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Everything posted by bluebruce

  1. In the fantasy land where we get promoted, it's highly unlikely they would even still want to leave. In fact the ball would be very much in our court at that point on whether we wanted to keep them or get Prem quality.
  2. This notion I keep seeing, that Nyambe can be easily replaced with a few hundred k spent in League One, a la Pickering, is deeply flawed. Firstly, it's early days with Pickering. He is in good form right now but overall has been a mixed bag so far. Attacking wise he looks good, but defensively has been inconsistent. Secondly, even if Pickering is the man to fill the role long term, look how many players and seasons it has taken to find him. We have had Bell, Williams Cunningham and Douglas, with the likes of Downing and JRC wedged in there at times. Thirdly, since some are suggesting sell Nyambe for a few hundred k and buy someone for a few hundred k, worrh observing that we don't get very much of our sales back in money to spend on fees. See Raya and Armstrong. I'm sure someone will feel like mentioning Edun too, but we certainly don't know yet if he also makes a decent LB. It's not as simple as throw a few hundred k at League One because, recent form aside, Nyambe is a good RB at this level. I notice nobody has actually put out a name of a League One RB they think is already as good as RN. I reckon the same people saying all this will be happy if Nyambe just signs a new deal.
  3. It wouldn't have taken that much in the summer. I'm sure say 3k a week extra would have done the job back then.
  4. Disagree on Dolan, think he has done that here from day one. Definitely part of his natural game for me. Not sure if Buckley used to play like that in the u23s or not, but he was too frail last season to be doing it against men. Credit to the coaching team and Buckley himself for recognising the weakness (obvious as it was) and working on it. Rothwell and Brereton, fully agree, though both have the pace to be effective at it. We played a bit like this early doors last season and got a decent return from it, and then morphed into a team that preferred to laboriously stroke the ball around to no effect. I do wonder what could have been last season if we stuck with that approach instead of trying to be all silky. But the main thing is we are doing it right now. Hope it continues. And screw me sideways but I just realised - Tony has finally got his 5 at the back shite to return some points! Historically we have always been dreadful when it came out.
  5. I don't think that changes that the fans need to be more united. The amount of hateful bickering we have seen is tragic. Fans (both 'sides') need to learn to disagree peacefully and get along.
  6. That's not enough key players signed up long term tbh. Those are also players low paid enough that the negotiations are easy, or new players. Tbh I don't even want JRC to be signed up for so long unless he is on buttons, as it's looking increasingly likely he will never be able to stay fit for long enough.
  7. Possible. But I'd still take it if it meant wiping out most of our debt to them. That albatross around our necks worries me more every season no matter how good their intentions may or may not be.
  8. Harsh. The game isn't just about those things, especially for a CM, but he played a spot-on through ball to BBD who should have buried it. I'd consider that a memorable moment, and if Diaz was in his usual mood he would have had an assist. I'm not one of his backers btw, last season I thought he was mostly a liability.
  9. Got to be honest, looking at our run for the rest of 2021...Bournemouth aside, it's nothing to be afraid of. In current form, if Kaminski isn't out, we should be able to win most of the others. Famous last words I know...
  10. Absolutely. Promotion and subsequent relegation would still be a roaring triumph. We would have no trouble securing assets, and it would give us a fresh 3 year FFP cycle with far more financial clout. Look at how the relegated sides have done this season. Plenty of opportunity to go straight back up if it happened, with that extra muscle. Being a yoyo club for a bit can help make your side strong enough to eventually stay up.
  11. I thought we did sign Buckley up long term this summer. I wish we would do more 4 year with a 1 year option deals on young players whose wages aren't that high and look likely to improve though. Would reduce the pressure on our contract negotiations. Probably easier to get them to sign, plus longer before we have to renegotiate.
  12. Agree on Buckley, I was thinking during the game that I reckon there is more to come with him. I think spending more consistent time in his natural position is really helping and he has adjusted to the pace of the league. He has toughened up a bit, not getting bullied so much and become a real threat at nicking the ball. He's a clever player and I think the more he plays the better he will read the game and the more consistent those through balls will get. Also agree the Christmas schedule will be a serious test for this young, thin squad.
  13. If we are not a good side, what are the 20 teams below us (including Stoke, who we just bummed)?
  14. Well, I think it's fair to say Tony gets a stay of execution for now. Do I think his flaws will get us unstuck again at some point? Yes. But whilst we are in this kind of form it would be churlish to ask for his head. Despite his baffling decisions and absolute refusal to take accountability when things go wrong. Whether it's down to him or the players we have happen to be hitting form regardless is academic if he can deliver a shot at the promised land. I think it will go tits up again, especially if Kaminski is out for a stretch, but for now all we can do is enjoy this great win, great form and great position in the table!
  15. Booked 3 of our players for time wasting too. Think he had us on the pools.
  16. Terrible positioning from Pears there, he made the save well though.
  17. Not Ben's day. That's alright, he has some credit in the bank now, can't tear teams apart every game.
  18. Did I just see that right, Dolan got booked for no apparent reason even though someone kicked at him, and they got nothing even though someone else then went and shoved one of our players over. Terrible officiating. (Also Travis booked, think he was the one pushed over?)
  19. I mean, having your rib separated doesn't sound like a short term injury either? I think anything above 2 months would be a serious problem. Even a month could be long enough for a season to collapse.
  20. Our season definitely can't afford a long term injury to Kaminski
  21. What a goal! Had this weird feeling Khadra was gonna score after looking like his lack of nous in the final third was going to be a problem.
  22. Correct. However in this case it really wasn't a foul. Can't expect to run straight into a player and get a free kick.
  23. Nyambe playing poor again. Don't think this formation suits him.
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