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Everything posted by LeChuck

  1. Some people obviously care or topics like this wouldn't amount to 16 pages. I genuinely don't care, they can say what they want. Don't really see the point of e-mailing people and trying to change their minds...in fact, I quite like it that everyone hates us, makes it that much sweeter when we win.
  2. ummmmmm, yep..... = FA done the right thing = shhhhhhhhhh FA done the wrong thing = WE'RE DONE AGAINST DISGRACE BIG CLUB BIAS SACK THE FA RIGHT NOW Oh God, sorry....errrrmmmm........there's the media one still going. Go in that one, we're so hard done over there.
  3. Err, not really. If you read my post it is not entirely endearing is it now. I am anti FA at the moment and have been for sometime. (my disdain, I think runs all the way back to them not appointing Brian Clough as England manager) I simply do not like the way they run things. They seem totally clueless most of the time and they portray to me a clear and present bias. I didn't mean you USA, but this topic got about 4 or 5 pages of talk when people could complain, since he's been acquitted it's barely got 1.
  4. Interesting that everyone slagging off the FA has gone quiet...not quite as fun if we're not being hard done to is it? Still...there's still the media topic to rant in.
  5. Dowie on elbow incident. He says there it was a 19 year old, which rules out the possibility of it being Michael Hughes. I quite like the rest of that speech, especially the bit about him keeping in house until we play again...that's the way football should be.
  6. You didn't take your time, did you? Is it really that lonely in the Isle Of Man...?
  7. Rob Styles was originally due to referee this game, but he was switched to the Middlesbrough v Fulham Tuesday night match, and Walton rerouted from the Riverside to Ewood Park. And he went on to make a complete balls up and hand Middlesbrough an undeserved penalty in the last minute. Incidently, he's been given the job of reffing the FA cup final...another blunder by the FA.
  8. ...and credit for that post goes to the guy I stole it off.
  9. I can't see anything other than a Palace win in this one, I'm a huge fan of Dowie and I expect them to come out on top in what will be a very tactical game as we play similar formations. If the rumours of Dickov being out are true we may have more of a chance though because I've been far more impressed by Stead recently, he might not annoy defenders as much but he's looked a bigger creative threat.
  10. Apparently Van Persie has had stitches in the lip. That'll teach him for scoring good goals against us. Dirty? Us? Never!
  11. I've cheekily cut out part of your quote to sum it up better. We weren't good enough all over the pitch today, Nelsen put in the worst performance of his Rovers career so far and Matteo somehow managed to be worse than usual, I don't think I've ever seen such an incompetent player at left back. Mokoena didn't seem to do much in the holding role other than 5 yard passes, none of his trademark tackles today. The most baffling thing about today was Hughes' substitutions and tactics. Why on Earth was it left until the 82nd minute to bring on Jon Stead? He looked pretty sharp when he came on too, I'm sure we would have had a far better chance of getting a goal with him up front for more of the game. Pedersen was having a good game on the left but went out of the game when he was pushed up. It wasn't all negative...Friedel was amazing, Reid and Pedersen had good games and for periods of the game we matched them possesion wise. 3-0 was maybe slightly harsh, 2-0 would have been a fairer reflection, but without Friedel it could have been a lot worse.
  12. That's the only thing that spoils the game for me, completely defeats the point of making the rest of the game realistic. My formation is nothing spectacular but works great, solid centre backs with full backs who's primary objective is to defend. A defensive midfielder with the arrow pointing diagnolly backwards into the Makelele position and an athletic player alongside him who can go forward. One of the wide players is usually a winger type whereas the other is more solid but still contributes going forward. One of the two strikers is a support type and has his arrow going backward, the other has to be good in the air and strong as sometimes I adopt a 4-5-1 against good teams. Rustu Neill Nelsen Hubschman McEveley Emerton Savage Mokoena Pedersen Cavenaghi Bellamy That's how I'm lining up at the moment in most games...the tempo is quick, closing down is frequent and the rest is based on opposition. If it's a 4-5-1 then it's like: Rustu Neill Nelsen Hubschman McEveley Bellamy Savage Reid Mokoena Pedersen Cavenaghi Savage and Mokoena have their arrows going backward and the other 3 midfielders have their's going forward. The closing down is average with instructions to counter attack making use of a target man.
  13. Bandages isn't a new song, it's been around for years... Good song though.
  14. Yeah i've heard good things about them. Not just from the press. Could you describe them abit? what kind of stuff do they sound like? I can't really think what they sound like to be honest, it is quite distinctive...not ground breaking or anything, but finding comparisons is quite difficult. My Mum said the singing sounded a bit like David Bowie...make of that what you will. Have to say I'm a bit disappointed with the new album, it's a more relaxed effort but it's growing on me...doesn't quite have the edge that the debut one did though. If you're going to get some songs to get a flavour of them, get Remember Me, Fear Of Drowning, Carrion and Apologies To Insect Life. They're definitely a band that grow on you, it took me about 6 months to fully appreciate the first album. To really get the full experience of them though they have to be seen live, they are the most captivating live band I've ever seen. I went to see them again tonight and this was possibly their best showing yet. Unfortunately they've stopped the foliage and plastic heron activities that became their trademark, I'm guessing they didn't want it to become a gimmick. The variation of people that turn up to their gigs never ceases to amaze me, I was trapped between a 60 year old man and a punk rocker tonight...I can see why they apeal to a wide variety of people though. I overheard someone saying "you know you're watching the best band in the world right now" and at that moment I'd be suprised if you found anyone in the room who thought any different. After the gig I bumped into the guitarist and the drummer in the bar and they signed my shirt and shook my hand so I'm a very happy man tonight.
  15. Nah, you're not...it's just Stead doesn't run round like a headless chicken so he can't be first choice. To be fair, both of them should start against anyone other than top 4 sides...but if you start 4-1-4-1 against Leicester...what hope is there? Edit: Oooooops, forgot. Excellent result for us...but it was luck (complimented by hard work). Same against Arsenal...which is the game that matters...and we're out...you can't run your luck against the big teams that often. We need more going forward. For now though, enjoy taking the p**s out of the mancs, I know I have...they thought this was their game. Suckers!
  16. Everybody Knows That You're Insane is one of the best songs I've heard in years...starts off flowing almost like a Pink Floyd song then bursts into life at the chorus. Monday is a big day for me...the release of British Sea Power's new album; Open Season. They've been my favourite band since I saw them on a small stage at Leeds festival a few years ago (the strange picture in my sig is them) and, from what I've heard of the new album, it should be great. Slightly annoyed that it seems the media are starting to pick up on them (Mirror has it as album of the week), probably means I'll have to deal with weenie bandwagon jumping kids at future gigs...but I guess BSP deserve the credit.
  17. Its not steve bull is it - never got an england hatrick Nope, not Steve Bull.
  18. Ok...as far as I know, this is true: Who is the only player to score a hat-trick in Division 3, Division 2, Division 1, The Premiership, The FA Cup, The League Cup and at International level?
  19. He's dirty as hell...but we love him for it. Watch a re-run of the Liverpool game, lots of very cynical pushes and elbows.
  20. Well...you kind of answered your first statement at the end...with the talent available, they should have qualified. No Wales manager has had that kind of quality to call upon for a long time, and a quick glance at the current Wales squad will show you that Toshack won't have either...so inevitable comparisons will be unfair. Jones, Delaney, Gabbidon, Melville, Thatcher, Davies, Speed, Savage, Giggs, Bellamy, Hartson...that was a team more than capable of reaching a major final, they were certainly better than the Russian team they eventually went out to.
  21. No, no and...no! We struggle for goals from midfield as it is, taking him out of there and putting him up-front will just make us less likely to score.
  22. Back to your Michael Jackson obsession again are you?
  23. Stead's performance against Liverpool was better than anything I've seen off Dickov for a while, and he had less service in that game than Dickov has had. We have no reason to blindly stick by Dickov...yes, he's good...but he's not that good...a 70% fit Dickov certainly isn't better than a 100% fit Stead.
  24. Get Damien Francis in, he is an awesome attacking midfielder with a physical presence, also has 7 goals for Norwich this year from midfield and looks really good every time he plays...this includes Division One. Get him and Savage in midfield, someone proven up front and a competent left back and we are a top 8 team again. This summer is such a huge test for Sparky, he simply has to get this right otherwise he's not right for the job. 4-5-1 is a "make the best of what you have" type formation, it's not something we should be building on.
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