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[Archived] Supporters Trust do we really trust them?


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Look what I have done by starting this thread has proven my point! It's ok to have a go at BRAG but when feel we have a justified issue we want raise you all jump to the defence of anyone who is not part of our Group.

I have openly offered the to open talks with the FF and with this post probably prevented it from happening. However I will always Stand and take the criticism.

In addition I must point out the email I posted did not state it was confidential. Neither did it contain the name of who it was sent to or by. Yes it contained Duncan's name but as Duncan has been leading this so issue in leaving his name in it. I apologise to Duncan if I have created any for any upset caused by leaving his name in the post.

Am I pleased with what I have done? No but neither do regret it. It seems to that we have big differences we need to get over.

If people want talk about it please DM me and will happily call them to discuss. Either way I will publically now call a truce and only comment where it will provide a constructive input on any thread. Or if you all request I will leave the forum

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I know we can have open meetings till the cows come home but maybe one more is needed, not hosted by BRAG or any group but by a neutral party with a chairman and lets try and thrash something out here.

I know who I'd ask to do this, the man who's had his finger on the pulse from day one.

If people want talk about it please DM me and will happily call them to discuss. Either way I will publically now call a truce and only comment where it will provide a constructive input on any thread. Or if you all request I will leave the forum

I'd like to think that neither you or Glen are unwelcome here.

But it is clear that a new direction needs to be undertaken to achieve the goals every supporter desires.

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In addition I must point out the email I posted did not state it was confidential. Neither did it contain the name of who it was sent to or by. Yes it contained Duncan's name but as Duncan has been leading this so issue in leaving his name in it. I apologise to Duncan if I have created any for any upset caused by leaving his name in the post.

I'm sorry, aren't private emails to specific people, erm, private? AKA not for free distribution on the Internet?

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Right or wrong. I have given an example of the damage that has been done. Anybody, supporter, lawyer etc etc could ask that question because of what has been going on recently. Which was why I said this is NOT an allegation - but a question.

Read other posts on this subject.

Others have asked why are there attempts to damage the FF or the BRST etc - why even do anything that could remotely discredit them, if BRAG are interested in unity etc.

I am opposed to BRAG - mainly because the way they have gone about things. For the club to be owned by supporters, if POSSIBLE is a fantastic idea. It is the money issue that is the main concern. But when you read this site - can you imagine a meeting with everybody on here as a shareholder at the moment. Forget Ok coral, it will be shoot out in the Blackburn Rovers board room.

BRAG keep shooting themselves, they are damaging what Wayne Wild is trying to do - not me or others.

No Pafell! You asked "who's paying you?"

Typical reply from you to hide what sort of a person you really are.

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Couple of questions Simon: (1) have the BRAG committee agreed in principal to meet with the FF, should the FF be wiling? (2) what do BRAG hope to gain from any such meeting? (3) is there a reason why you requested the meeting be before BRAG hold the meeting with what has been confirmed today as the full executive board of Blackburn Rovers?

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Simon yet again you appear to have set out to discredit people from the FF and BRST for what i can only presume is for your personal gain as an elected member of BRAG. Imo your original post tonight coming off the back of BRAGs latest press release is nothing short of embarassing and your like a little kid who will take his ball home if you dont get your own way.

I said a few days ago that i think you should resign from BRAG as your embarassing yourself and damaging/alienating the group that is supposed to represent the fans of Blackburn Rovers. How can anyone take you seriously when all you seem to set out to do is attempt to damage other fans groups just because their way of dealing with things is different to yours.

When the FF were invited to Pune it caused a mixed reaction but all they wanted to do is have their voice heard and even though Venkys chose to ignore what was said at least they managed to get that far. Do you really think your action group would get such an invite if Venkys did miraculously open up future communications as i doubt it due to your groups militant approach.

It says in your groups press release "Venkys have strategically put a divide amongst our fan base, turning supporter against supporter in our hour of need." All you seem to be doing is not turning supporter against supporter but fan group against fan group which to me seems to be the same so in reality you are contradicting your own group with your statements. Ps this is all my opinion and i have no affinity to any fan group

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The fact you are suggesting it is a private email would suggest you have something to hide or some wrong doing was going on.

The email was willingly released to me by the intended recipient. I had there full permission to release it with out either senders or recipients names on.

This is my last post on this subject. Admin can request you remove the whole thread

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Look what I have done by starting this thread has proven my point! It's ok to have a go at BRAG but when feel we have a justified issue we want raise you all jump to the defence of anyone who is not part of our Group.

I have openly offered the to open talks with the FF and with this post probably prevented it from happening. However I will always Stand and take the criticism.

In addition I must point out the email I posted did not state it was confidential. Neither did it contain the name of who it was sent to or by. Yes it contained Duncan's name but as Duncan has been leading this so issue in leaving his name in it. I apologise to Duncan if I have created any for any upset caused by leaving his name in the post.

Am I pleased with what I have done? No but neither do regret it. It seems to that we have big differences we need to get over.

If people want talk about it please DM me and will happily call them to discuss. Either way I will publically now call a truce and only comment where it will provide a constructive input on any thread. Or if you all request I will leave the forum

This is dialogue and not intended as a dig.

But can you not understand the damage that BRAG - though not alone - have done.

People have different opinions. Yet when they post them are being told they are not real supporters, pro-venky and Kean and are attacking supporters. Just because somebody is disagreeing with another poster, does not mean they are attacking them -which is what Glen said to me (as an example).

BRAG alone have given more ammumition to venkys than anybody else on this site. Conflict of interest.

Glens involvement with WEC - no matter how minor or major - right at the very beginning should have been made known - or declared, I think the term is.

It is possible that both you and he are not trained in such matters - hence possible mistakes. But ignorance in law is NOT a defence.

Fans ownership of Rovers is a good idea - but possible not feasible, because of money involved. BRAGs involvement in anyway shape or form in this plan, with wec, wayne wild is detrimentle to the whole plan.

Further involvement or further protests will damage things further. We need this club to stay in the premiership.

supporters should do nothing whatsoever to gamble that. Even the plan say promotion in two years from the championship - huge prediction.

Rather not be in that position in the first place. Also huge gamble.

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The fact you are suggesting it is a private email would suggest you have something to hide or some wrong doing was going on.

AH, I see! So emails between two people are malicious and "wrong". I get it now. </sarc>

We'll have to use WLM from now on. Your contact will have probably got that email today too.

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As far as I'm concerned all groups have acted disgracefully and I would urge the masses to stay away and keep their own counsel, essentially its just a bunch of people on ego trips using Rovers as a vehicle to feed the habit.

You are an embarrassment to Rovers.

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This cannot be stressed enough, more and more, day on day this becomes less about Rovers fans against Venkys and more about fans v fans.

I don't have a solution to this, I know Glen / Simon and co are willing to talk to anyone about it and try to bring folk together, I have spoken to Glen a good few times at length and we both had the same concerns, the same concerns that 99% of our fanbase have. What we need is to find a way to go forward and together on this somehow.

This isn't about the FF, BRST and BRAG its about all supporters, and maybe more to the point here our internet active supporters as that seems to be where the fallout is occurring.

I know we can have open meetings till the cows come home but maybe one more is needed, not hosted by BRAG or any group but by a neutral party with a chairman and lets try and thrash something out here.


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Couple of questions Simon: (1) have the BRAG committee agreed in principal to meet with the FF, should the FF be wiling? (2) what do BRAG hope to gain from any such meeting? (3) is there a reason why you requested the meeting be before BRAG hold the meeting with what has been confirmed today as the full executive board of Blackburn Rovers?

A1) The BRAG committee have agreed for me to meet with Reps from the FF to start discussions on finding middle ground. Hence DM to Ste B. Once we know what each side wants then it would one step at a time. Until both committees were happy to meet around one table.

A2) To try and create a truce initially between groups. Then as trust grows between both parties we look for a common way forward.

A3) I requested it take place before the Villa game. It had nothing to do with the meeting with club. I was hoping we could get an understanding before Villa game and then move on from there.

I hope that answers your questions

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As far as I'm concerned all groups have acted disgracefully and I would urge the masses to stay away and keep their own counsel, essentially its just a bunch of people on ego trips using Rovers as a vehicle to feed the habit.

You are an embarrassment to Rovers.


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Glens involvement with WEC - no matter how minor or major - right at the very beginning should have been made known - or declared, I think the term is.

I personally do not see why this is right?

WEC have nothing to do with any involvement in any plan to purchase the club so why should it matter if Glen works there?

That is his private life, nothing to do with Blackburn Rovers or it's supporters and i don't personally see why it had to be declared?

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I personally do not see why this is right?

WEC have nothing to do with any involvement in any plan to purchase the club so why should it matter if Glen works there?

That is his private life, nothing to do with Blackburn Rovers or it's supporters and i don't personally see why it had to be declared?

In the interest of democracy?

I don't know. Just throwing that one out there.

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As far as I'm concerned all groups have acted disgracefully and I would urge the masses to stay away and keep their own counsel, essentially its just a bunch of people on ego trips using Rovers as a vehicle to feed the habit.

You are an embarrassment to Rovers.


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Protest started long before Wild went public, so cos he now gets approached by a swedish gentleman to put together a supporter takeover, should I leave my job? or the action group?

Like I said, I don't know. I'm definitely not saying you should leave your job. Maybe this is another instance of people getting confused with which group is which. If you were to run for the committee of BRIST, then people might want that sort of information. But not for BRAG. BRAG is nothing to do with WEC or Wayne Wild.

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I personally do not see why this is right?

WEC have nothing to do with any involvement in any plan to purchase the club so why should it matter if Glen works there?

That is his private life, nothing to do with Blackburn Rovers or it's supporters and i don't personally see why it had to be declared?

Hey I am a layman same as you are also, I suspect. It is how the legal beagles 'could' see it.

As an example somebody gets arrested and appears in court. The judge is the persons father. A not guilty verdict comes in.

There would be an out cry.

It may have been done in ignorance - at the end of the day, he is a supporter - but ignorance is not a defence. That by the way is not a dig. We all look at out own opinions often with binkered eyes. Often we think we are doing something right - yet is illegal.

I once took somebody with a head injury to the nearest medic I knew in the back of my van. I went 50 in a 40 miles an hour zone. The ambulance could not get through because of snow - which is why I took him.

In my eyes I was in the right - I helped somebody in serious need. Yet I still got pulled up for speeding. It mattered not that I thought I was doing right - the law said the law had been broke.

But I think lawyers for venkys could have a field day with this. I maybe wrong, but I am not a lawyer.

Should Glen give up his job now - no.

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NO. It is a question anybody could ask, including lawyers.

There are no lawyers involved unless you know any different. Nor is there any reason why they should be. Just what are you implying now?

Your posts are reprehensible. You're a disgrace.

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Hey I am a layman same as you are also, I suspect. It is how the legal beagles 'could' see it.

As an example somebody gets arrested and appears in court. The judge is the persons father. A not guilty verdict comes in.

There would be an out cry.

It may have been done in ignorance - at the end of the day, he is a supporter - but ignorance is not a defence. That by the way is not a dig. We all look at out own opinions often with binkered eyes. Often we think we are doing something right - yet is illegal.

I once took somebody with a head injury to the nearest medic I knew in the back of my van. I went 50 in a 40 miles an hour zone. The ambulance could not get through because of snow - which is why I took him.

In my eyes I was in the right - I helped somebody in serious need. Yet I still got pulled up for speeding. It mattered not that I thought I was doing right - the law said the law had been broke.

But I think lawyers for venkys could have a field day with this. I maybe wrong, but I am not a lawyer.

Completely different scale of a scenarios.

Wayne Wild does not own WEC, He is an employee of WEC, Glen is also an employee of WEC.

In your opinion should any employee of WEC be excluded from buying a share because he is employed by the same company as Mr Wild?

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There are no lawyers involved unless you know any different. Nor is there any reason why they should be. Just what are you implying now?

Your posts are reprehensible. You're a disgrace. STOP GIVING ME ABUSE EVERYTIME YOU REPLY TO MY POST - NO NEED FOR IT.

Venkys have lawyers. The club has lawyers - There are always lawyers involved with people who have large businesses. Even they are not, they can afford to bring them in.

What if they want to keep hold of the club no matter the cost or the league the club is in.

What if they said people were trying to undermine them - force them to sell.

They could point to the link - however minor - with Glen and Wayne Wild.

If they wanted too.

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