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Everything posted by broadsword

  1. Yorkie's probably already burnt his. Are you still there, Yorke? Why haven't you flipped off yet?!
  2. Swing low, sweet Andy Cole Coming for to hit the ball high! Swing low, sweet Andy Cole, coming for to hit the ball high! We put him in on goal, and what did he do? He cocked it up and looked to the skies! We rolled the ball across and teed the prat up, He took his time and played an air shot, Swing low ...
  3. Nope. 18 hours since Cole left and no replacement. Souness out!
  4. That's something you've said before, naturlly I disagree.
  5. Shall we have a vote on how many goals he'll score this season? I'm going for 12 (now watch him score 25!)
  6. What on Earth is that?! McEverley at the back, he's been out for ages! And Nissa?! Emerton at RB?! Our best 11 (I think): Friedel Neill, Amoruso, Matteo, Gray Gally, Fergie, Tugay, de Pedro Dickov, Stead
  7. How can he be an after-thought if we'd been looking at him for a year? OK, so we didn't get McBride and ended up with Stead, but possibly we would've gone for him anyway? None of which detracts from Dave's original point that if you spend peanuts on a player, you don't necessarily get a monkey.
  8. Yes, Dickov. How can you say that for sure when there are no quotes to support it?
  9. If that is the case, is it really such a big deal? We'll find out who he is in time anyway, on the assumption that we sign him.
  10. I don't know waggy, getting rid of Cole's wages (if they are 60k/week) means we could bring in someone for 1.5 mill and pay them 30k/week. Or someone for 2 mill and pay them 20k/week. If we got rid of the Trinidadian parasite, Count of Monte Fisto Todd, and Flipflop, we can add a fe more too.
  11. As far as I know, it would be the board's decision to let him go for nothing, nowt to do with Souness. Hopefully we will not be paying his wages, that would be taking the pi$$. Some people on here just want an excuse to work themselves into a good froth.
  12. Blimey this is like a stock market crash or something. "Bought too many stocks in Cole, now leaping off a window ledge is the only answer!" Get it in proportion for goodness' sakes! Write-offs happen everywhere, it's not just us. "Laughing stock" I don't know! Bunch of drama queens!
  13. Ah but Billy, all these stories of Fergie falling out with players, they're just one-offs that in no way detract from his superb management skills. Whereas Souness regularly falls out with players because he is stubborn, ignorant and can't man-manage. Particularly since the players he's fallen out with are known for their placid natures. Just the same as Andy Cole hasn't become a shadow of his former self due to a poor goal return over the last two years, because he's the Premiership's second leading scorer. Compare to Paul Dickov, who scored more goals than him last season, but hasn't left behind a glittering career at previous clubs, doesn't put his hands on his hips, and has never scored a goal with his nose. I think it's clearly obvious that Cole should be made player-manager, Souness should be sacked and Dickov should never have been signed! Oi Souness! Nooooooooooooooooooo!
  14. I see an android army of robomen done out in Souness 'taches and bubble perms. "I vill obeyyyyy." Cole: He'd rather obey his missus than Graeme, Cole was the one who harmed team morale by not going on the trip away. Yorke: Need I say anything about this tosspot? If Souness had kept him happy then it'd have been bad for morale because he would have been kept in the team when he wasn't pulling his weight. Granted he shouldn't have been bought, but that's a trasfer-judgement matter, not a man-management problem. Todd: Has caused problems wherever he's been. He must've been managed well because he's leaving Rovers without having smacked anyone. Sukur: Eh? He left 'cos he didn't like it over here, just like Unsal. Grasping at straws there. Dunn: A strong personality who thought he could take on Souness and win, and as such be able to play in the first team and be a carousing man about town. Just like Yorke's, his attitude could not be tolerated. Berg: Mucked us about, Souness wasn't having it and got rid. You start off with a hypothesis and twist the facts to suit it, just like Revidge and Sylvain Waggythord, who are always putting the most ridiculous slant on things to suit their agendas. All I see in the above is strong management, as soon as you let one muppet get away with mucking the management about, you lose the dressing room and it's downhill all the way.
  15. I do remember him trying to head a goal at Man Utd and scoring it off his nose. And remember that air shot against Finland up at Anfield? He did one for us not long after.
  16. Was Ian Wright still a good striker when he played for Burnley then Jim?
  17. Alan and Cocker have it right, I'm sure.
  18. Let me guess, he was fifteenth highest scorer!
  19. Regardless of his playing ability, I'll be glad when his gone. It seems he's got a "big fish in small pond" attitude after coming to Rovers from Man Utd. That may be off-beam, but it's just my impression. I think the manager now favours work-rate and aggression over talent (that's not to suggest he wants a team of workaholic talentless players, just what his priority is ...)
  20. and Ashton has already gone hasn't he? And Beattie is unaffordable. Anyone who supports the Rovers as Chief Exec? Hmmm ... I seem to remember Peter Ridsdale saying he was a Leeds fan! I'd like a few more hard-nosed attributes in a CEO, gotta say!
  21. Have to agree with you Andy. Pay 100% of his wages to play in our reserves but be available for selection or pay 50% of his wages (allegedly) to play for our rivals. First option makes sense.
  22. But surely if you think it's his fault that season ticket sales are dwindling then you must think he's doing something wrong? So you must have some idea on how to correct the shortfall?
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