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Posts posted by R0verb0y

  1. 10 hours ago, renrag said:

    Welcome on board! Hope you really grab the Rovers bug and become a supporter of the only English club to win a major trophy in three different centuries, as well as being the countries (and possibly the worlds) most successful town club of all time. Hope your daughter also gets the Rovers fix in a big way.

    Plus what GHR has posted. This is information that you and your daughter will enjoy learning, I'm sure.

    But there's another part of being a fan of a club. And it's having a rival who are, ipso facto, inferior to the club you follow.

    So, when you're giving serious consideration to following Lancashire's Most Historic Football Club, can I gently enquire about the team you considered as your rivals when you were a Shaker?

    Whoever they are - Bolton Wanderers, maybe? - will you 'keep' them?

    Or will you join the majority of us on here in gently but firmly - for the majority of us on here - reminding our Championship neighbours to the east of Accrington that: it isn't that long ago that they were within 5 minutes of dropping out of the basement of the Football League; and there are still - at least two trophies: one for winning the Premier League; the other for winning the Football League Cup, which have graced our Boardroom but have never been seen in theirs?

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, renrag said:

    Agreed! As others have said, I also get the feeling the defenders feel more confident in him. At the end of the day, he had a few clean sheets before his absolute stinker at Wigan, which would have destroyed the confidence of lesser characters.

    I can't help wondering if/hoping that, the new coaching regime at Brockhall has helped him improve.

    He may still mainly be coached by Benson; but I remember seeing something on the Rovers' website just before Christmas  about a new coaching regime at the club.

    Perhaps people higher up the current coaching system - Remy Reijnierse? ‐ now oversee the work of the likes of Benson more closely than the coaching squad was overseen in the Mowbray era?

  3. 4 hours ago, bluebruce said:

    He wasn't just picking out the worst (Murphy) of the dross we signed under Kean. He said 'and the list of expensive has-beens we've had' with Prem experience. Here's a few more off the top of my head:



    Rodwell (ok at times, but still, a very much faded force and a liability at times too)

    Wes Brown

    DJ Campbell

    Peter Whittingham (RIP, no disrespect intended, he was just past it at that point and it wasn't even the Championship)

    Elliott Ward


    I can't say they were all expensive as I don't know wages, but I'm sure none of those were worth what we paid them (possible exception of Rodwell if he was mostly pay-as-you-play, but he cost us in games at times and left for free shortly after). There's some others I'm perhaps being generous by not including, and doubtless some I've forgotten. Ignoring the list of Premiership youngsters with a few Prem games of experience who have flopped majorly too.

    There are some successes too, but you have to choose carefully when buying Prem players. Playing at or being on the books of a Prem club doesn't automatically make you good enough for this level, let alone the one above.

    Dear me, haven't we cheered on some dross in blue and white over recent years?!

    The names I've expunged from my memory bank!

  4. 5 hours ago, smiller14 said:

    .... .... .... ....

    As you've said, fighting at football is foolish and lives have been ruined. My best friend and soon to be best man at my wedding is a Dingle, and whilst I hope they lose every game for the rest of their existence I feel no need to resort to violence or wish physical harm on any of their supporters. 

    .... .... .... .... 

    That's brilliant, @smiller14!! That's a really good situation to be in.

    Guess you'll be getting wed during the close season?

  5. 1 hour ago, Upside Down said:

    Yes on this occasion I think he should have been given more time.

    When he hasn't even been given a chance to get the side together the way he wants. It's a bit mad. At least they have ambition to get out of this division, unlike a certain club I can think of.

    Which raises the question in my mind; "Which is better: i) owners who seem to have no plan, other than to keep sacking managers because those managers don't immediately get to, and keep, their team in the Promotion Zone; or ii) owners who seem - of late - to have no plan other than to let their team "pootle on" in the upper half of the table with no particular interest whether they succeed, or not."

    Sorry; but I'm at a very loose end tonight!

  6. 1 hour ago, goozburger said:

    The Manchester is a designated away pub. It begs the question what Tony Johnson was doing around there. When you learn that he was part of The Muckers, a group described as a "firm" on their forum, it starts to paint a somewhat different picture to the assumption that it was a drugged up or drunk Burnley fan looking for a fight and killing someone.

    Ah, apologies; I didn't realise that when posting earlier.

    (Memo to self: "Be in possession of all the facts before shooting your mouth off.")

    • Like 1
  7. 41 minutes ago, Tyrone Shoelaces said:

    Playing regularly has got to be an advantage as opposed to just training and sitting on the bench.

    In Mowbray’s time the attitude appeared to be that senior players were selected to play at that level as some sort of punishment and was to be avoided.

    Nowadays, thank goodness, JDT's attitude means that there's less chance of an "Us & Them" attitude between the "First team squad" and the U-21s.

    Younger players - eg, JRC - are getting a fairer chance of developing, hence becoming valued members of the pool of first traders.

    It must be good for their self-confidence.

    • Like 5
  8. On 05/03/2023 at 18:22, Proudtobeblue&white said:

    Welcome, it's a rollercoaster.

    But, having supported the Shakers, you'll be used to them!

    I used to work in, and live a short bus journey from Bury; and went to what turned out to be your last-ever game. The scenes of elation before the game as you and your fellow-Shakers celebrated promotion to League One were to be bitter memories as the tragedy unfolded.

    A lesson, God forbid, of what might happen to us if our owners got tired of owning us.

    • Like 1
  9. 7 hours ago, Gordon Ottershaw said:

    I know a few Burnley fansSome are ok, some have got a screw loose.  Also worked in Burnley in the 90s. I know we laugh about the place but there is a weird vibe about it. There seems to be a disproportionate amount of Not Rights there.

    In the sense that I've highlighted, they're like every football club, then, @Gordon Ottershaw.

    As I've mentioned - probably too often for some people on here!😉 - I have a former schoolmate who's as deeply a member of the Burnleh persuasion as I am of ours. He's loved That Lot for as long and as much, as I've loved Lancashire's Most Historic Football Club.

    In our weekly WhatsApp chats, there's regular banter about the two clubs and I know from my visits to him and his family in NZ that, when we're not separated by 12,000 miles, we can still keep our discussions sensible.

    However, another factor that enters this issue - and I don't know what the answer to this is - is the policing of events like this. As I've also mentioned on a number of occasions, I was born in Blackpool; and growing up there, I got to know that the 'Manchester' was a pub to be avoided in the height of the season and when there was a big football match at Bloomfield Road.

    I know we can't close all town centre pubs when there's a big match on in town and, obviously - I wasn't in the locality of the 'Manchester' before last Saturday's match - I don't know how great was the police presence was in the area of that particular pub then.

    But, when there's a big match on, there's surely a case for a big police presence to act as a deterrent to troublemakers??

    • Like 2
  10. 3 hours ago, davulsukur said:

    We're now at the point where we are most dangerous, to ourselves. Confidence is sky high, some really good results and now going into a game where the majority of fans are expecting a win, and in some cases, by a handsome margin.

    In the past this is exactly the sort of fixture that will trip us up/bring us back to earth etc

    I'm quietly confident we can get a win here but the nagging feeling we'll come a cropper isn't going away.

    I agree with you, there, @davulsukur  I hate the Bet365 Stadium marginally less than the I used to hate the Victoria Ground.

    They're a funny - in the sense of "awkward" - team, too! Although they're down in 16th place at present, I think they could well be one of those stumbling blocks who we'll do well to beat. And, as I think they'll be on a 'high' after last weekend, I think we'll have to be on the top of our game to come home with the three  points to make a statement to the other teams who play later over the weekend.

    Who knows, we might have to hope that Mr. Lemon-Drizzlecake's got his lads psyched up to beat Norwich on Sunday!

  11. 1 hour ago, rigger said:

    The season doesn't end till the fourth of June. 

    You may be right, technically @rigger; but to all intents and purposes, our season could end at the end of Luton Town game at Ewood at the end of next month.

    Assuming that, from now on, we get crowds of similar size to the home game at the end of our last promotion season, it would surely be completely and totally remiss - or, in plain English, "a sackable offence" - for Waggott not to have application forms for 2023-2024 Season tickets to be attached to all applications for, at least, a ticket for each and every home game in April.

  12. 1 hour ago, sympatheticclaret said:

    Dreadful news. I hope the full weight of the law comes down on the f***wit who did this !

    I understand a 33 year old man is in custody.  

    While I totally agree with your first sentence, @sympatheticclaret ‐ which right-minded person couldn't? - I think I heard - I wasn't paying full attention - on the BBC TV NW News at 1.30 that he's now been bailed.

  13. 4 hours ago, Tyrone Shoelaces said:

    I have the image of “ Tommy “ in “ Early Doors “.  The old guy that sits on his own in the corner of the pub. I never really understood drinking before a game. Especially at my age now. I'd be up and down to the toilet disturbing everybody.

    You and me both, these days @Tyrone Shoelaces! That's why I've now swapped to an aisle seat.

    Meanwhile, back on track of the missing season ticket-holders, I have one for the Riverside, but at my age and increasing infirmity, I sometimes get ready to go to a game but find that my normal pace is so slow these days that I can't do as much as I used to be able to do.

    E.g. last Saturday morning, I set off to go to town, then Ewood with three jobs to do: return a book to the central library; pay a cheque into my bank; then turn up at Ewood. I left home about 10.45 a.m. but found my walking pace between the first two jobs ‐ coupled with waiting to be served at the library and the bank - took me so long that I didn't emerge from the bank until 12.05! (Rather than the 11.30 I could have managed a couple of years ago. And thought I still could!)

    By then, I decided that traffic "going down the Bolton Road" would then have been so heavy that by the time I got to Ewood, I'd have missed most of the first half. So I called it a day and got a taxi - my usual mode of transport these days - back home and followed the game on Radio Lancs and - obvs! 😉 - here!

    I guess that the fact that I have a season ticket means that I would have been included in the attendance figure, even though I wasn't there. My season ticket works as much these days - together with my membership of the 1875 Club (another "Wraggott Wrip-off🤔?) - works as much as a kind of insurance policy premium, getting me first dibs for tickets at away grounds I've not seen us play on, as guaranteeing me that aisle seat.

    • Like 3
  14. On 04/03/2023 at 10:44, Tyrone Shoelaces said:

    Reading that the people who worked with him everywhere he played are falling over themselves to praise the lad. Mowbray thought otherwise and basically gave him away. I bet Brentford couldn’t believe their luck.

    I remember seeing an interview with Raya last season on a BBC "Football Focus". Listening to him in that interview, you wouldn't have realised he was ever on our books.

    He gave a lot of credit for his development to the people connected with Southport FC; I don't remember him saying much about his time as a Rovers. 

  15. On 27/02/2023 at 00:20, DE. said:

    "We were talking before the game about watching All or Nothing and Arsenal two years into Mikel's [Arteta] reign, he is close to getting the sack, people are wanting him out and it is a disaster," Potter added.

    "Obviously now things have changed a little bit, but that is just the way it is. You look at Jurgen's [Klopp] situation. He hasn't got the results and all of a sudden people want him out. That is just the nature of football."

    In regards to Klopp, do "people" want him out? Most Liverpool fans I've spoken to think he has enough credit in the bank to deserve time in the summer to put it right. Again, disingenuous to compare these scenarios as Klopp has more credit in the bank at Liverpool than Potter is ever likely to have at Chelsea. 

    I find the Arteta comparisons a bit lazy when used in defence of Potter, personally. I don't think the situations are especially comparable. Definitely not comparable as far as Klopp is concerned. 


    I agree with this.

    Time was, 50+ years ago, when I worked in the city; and I'm still in contact with quite a few of "the lads" I worked with back then. Most of them were "Reds" and I was the first Rovers' fan they'd ever met socially.

    Those Reds were adamant; that Klopp was, is, and (pretty well for as long as he wants to be) will be the manager for them.

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