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Roverthechimp last won the day on May 12 2018

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  1. I am guessing that O’Riordan (spelling??) has failed to impress in preseason - so the above question becomes very relevant
  2. How much money is needed to fund us until January? That is the initial fee for SS (I’m guessing 5m) with addons totaling 3m and a sell on (pointless but sounds good) meaning it will be announced as an undisclosed transfer “believed to be totaling over 10m…
  3. Why not - we have one for relegation with made up results 🤔😉🤣 Sure there will be some crossover - I like that this thread is liberal in terms of “the subject” but sometimes it would be nice just to read about players we are linked to and their merits/drawbacks without diverging into dunking biscuits and teacakes (discussions which I also enjoy for the record)
  4. We are on a new journey/project/chapter/era/model… U21 is the future - low wages/costs, guaranteed comp/fees and little pressure on actual results/achievements
  5. Or simply allow discussion on players linked. Too high wages is a fair discussion alongside their perceived ability - why we have no money and who amongst the shadows is controlling things is not. Mods decision final and much less leeway for tangents in that thread.
  6. Any update on Leonard? Bit concerning that he wasn’t among the subs or is it known that he will miss the start of the season?
  7. Was thinking the same thing. Wonder what the ”record” actually refers to as there is no way in hell that they shifted more shirts today than on all previous release days… Or is it record numbers for a day in this financial period 🥳🤡
  8. I think it is likely that we were due to pay the next installment of his fee… Strongly suspect that the buying club merely took on our obligations as there is no way in hell we got the reported fee for him
  9. Ironically that is probably how Brum saw it - getting rid is easy but replacing with an upgrade is tougher when the decision makers are tools
  10. Each time we have sold/lost our top scorer then a “big money” signing has come good the following season (Armstrong, Brereton, Sammie S) Given our recent lack of spending that should mean Gallagher comes good and bags 25 goals next season 🤔🫣🤣
  11. A mention for Kyle “Derek the builder” McFadz who has been solid today Eating my words
  12. Great - the fuck ugly losers kit and Derek the builder at center half… What can possibly go wrong?🫢🫣
  13. Expecting a full house on my bullshit bingo card if we stay up regardless of if we lose today Togetherness, build together, a solid platform, miraculous escape, senior players character and courage, young squad, fantastic achievement that lays the groundwork for a bright future after a summer on the grass… That said I expect roughly the same bs if we get relegated by 1 goal (my expectation)
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