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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. Then go and read the link I posted a few pages back and go wow again as you realised you probably missed a whole other level to it
  2. It's probably a bad move to tell you that Cataclysm brings Heroic Deadmines then . Despite only ever playing horde, I still always took friends that started playing on the long ass trek to get there as the right level horde (people that it's Alliance only, but it's not, it's just a bloody long way from anything Horde), 'cos yeah, I loved that place too. Don't get me wrong, unlike a lot of people that quit wow (and I haven't actually quit wow, I've just quit my agreement to turn up at set times for the raid team) I don't actually regret all the time I've spent in there. I've had some fantastic times and met some great people (several of whom I'm sure will be lifelong friends) but serious raiding (I wont say even say top end) got less about playing wow (it's a simple game, with simple mechanics) and more about managing people (in football terms it's a squad of 40, team of 25, 4 games a week, 4hrs a game... plus training) and frankly, it had become like a second job. I'm still a fan boy, I'm still looking forward to Cataclysm and I'll miss that buzz you get on the first kill of a new boss, but I wont miss the time it took up.
  3. The family part was never a problem, my wife is on the same raid team, but I do know a lot of people putting in the same hours I was, with young children ... which can't be good for them.
  4. Well, after playing almost every evening for almost 5 years (4 nights a week were competitive raiding for 4hrs straight) I've finally resigned from my raid team, stood down as an officer in the guild I've run for 4+ years and "gone social". I've loved the time I've spent in wow and I'm not stopping entirely, but since going self employed, I just can't justify the time any more.
  5. Whilst Steve Nzonzi's hamstring strain keeps him out of Saturday's game against Chelsea, Ryan Nelsen, Chris Samba, Vince Grella and Jason Roberts are all available. View full article
  6. The club's official text service has just announced that Nelsen and Salgado face late fitness checks before the Fulham game on Saturday. Keith Andrews is also reported to be still sidelined. View full article
  7. Product of Rovers' Academy and reserve team player Josh Morris has signed a two-year contract with the club (with an option to extend for a third year). View full article
  8. I know I've mentioned it before on here, but if you're looking to keep track of the Empire 500 (and any of the drier lists where half of the films are pre-1960) then check out the excellent http://www.framerater.co.uk/ (I'm tilt if anyone wants to follow me). Next on my Sky+ is Singing in the rain, which I have to be honest, I'm not looking forward to. Another Pro Tip if you're a Sky user doing one if these lists, their "never miss" feature on their website, which emails you when films of your choosing are scheduled to be shown, is a great way of saving money renting old films.
  9. I watched Casablanca for the first time this evening (part of my attempt to see all of the Empire Top 500). Unlike Citizen Cane, I didn't think it was overrated. Bogart owned every scene, the plot moved on swiftly and even though a diet of Red Dwarf meant I already knew the ending, it still brought a lump to my throat.
  10. You left before the end credits didn't you ? The soundtrack actually ends with this being done But for those that have seen inception (and if you haven't please please don't follow the link, it will ruin one of the best films in years) you should read THIS . It will change your view of the film (only one person I know of twigged this BEFORE reading the article), you realise you've been tricked, but in a good way. It's as if you'd missed the last 5 mins of the Usual Suspects and instead read the "Verbal Kent is Kaiser Sozey and this is why" reveal online, rather than in the film. There were so many things nagging me about Inception that I put down to Nolan being a little sloppy because he needed to keep the pace of the film up, now I realise it wasn't sloppy at all.
  11. Talking of WarioWare. Dabs are doing Smooth Moves for £21 if this kinda thing floats you boat. http://www.dabs.com/redirect.aspx?ReferrerID=JK&RedirectURL=/productview.aspx?quicklinx=5CSV
  12. My StarCraft II beta key arrived today. It's rather like StarCraft I (from the mid-90s) only with much shinier graphics, but that's no criticism, it's exactly what it *should* be.
  13. I watched Gran Torino from love film at the weekend, brilliant acting (clint's dialogue is mainly him growling), great direction, let down ever so slightly by being a bit predictable ... oh and by Clint's singing on the closing credits. But on the whole, it was excellent.
  14. I spent the weekend down in London watching two Carter USM gigs, they are still almost as good as they were in the 90s. But keep an eye out for two of the support acts who stood out. Tim Ten Yen - Who did catchy clever poppy stuff, but never taking itself seriously. Imagine mixing Yazoo, Hot Chip and John Shuttleworth. The King Blues - An awesome mix of ska, reggae, punk and folk wrapped around carter-esque guitars and lyrics. They are absolutely brilliant.
  15. Unforgiven is a truly excellent film.
  16. Some related advertising. Today only, Play.com are offering us extra commission (which is what pays for this site) on the Flash Forward novel by Robert J Sawyer that was the basis for the new (and rather good) Sci-Fi show. Play.com Flash Forward offer Has anybody read it already ? Is it any good ? At just a fiver I'm tempted to have a punt, just to find out. And whilst I'm pimping books. For those of you with a slightly geeky side or an interest or fear of either technology or privacy, then I loved Little Brother. It was so good that when I finished my copy lent by a friend, I went an bought 2 copies for friends, in an attempt to support the author.
  17. Thanks to some friends having a 2 year old, I've recently seen both Ratatouille or Nemo and thought they were both excellent (Nemo especially), however neither come close to Cars which I thought was possibly the best kids film I've seen (so good I bought it).
  18. Well. I've recently ticked off two "I can't believe you've never seen" films from Frametracker in the last couple of days. Tax Driver I thought was awesome and wished I'd seen years ago. Dark, broody, gripping, loved it. Scarface on the other hand was a badly paced, overly long, shot em up with no real plot. Pacino's performance is excellent, but it's tied around something much poorer than it's cult following would leave you to believe. Casino, Goodfellas, La Confidential, Untouchables, the list of better gangster movies is pretty long. The one upside is I now recognize a lot of the references in GTA:Vice City. I think next up will be Wall-E (because it's the only one left that I haven't seen, but I own).
  19. I may have seen Full Metal Jacket, but I'm unsure enough to watch it again, and no never seen V for Vendetta even though it *is* right up my street.
  20. COREY: Hey Shamu, this is your guy. PAPPAS: Pappas. Angelo Pappas. UTAH: Punk. Quarterback Punk. PAPPAS: Welcome to Sea World, kid. Fantastic Film
  21. I've been having fun playing with http://www.framerater.co.uk It tracks which of imdb's top 250 films you and your friends have seen. I'm on there as tilt (and this evenings tick off the list will be scarface).
  22. Warcraft ..... Blizzard's focus with wow in this expansion seem to be on making it more "casual friendly", no longer is end-game content limited to the best and those that could put most time in, now pretty much anyone capable of hitting the level cap can pug the "new" Naxxaramas 25 man, and you don't need much more work to do the harder 25 man dungeon. The "big thing" is now achievements (which work very much like the XBox ones), so now the "hardcore" guilds are shooting for "hard mode" achievements instead of just clearing (which most were doing within a month of the expansion coming out). I don't know if the player make-ups have changed much, I've always been horde (which has a much lower percentage of kids and tools) on a server with a strong community (rather than lots of end-game-raiding), so I've avoided a lot of the annoying lowlifes. The player base does seem to be slowly shrinking (10 million players and holding, officially), but I suspect next months Blizcon will see the announcement of "World of Starcraft" which will mean they won't lose subscribers. Oh and today's announcement that Sam Rami is directing the WoW movie won't hurt either.
  23. Prototype manages something very few games (other than the GTA series) do. It make you forgive all it's little failings, simply because IT'S UNBELIEVABLY STUPID FUN ! If you're going to compare it to anything, then compare it to Crackdown, because that pulled off the same trick. I can forgive it not having cutting edge graphics, when I can take down a helicopter with a round house kick, or barrage of well aimed zombie corpses. It's sheer wanton destruction for no good reason (very much like GTA used to be). Like crackdown they've managed to give you a character with super human abilities, but still keep some challenge in there. Other than [Prototype] and of course World of Warcraft, I'm spending my time on the 1 vs 100 beta (which effectively when played with your mates, becomes a pub quiz without beer, but is still fun regardless) and XBLA version of Monkey Island.
  24. To draw an analogy with John Williams, we are more intent on making the site pay for itself than relying on the trustees (or in our case, the kind people that donate). We have a nice cushion of money for now, bit we don't want to threaten the long term future by becoming reliant on it. I'd estimate a sensible target would be £100 per month.
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