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SINCE 1996
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Everything posted by Tom

  1. i lost my season ticket last year, they replaced it for free but said next time would be £10 if it happened again. I quite like this scheme that Peterborough are doing, any 12 Home games in the season with savings on match day prices. An idea that could be popular with people like @gumboots who wouldn’t get value from a full season ticket or a half season ticket https://www.theposh.com/tickets/12-game-flexi-ticket/ If priced right it seems a logical move for clubs with no obvious downside for anyone
  2. Bolton fans speculating that Vince McMahon is their new billionaire owner, will be interesting to see how it all plays out if true but not convinced. Seems there is an American taking over though
  3. Glad he got some game time, he hasn’t had much this season so good for him to get out on the pitch
  4. I want to hear his gospel singing. The lad has come on leaps and bounds, his reading of the game is so much better now and he uses his physical assets well. Not the complete article yet but far from being a liability overall.
  5. Would be a real shame to see it happen as could easily be us facing it. Their good start gives them a survival chance this early, they’d only be on -1 with third bottom on 4 points.
  6. What an absolute dickhead We've missed him for a few games on the back of this as well, if that was you or I we’d be carted off to custody now!
  7. If that’s true then he’s an absolute idiot and needs to get his head sorted ASAP. He may get away with it as the biggest fish in the pond here but he’d find himself with a floundering career if he moved to a higher club.
  8. If Mowbray himself said he needs to get his head straight he’s obviously not a happy bunny. Needs to get his head down and force a place on the bench as some good players are going to miss out this season.
  9. Not sure about this one, can’t ever remember a Brad being successful here
  10. Tony Watt just got the Scottish Premier league player of the month
  11. Agree you never called him useless that was hyperbolic on my side I just don’t think the show pony label is fair considering he’s scored more than anyone early this season outside of Dack and Mulgrew.
  12. You’ve decided he’s useless and won’t be swayed but 1 in 5 in the league is pretty good still. You can’t pin today’s result on him for not finishing a chance that most may have given up on rather than forcing an opportunity. As I said earlier if his finishing was perfect he wouldn’t be on Loan here! I’d be tempted to give Rothwell a start next time out but on current form they both should be ahead of Armstrong.
  13. That show pony has scored 3 goals in 7 games, only one or two of those playing in his favoured position! If he keeps that up he can be as equestrian as he likes!
  14. I know he was out in Manchester the night before he played in a pre season friendly, I have relatives that bumped into him in a few bars. Hes often pictured with his Mrs in bars and clubs.
  15. Dack being out last night isn’t a huge issue to me but I have to admit I find the frequency of it combined with his history a little concerning. Hes been caught up in things before and wasn’t it only last year (during his time with us) he assaulted a policeman in Manchester? Im sure it’s something Mowbray keeps a close eye on but I’m not 100% confident that there won’t be further incident.
  16. One thing people overlook is that he’s decent in the air, he’s no Graham but out of all the players behind Graham the only one likely to win a flick on. He stands out because he always comes and wants the ball, doesn’t always come off but always wants to make something happen. I personally found Armstrong more worthy of criticism today
  17. Frustrating, annoying and frankly shocking in the second half but I think we are on an upward curve. Considering the state this club was in when Mowbray arrived we are light years ahead and still going in the right direction. Lessons to learn from today, typically it happens just as our chance to bring new players in is gone. Worryingly for me the second half Evans looked like old Evans not Evans mk2 - hope he gets his head back up.
  18. Hope we’ve got several bad days at the office out of our system in one half, we couldn’t have been much worse if we tried this half. Not created anything and conceded 3 stinkers.
  19. No rhythm to our play this half so far, just haven’t looked like creating a chance. Loads of attacking talent still out there to get back in it. Scratch that another poor goal conceded. Thought Nuttall was fouled in the build up mind you
  20. Honestly you are insufferable, calm down with the hyperbole! Do you ever read your posts back after a game?
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