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Everything posted by Tris

  1. I don't completely agree - except for the statement that apathy kicked in some time ago. Anyone with even a passing interest in the Rovers surely knows the importance of this tie, without the need for "advertising in lights." If there are lapsed fans out there who haven't cottoned on via their mates, local press, local radio and national media, then those are folk who aren't ever going to come back inside Ewood Park. It shouldn't be about Rovers enticing the stayaways to the game - as if the bargain tickets aren't enough. Whilst the Premier League has for many become stale, here is a chance to progress into a competition with a bit of excitement, an element of the unknown - a welcome break from the norm. That alone should get lazy arsed pub dwellers through the gate at least just this once. Far from giving away tickets (by bundling with future games) the club should expect that generous pricing and the immense carrot of four more European fixtures will bring the stayaways out in force to support the team. It's the least the players and management deserve having got this far. 8 days ago West Ham were turning fans away in tears - it was a lockout for the visit of Palermo. I know we're never going to see that at Ewood (unless Celtic come back one day), but it would be nice if there's a decent crowd in for this really important game.
  2. European football - the chance that every club strives for outside of the annual Champions League Foursome. A healthy position from which to progress into the group stage. The match which dictates whether the immense effort of 38 tough league games last season was a waste of time or not. 15 quid in - anywhere in Ewood. If nothing else, we might find out how many non-season ticket holders give a stuff!!!!
  3. If every seat for every game was a tenner then you would destroy the season ticket base in one stroke of ill considered pricing policy - and with it a vital injection of hard cash at the time of year that every club most needs it. This latest policy appears to be to maximise revenue from away fans having already protected the huge majority of home fans - loyal ST holders - from any increase in cost. Having previously tried plenty of other tactics to boost gate revenue then this one is surely worth a shot. It's easy to slag the club off on here or in the pub, but those who do so can't see the attendance data, trends and stats that those who run the club have used to build a pricing structure both for Season Tickets and walk up fans - designed to max revenue and get the best possible team on the pitch. And the fact is EIT, that you have consistently been having a go at John Williams for years, whatever the clubs pricing policy happens to be at the time. And each time someone points out the challenging parameters within which Rovers have to operate, you make a reference to JW's salary and say he should be able to sort it out! Would you like him to have a go at changing the Lancashire climate while he's at it - I mean for that sort of salary ... ... ...
  4. Personally don't like him (or anyone else on TalkSport much) - but this article on Alan Brazil in the Telegraph made me chuckle. Seems like he enjoys a drink or two. An awful lot of Brazil is bubbly
  5. And as for Dunn's fitness or suitability for a return to Ewood Park? I think you need at least one more "allegedly" in there by the way - possibly two.
  6. Hold on!! I remember when he was sold to Brum you said he'd be a fitter and better player away from Rovers as Souness' training methods bore some responsibility for his poor fitness and injuries!! And if "he's honing his fitness for us now" - why didn't he bother five years ago if he cares so much about the club he supports? I'll repeat the type of arrangement he should return to - if at all:
  7. Beam back a UEFA Cup game to Ewood!!!!
  8. Before getting cocky and abusive, perhaps you would explain how Rovers can force any TV channel you care to mention to buy rights for a game which don't even belong to Rovers to sell?
  9. It has nothing to do with poor marketing - or indeed Rovers - they take no blame whatsoever. They have no say over the rights for the away leg, so it's entirely up to domestic broadcasters themselves to judge whether they want to spend money on the rights. And (for the nth time) once Channel 5 and ITV4 had cherry picked Spurs / Newcastle / West Ham our game was never going to be on. To be fair, in terms of maximising revenue Rovers have done exactly the right thing. It's already clear that Rovers are not an attractive proposition to TV companies, even less so should this tie be a dead duck after the 1st leg. As this game is free for ST holders, the walk-on crowd was never going to generate much cash at 15 quid a head - TV or no TV coverage. I have no idea what Rovers will get from the TV rights - wild guess somewhere between £50 grand and £150 grand. So between 3500 and 10000 paying adults. There is no way in the world that having the game on TV will cause a swing in walk-on punters of anything approaching 3500 - or even 1000 come to that. So the Rovers may as well bank whatever TV cash they can now.
  10. Eurosport are not showing Rovers tomorrow night. They are showing Derry v PSG. They are showing Rovers home fixture on 28th.
  11. Eurosport are not showing Rovers tomorrow night. They are showing Derry v PSG. They are showing Rovers home game on 28th.
  12. Hero? Craig Bellamy?? But he epitomises the overpaid thug that Alan refers to! With his Bentley Continental and his Ferrari and his impending assualt case, not to mention the guilty plea for failing to produce an insurance document at the court hearing for that offence earlier in the year. He's not a hero. He's a gifted footballer, but he's not the sort of hero I think you're looking for Paul.
  13. You lot think Salzburg's going to be good - but you'll be missing << this >>. No self respecting Rovers fan can be happy to be away.
  14. How on earth are Rovers supposed to "put the game on the telly"??
  15. However it's also been on SSNews all morning, Radio 1 news all morning, and on the lunchtime bulletin they quoted a Rovers spokesman who'd told them Gray doesn't want to talk about it but he's been wearing shades all week and has a lump on his face. Must have walked into a door.
  16. Eurosport have boxing and cycling listed for that evening, with a 60 mins UEFA cup highlights programme at 11pm. This links to a page with all live games on Thurs 14th and is usually accurate and up to date.
  17. Strange. Last time there was a vote on this subject the same thing happened. The votes in favour of the drummers mysteriously kept creeping up. It must be quiet people - they rarely post any opinion to go with their votes. That trend was noticeable last time as well!
  18. Is your uncle going? Giddy Goat and I saved him from a pair of security guards in the Hotel Rodina in Sofia - he was having a kip on the floor by the lift.
  19. West Ham on ITV4 Rangers on BBC1 Scotland Rovers on diddly squat
  20. What's this weeks forecast got to do with next weeks weather?!?! It's going to p!ss it down, there are no decent bars there, you won't get tickets, if you do the view will be crap, the plastic pitch will be unplayable cos of the rain, Nelsen's injured, remember Ankara, we're always sh!t in Europe, you'll get whacked on the head with a wooden club (again). I'm glad to be stuck in the office - I've never liked Austria anyway. :ph34r:
  21. I'm similarly excited by the signing of Nonda ... I think he could be the best of the 4 new strikers. Hope the imbibing of fine wine hasn't clouded your judgement philip!!
  22. If Dunn ever comes back to Rovers it should be under the following conditions : (1) Only on a free (2) With a zero signing on fee (3) On a pay-as-you-play deal for the first 6 months, with the carrot of a 12 month incentive-based contract if he knuckles down and performs in those first 6 months. That's the only way we'll find out how much he really wants to feature at the top level for this football club. Let's face it - he's meant to be a fan like the rest of us. And the rest of us would play for nowt if we could.
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