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Everything posted by bluebruce

  1. Fuck what it costs Venkys though, it's what it costs us 😞 Get what you're driving at though.
  2. You wouldn't have been highly disappointed to lose at home to a team below us, and a playoff rival to boot, on the back of a great run of form? I would. But a draw is fine. Got to be getting something from Boro too for me, we are at home.
  3. Dolan is plenty good enough but he is never going to shine in these conditions. He needs a nice smooth pitch to be at his best. He has also not started for a while and isn't match sharp.
  4. I mean, where did he think the ball was, nestled on Dolan's thigh? Clearly a frustrated lunge that should have seen him walking down the tunnel. Not sure Van Hecke should have ended up on the pitch either though, but that was later and probably wouldn't have happened if Hudds had 10 men and had to sit back.
  5. I was anxious about not making any changes as I expected us to have less energy. A couple of the lads had started to look leggy at the end of the Barnsley game and the pitch was always going to be a slog. That said I understood it, as you can't really justify changing a team that had won so many in a row. Besides, Huddersfield had only 1 less day of rest than us and they managed.
  6. Can't win them all, I felt a draw was due. Not the end of the world, need to ensure it doesn't stall our momentum. Don't think the pitch helped our attacking play, we need to be handling these conditions better (in terms of stopping them happening).
  7. Ref giving us a free kick when advantage should have been played.
  8. Rothwell and Pickering were both touted as set piece specialists when they arrived. I don't think either has ever scored a free kick for us. Not sure we have scored a direct free kick since Mulgrew? Feel like there might be one somewhere, but even one in all that time is a poor return.
  9. Why do Rothwell's direct free kicks always seem to go over?
  10. No, went into his side. The benefit of replays. I should add though, I've seen them given. However, should have been a free kick on the edge of the box just before it.
  11. I'd have to say it wasn't. Just muscled him. As much as I wanted it...
  12. Need to make a breakthrough. We know how these games can go...fully expected it to happen against Barnsley
  13. Good stuff, shame it's not in the league, they really need points. Could be good for confidence though. Scorers? Found myself wondering who will play up front if McBride and Burns are off on loan as is being reported.
  14. It's our conversion rate that has increased, doubt our number of chances has. What has improved for me is the quality of the chances, which I see as a result of switching to counter attacking. It creates more clear cut chances. As for Gally, he has the hardest shot at the club. He is fairly quick. He is a physical presence and works hard. Unfortunately he has a touch that would shame a Catholic priest and poor decision making.
  15. I don't see why that should make any difference. No work the next day for most I expect. There are three 3pm games on Monday.
  16. On which note, does anybody know why it's a 2pm kick off?
  17. I was wondering if his Spanish has come along yet...the answer is clearly no! Ah well, great to see Chileans willing to fly out in these uncertain times to see us and our famous Chilean. It won't become a regular occurrence that will up our gates of course, but great for the player and great for those two lads who got to see him score, meet him and take a signed shirt home for their troubles.
  18. Disagree. It was apparent early doors this season to me, and others commented I think as early as pre season. He hasn't become bulky, and is still slight, but he is clearly visibly less scrawny than he was before, and more importantly, stronger. He isn't getting brushed off the ball with anything like the regularity he was last season as a result. I'm sure I read recently that this was worked on intentionally by the club too. It's not the only area of his game that has stepped up, but it has helped.
  19. Which means it is very likely not a good enough offer to convince them and will need to be upped. Which means they CANNOT be afforded. If we offered Messi 20k a week, he would reject it. Because we can't afford him.
  20. Only a highlight reel, but doesn't look too bad for a free punt from the Irish league. 2019/20 season too, so may have improved since. Presumably cover at RB for both first team and u23s. Wages will be very low. I do wonder if we could have made a more ambitious move for this position, but hopefully we have found a gem.
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