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SINCE 1996
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Everything posted by DeeCee

  1. I served my time engineering at Stanhill Ring spinning rather than weaving but my gran and aunties ran looms at Victoria mill, good but quite austere times thinking about it but that was what we did. #reminiscing
  2. Been on the piss in Ossy then Accy then back to Ossy for last orders, family meal out in Chorley with my kids and grand kids this affa, all good. Not got Corona virus yet........
  3. Managed a window in the weather and had an enjoyable hour or so ?
  4. I've left the Duchy for a week and am ensconced in Ossy talking to people with broad accents and wearing replica shirts etc as near as I can get now the games off.
  5. We'll, I'm going for a bike ride on the towpath of the cut with my granddaughter and dogs. At least it's not raining atm #thankfulforsmallmercies
  6. Well I only come up a couple of times a year, have only got one properly functioning lung and am approaching 62. I'll be at the match. Think it was Clint who said "We all gotta die sometime" I'll take my chance in the BBE
  7. Coming up this week for a visit to family so with me being a Jonah and being at the match (unless it's behind closed doors) I predict 0-0
  8. As a colour blind viewer, was the PNE Vs SWFC easy to distinguish, (shirts not sorts) on Quest tonight? Edited to say QPR not Wendies?
  9. My Scouse neighbour has been doing some work at Evans Cornwall residence. He asked him (about 3 weeks back) how's the football going? His reply was "As expected"
  10. The strips were new and vibrant in the awakening age of global TV.
  11. The positioning of the ball outside the quadrant for corners, still can't get used to it/bugs me every time I see it. ?
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