be a big point where I am going wrong as I thought that the cpu always controled the keeper
  6. I want Matty to stay and be great more than anyone but I would have loved to see him playing again week in week out showing all of those non believers out there what we threw away. I just wonder if the bid would have been rejected if Bellers were to be fit
  7. Right guys come on I need some help. Normally I get a game and I am straight in and loving it. Now, although I like what they have done with the new fifa I just cant get the hang of it. Previously, I used to destroy anyone that rose to the challenge but now I am loosing most games at least 3-0 If I have the ball in defense and play it forward I am always tackled. If I try and tackle them I get a card The opo ALWAYS seem allot faster than me (even when I hold the sprint button and flick the right analog stick) When the opo takes a shot it flies into the back of the net - when I do it flies into the keepers arms If I bring my goalie out he just kind of runs along side their player and doesn't tackle him No Matter what formation I play I always seem to have one up front and none at the back and none in the middle Any advise would be appreciated
  8. What are you on about They havent even put Steven Reid in this years game. Have a closer look and you will find that its Freddie Mercury
  9. Ok had a proper go last night:- Played online - They have made this much better. You can list people by their connection and you can choose not to play people with a high DNF rating (Did Not Finish) Played Career - So much better than before as you get to:- Choose sponsors - This helps with your incoming Cash - obviously Loan Players Out - before you could only sell them Talk to the media - I lost a game and it gave me comments to respond to the press - the same as footman - I gave a good answer and it give me +5 support points from the fans. You can also choose the price of tickets. Well, not really but you can say if you want high prices - low prices or medium prices. I am only 5 games into my carrer and unlike others I am not finding it too easy - just about right to be honest. I play on Semi Pro. I won my first match with ease but then Liverpool beat me 4-1 and Fulham beat me 1-0. I then won my next game and then played a cup match against Boston where I lost 1-0. I am struggling to master the new movement and controls at the mo but I am sure I will get there. Also last night, I went into the retro room on it and played FIFA 04. I just couldn't stop smiling all the way through it - happy memories from that. There seems to be loads of things to unlock too which will keep me busy for a while.
  10. I like the corners too because instead of just cross/head = goal you get deflections and it bobbles around allot in the area Really loving the game
  11. Allot of people I know think that Cock-er is quite an apt name for me. Cant think why?
  12. Aye I saw that but when you hold the shot button the bar zooms across faster than Superman running home to have a dump. Guess the free kicks being harder is a good thing though as I used to hate playing online and when someone got a free kick they would nearly always score
  13. I dont know if anyone watched Match of the Day but Mark Lawrenson said and I quote (well roughly) "I dont know about his celebration, he wont be aloud to do that every week" I thought to myself - you have never seen Kuqi play before have you? Otherwise you would know that when he scores that is what he does. Then again, Lawrenson dosent bother with watching the lower division teams.
  14. I am loving the corners but how do you score from a free kick - I havent even got one on target to far. I like the idea of bringing another bloke in for a short pass though. Dont know what you mean by them standing around. ALL the players seem to move as they should have done all along. Playing it last night, instead of games ending with 4 or 5 goals we were coming out with 1-0's and 0-0 It just makes it all the better when you think you need to score rather than you are going to score Top Top Game
  15. Right, time to lay down the law. 1. I cant find another thread just talking about the new fifa (and I refuse to stick it in the pro evo one) 2. Here are the steps:- 2a: Get the new FIFA 2b: Get some mates 2c: Get some booze 2d: Get some munch 2e: DO NOT READ ANY INSTRUCTIONS 3: Play the new FIFA Thats what we did tonight and its fookin ace. Ok, I didnt play carrer/online or really look into it but its fantastic after a few scoops. Only thing I found in my first 5 hours of playing is that:- Owen is still at Real Amo starts and Nelson dosent THATS MY ONLY COMPLAINT GO AND BUY THIS GAME IT ROCKS RIGHT, OFF TO SEE WHATS BURNING
  16. This made me laugh from the BBC site:- In an attempt to emulate the two draws they got against United last season, Blackburn boss Mark Hughes opted for the defensive qualities offered by Pedersen over Brett Emerton If I am right (and I think 100% I am) Ped has played up front before whilst Emerton has played in defence which just proves the above quote to be a pile of old tosh
  17. Nice one, thats what I go with most weekends
  18. I was going to ask about this the other day but thought I might sound like a perv Well done Jim
  19. Whats your mobile number? I may need to give you a call next time I am in a debate The problem I have is that he isnt a 'real' fan so most of the history stuff will mean nothing to him - its these sorts of fans that wind me up the most
  20. Already tried that. I got a cold shiver when I actually heard myself banging on about what we had won and what they hadn't and thought - shut your mouth, you sound like a Man U fan.
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