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Everything posted by Tom

  1. Abbey if you don't like the subject matter then don't discuss it, I don't comment on many threads for that reason, I also don't go in the movie thread and point out that each and every film is fake Any off topic posts like that will be removed in the future
  2. I'm finally up to date with game of thrones ready for series 3 Love it, its fantastic although any character I like ends up dead or gone Two of my favourites being Jagen, who I doubt we will see in his old form again and the dance teacher who I presume we won't see at all (no book spoilers or ill go all banny on you ) Tyrion is just fantastic though along with Bronn It makes me smile seeing slightly obscure British actors show up in roles in a major major show, for example Robb Stark was in Sirens, Bronn is half of Robson and Jerome (that shocked me when I realised it), half of the cast of skins seem to turn up and the fat guy from The Full Monty was only on the iron throne! I kind of want to try the books now but not sure if it would ruin it doing it this way round as you can't create any imagery from it
  3. But on the downside you had to go into a grainger games
  4. Brock HHH is the main event even if it doesn't main event it's the one we will get video packages of for weeks afterwards I expect Brodus clay and tensai with the funkettes vs Rhodes scholars and the bellas will be added at some stage maybe shoe horning Kaitlyn in somewhere Ill be gutted when they put Ryback over Henry, for me Henry should be in a title match, legit monster. One good thing is the set is likely to include a New York skyline and they better have Henry and ryback fight through it like a Godzilla movie.
  5. Used to go on there but the memberbase was too annoying, is that pyro guy still around? The only other forum I discuss wrestling on is neogaf which is manly a gaming forum
  6. Vince got that spot on the bloke should never be mentioned or acknowledged by them Its also self preservation for Vince due to the whole roid rage side of it
  7. I found the stuff about Jerry Lawlers mum in worse taste myself and then milking his heart attack That's vince for you
  8. Hall killed a man in the 80's I think his demons are too deeply set and no matter what he'll always go back to the drugs and booze DDP is good but he can't work miracles he'll sure try though
  9. Just wanted to mention the amazing work DDP is doing with Scott Hall and Jake Roberts. He took Roberts in and has helped him stay clean and is now trying to get Hall clean but it won't be an easy task. They've just raised $80k via a kick starter thing to get hip replacement surgery for Hall As an aside DDP yoga is really good, well worth doing
  10. John 3:16 is some biblical thing that is often seen at baseball and other American sports (16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.) Stone Cold Steve Austin referred to this in a 'promo' against the reliogous Jake Roberts but changed it to Austin 3:16 ('talk about John 3:16 but Austin 3:16 says i just whipped your ass) so after that wrestling fans used to have Austin 3:16 signs
  11. Well I got mine for free Gordon so I imagine they have given them to many big businesses to give to employees It's only for a year so they will be gambling on people taking it up for longer Was at the clogg and billy tonight, good food as usual and some of the staff were great but some of the younger waitresses seemed to spend most of their time huddled up and chatting
  12. I preferred the look of the line up for may Dibiase Gargano Steen Golddust (meh) Dreamer (should be good for hardcore match) Plus there's a 30 man rumble which is always a bonus We paid for front row seats so if we enjoy this one we'll be back
  13. Acension was Connor o Brian and Kenneth Cameron, the latter got released after he got arrested. Now Connor o Brian is going by the name the ascension. Ricardo actually wrestled a match under a mask recently as El local, they don't acknowledge him but it was quite funny seeing a little tubby luchadore. Really looking forward to PCW in April, not been before
  14. It's no longer a competition its like a televised developmental territory Big E Langston is the champ with Adrian Neville and Oliver Grey (both English) as tag team champs Matches are usually given time as well
  15. I have some hope for future viewing with HHH at the helm, NXT for me is the best mainstream wrestling show on TV with some super talented guys from the indies mixed with some greener powerhouse types who are actually entertaining. Adrian Neville (formally PAC from Newcastle), kassius Ohno (Chris hero) and the likes of Seth Rollins (formerly Tyler black) have all been given time to shine and El Generico should hopefully debut soon Then you have guys like the Wyatt family which is a fantastic gimmick and a women's division that is given chance to actually wrestle
  16. Heaven forbid I don't take it seriously at all but yes I enjoy watching just like I enjoy watching game of thrones or many things on TV, fiction can be fun
  17. First couple of hours of Max Payne 3 are really good, enjoying it so far
  18. Bearer played a huge part in getting Kane and Taker where they are today when you consider how little either of them ever spoke in the early days Meant to be a really nice guy as well, will be missed I'm going to a PCW event on April 26th Kevin Steen is there along with the million dollar man Ted Dibiase making an appearance.
  19. Think I need to be 100% more banny

  20. I don't even know what this does

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