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Posts posted by Herbie6590

  1. The pod squad of Linz Lewis, Michael Taylor & Stuart Grimshaw reviews the season both on & off the field and awards the Mike Delap Trophy for the most accurate pre-season predictions.

    Thanks also to Bill Arthur, Louis Gee, Tom Schofield, Scott Sumner & Hollie Thurstan for their soundbites.

    Thanks to everyone who has helped us throughout the season - whether behind the scenes, as a panelist, helping us to book guests or being a guest !

    You are all wonderful & without you, we are naught but a whimsical notion...




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  2. 35 minutes ago, sympatheticclaret said:

    As I mentioned on another thread, eighteen months ago, I attempted to trace 51 lads who'd played u19's ( Colts ) Rugby at Blackburn Rugby Club between 1980-83, and with the help of various contacts, social media etc, I tracked down 47 of them. We had a fine well lubricated re-union in October 2017, but I was amazed that out of the 47 I traced, only 4 of them still resided within the Borough of Blackburn with Darwen.

    Of the others, 10 now lived in the Ribble Valley, 14 lived in other areas of Lancashire  ( Including Greater Manchester, Merseyside etc ), 12 lived in other parts of England & 1 in Glasgow. The expats. were France ( 2 ), New Zealand ( 2 ), and 1 each for Dubai, Italy and Sweden, leaving 4 untraced ....

    They virtually all kept up with information from home including Rover's fortunes, by way of family texts, streaming games, Facebook, Whatsapp, Facetime etc which makes us all realise how fortunate we are in the modern age .... has anybody any memories of going to great lengths to find ( or avoid ) scores from " Back in the Day " .... ?



    Likely Lads plot...”England F..”

  3. Former General Election candidate Duncan Miller, late of the "Venky's Out" party, attended last week's Fan Consultation Evening at Ewood and was won over by Steve Waggott & Tony Mowbray.

    In conversation with Ian Herbert, Duncan shares what was discussed, how it has impacted his thought process, his rationale & provides optimism for next season.

    Essential listening for those who still find the whole Venky's reign difficult to reconcile.


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  4. Just a quick heads up, the 2018/19 end of season review podcast will be recorded & edited later this week & will be out hopefully before next weekend all things being equal...

    Following the re-vamp of the site, the podcast page now has ben refreshed and shows all the pods from the last year...should you want to revisit the pre-season predictions before listening to the post-season episode then I can heartily recommend Ep 97 where numerous panelists stake their reputations & forecast anything from 8th to 19th.

    There are some prescient predictions about key players and the need to strengthen the squad in key areas - remember, this was recorded before Armstrong, Rodwell, Brereton & Chapman were signed...

    We'll have a think over the summer about "podcast strategy" for next season; if anyone has any ideas, any contacts for interesting interviewees or just generally wishes to contribute, please PM @Herbie6590 or contact us on the @brfcsdotcom Twitter if you prefer. 

    Thank you..!

  5. 24 minutes ago, Paul said:

    While I realise you're offering examples I feel the club would need to be a lot more creative than this. I do find it very hard to think of any new idea but do like the suggestion of discounts for loyalty.

    On an entirely selfish basis allowing ST holders out of the DE end car park ahead of away coaches would improve my matchday experience. We often wait 20-25 minutes to get out. I realise it's probably a police issue but I'd guess near 100% of those paying £200 for parking are ST holders. Perhaps the car parks at the BBE and DE should be disabled and ST only??

    No one initiative alone does the trick but the cumulative impact of a myriad of incremental ones might...I think this is what the club tried to find out when it did the surveys earlier this season. It is an ideal topic for crowdsourcing ideas...

  6. 5 hours ago, RevidgeBlue said:

    As an existing season ticket holder I don't EXPECT any perks or advantages. It seems to be the way of the world, entice new customers in with cheap deals whilst the loyalty of existing customers is ignored. "Brand new customers only" as the very funny Building Society ad went a few years back.

    However in an ideal world,  it would be nice if loyalty could be rewarded. What if for example you got £25 off your ST up to a maximum of 4 years so that in the 5th year you got £100 off the price? Would that help build the fan base and keep them? I don't know if the figures stack up practically on that though, if you got 10,000 people doing that you're a cool 1m p.a. down after 4 years. It might reduce the rate of "natural churn" i.e. the rate at which people drop off slightly though.

    This sort of stuff keeps sales & marketing directors in jobs year after year...the secret is to offer an incentive that is low cost to the club but high value to the customer...so things like going in a draw for a player meet & greet, signed shirts, free children’s tickets, discount concourse food, programme subscriptions etc all could be candidates.

    The more seasons you have a ticket, the more entries into the draw type of thing....

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  7. Just now, old darwen blue said:

    Go on then I’ll bite. 

    Why not give that age bracket free season tickets for a year and see if they buy one at full price the following year? I think we both know the answer to that. 

    Oh and in reference to your second sarcastic comment do I detect a resentment that senior citizens get cheaper tickets??

    ODB we seem to have got off on the wrong foot here...you originally raised a theoretical example & I responded with a similar theoretical example where the age profiles were reversed. FWW I’m much closer to being an OAP than a beneficiary of a 25 y/o ticket...sadly...for many reasons ?

    i was not intending in ANY way to be sarcastic so I’m sorry if it came across that way...??

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  8. It’s a massive jump from £90 to £319...FWIW I think we should encourage the club to price more creatively. I suspect the research undertaken last season has informed this decision & IMHO its worth a try to see if it retains interest & grows numbers in that demographic. 

    As a fan base we do seem to be prone to criticise the club for having little imagination regarding new initiatives & only ever get behind those that specifically benefit us personally. Rovers need to grow the next generation of supporters & this initiative is clearly an attempt to try something new.

    I would like to see them build in some kind of a loyalty reward that grows with the number of consecutive seasons a S/T is held - if this were to apply to all full price S/T holders this might sweeten the deal all round.


  9. 5 hours ago, old darwen blue said:

    So a 25 year old bloke buying his first season ticket can sit in the next seat to me when I’ve had one for years and pay just over half of what I will pay? 


    Hmmm seems fair....



    This initiative is clearly aimed at retaining the patronage of young people & to soften the transition from kids prices. The same argument in reverse could be levelled when that bloke is paying full price & you have a discounted senior citizen ticket.

    There is no pricing structure that pleases everyone. If season tickets were £50 each we’d then have people complaining that we have to sell all our players to pay the bills.

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  10. 1 hour ago, Tom said:

    They are lovely, remind me of the England Umbro kits 10 years or so ago which were more like a t shirt.

    Is there a pattern on the sleeve of the bottom one?

    Looks like it...the gold/sky blue trim looks superb....struggling to imagine it looking quite as good in grey & yellow...

  11. Just now, blueboy3333 said:

    Very good, and thanks to all those who've worked hard on it. Good links to all the social media stuff. 

    Is the Youtube channel the official Rovers channel? Could there be an additional link to unofficial stuff like all the 60's/70's/80's/90's  match stuff that is out there? 


    It is a feed so what we really could do with is a fan with loads of spare time & oodles of enthusiasm to start a YouTube account called Rovers Nostalgia say, and post them all in one feed & we could pick that up...

    I have toyed with it but just don't have enough time to do that & the pods as well but perhaps when I retire... !!!


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