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Everything posted by Bethnal

  1. Only watching last 20 mins or so, but not a great showing so far. Only positive is Hyam continues to look very, very solid at this level.
  2. “We got him on loan from VfB Stuttgart, Gregg had a look and thought he looked the part, Clinton Mooooola M-O-L-A, Moooooola.” etc
  3. I suspect every bid that’s going to be made for him “tomorrow” will already be in, so both BBD and JDT know full well the likelihood of him going or not, based on how many are in and how much they’re for.
  4. Quick mention for Hyam doing exactly as Coventry fans were saying. Incredibly solid 7/10 so far.
  5. You can hear him getting a lot of “man on” shouts and he’s just totally unfazed and in control. Mad.
  6. Done well so far tonight. Tracking, battling and looking to carry it when he can. Dolan’s regressed, I’ve got to think this is last chance as a starter. If he doesn’t impress, he’s on the bench for the foreseeable.
  7. Morton’s just covering Trav when he’s drawn out. You can see Morton’s got the right stuff, he’s got a good football brain already.
  8. I’d like to see an LB (direct competition) and an RB (cover) in, but if it’s just LB, I won’t be disappointed with the business this window at all. If we get either/both done cheaply and have something to spend in the event of emergency/opportunity in January, it’ll be astute and in line with the gradual build (which you can moan about all you want, but it’s what’s been outlined and what appears to be happening).
  9. The Hirst deal structure conjecture is really tedious. It’s all of your respective rights to post about it, but as a reader, it’s my right to tell you how utterly boring it is.
  10. This reads like if an AI had been reading BRFCS the past few days, it’s good stuff.
  11. Keen to see Hirst in action. Can understand why people are dismissing him, but as we’ve found out ourselves with BBD, sometimes things just click for a player and they kick on. Second half of last season at Portsmouth, they did for Hirst. Every chance he can continue on that trend and he has attributes that could fill the gap. For those dismissing him because of the level he’s at; a little over ten years ago, Leicester paid £1m for a 24-year-old striker banging them in at Conference level. He’s done alright since, but I wonder how many of us would have dismissed him out of hand?
  12. If we land Ross Barkley in this transfer window, I’ll personally hunt down anyone who says ill about GB going forward. An enormous coup. Having said that, I reckon it’s about as likely as us signing Ronaldinho was at the beginning of the Venky’s era.
  13. If the George Hirst thing is real, then JDT/Broughton have identified the need for a focal point in attack, at least. Clear aerial threat and 100% a big, strong striker. A big jump from L1 to Championship, but for everyone who wants that focal point, he’s an option.
  14. Was just looking into him and had to share this image, where three apparently-professional footballers appear terrified of the ball. Look at their little hands! They don’t know what to do with themselves.
  15. It’s the first window, they’ve only been in the job a couple of months, one of the new recruitment team sadly passed away shortly after accepting an offer to join the club and we’re looking for a new European link anyway. As it happens, I’m fairly sure Pukki came in some time after Farke joined, possibly a season in.
  16. Overseas is probably BBD’s best footballing move. His progress through exposure to the Chilean National setup could be replicated again in a different footballing culture. Club now need to ensure Wasserman don’t play silly buggers over who they want to speak to/close a deal with. It should be the highest bidder and we should be looking to encourage a club to win the auction and have the clearance to complete a deal. From my very limited dealings with them (not in sports, admittedly) “Team Wass” are incredibly well-connected, knowledgable and competent from a client perspective but - generally speaking - a bit of a nightmare to deal with if you’re on the other side of the table. Hopefully Waggott and Suhail are up to the task. (🫤)
  17. Obviously he’s good, but I suppose my point is I wouldn’t fancy him to bet 20 goals in half a season in the championship, not least in our side last season. I didn’t fancy Brereton either, but putting the players side-by-side, Everton get a better player now than what they have and Chelsea will have to wait to see if Gordon becomes excellent or turns out like Ross Barkley for them.
  18. Apparently Gordon doesn’t want to go to Chelsea anyway, but I don’t see the £60m player anyone else sees. Didn’t rate him watching him in the bits I have and think his style diving/shithousery is a huge negative. Can understand Everton wanting to cash in, but if Gordon’s a starter (as I believe) then BBD would be, as well. Can only wish him well. He turned in a sub appearance at Bradford last night, no stropping in general and I’d like to see him do well, but no striker since Craig Bellamy has really kicked on after leaving us.
  19. Great first post! You could do worse than actually sending this to the club, you know.
  20. 9 days is both a very long time and not very long at all, so I’m anxious to see movement, but aware that we could have a signing lined up to announce this afternoon and I’d be none the wiser either way. I have to be hopeful and assume everyone is capable, but the only time I’ll know is at the end of it.
  21. Seen this a lot in business. People getting involved in areas outside their remit because they think they’re bored in their role, when actually they just can’t do it and need to cover that up. Waggott strikes me as a good communicator with individuals, but not an enormous amount of anything else. To quote one of my favourite TV characters; “a .22 calibre mind in a .357 magnum world.”
  22. No, perhaps I wasn’t clear enough, but I was isolating some of the problem areas and finding a potential reasoning for inaction around each of them, which aligned with how I might tackle each, on their own. I’m not suggesting that we shouldn’t sign anyone, but I can see - for instance - why we aren’t just signing absolutely anybody at CB. If I was gonna hire someone because an area was weak, I’d want to make sure they can do the job and better than what I had, not just fill a gap for a couple of weeks. Similarly, I wouldn’t want to have a surplus, because it’s not a wise expenditure unless you can find the work for them. In a normal business, that’s growth, but I suppose in football, it’s rotation, which comes with its own issues. I can’t say either way on the younger players coming through at CM, I haven’t seen enough of them. Broughton and Tomasson will likely have a better perspective than either of us, so if they feel they’re not far away, they may be reluctant to spend there when elsewhere needs the funds. The point of the post was to shine a bit of light on the nuances around each, as we fans tend to look at the results, when the plan should anticipate wobbles. Not saying categorically that I’m right, but that’s where my thinking has been the past couple of days.
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