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Everything posted by Nate

  1. Why were those idiots laughing? If one of those had of hit them they would of been seriously injured. Or worse.
  2. I've never had any problems with any shirts. They do look crap though.
  3. I only purchase the red and black away shirts. All the others have been rank. Although one of my faves is the 3rd shirt we had in Division One a few years ago. I brought it from the club, longsleeve as well. Was navy blue and red with a sash on it. But I really do think our away shirt should be halves as well.
  4. Yea but since then we have had more miss than hit. Remember that orange and grey kit? Or the yellow and blue away? I must admit the red and black pin stripe is my all time fave though.
  5. It doesn't matter what Portugal may of done in the past, fact is they were ripped by a cheating Henry, who showed his true colours earlier in the tournament. I know how they feel!
  6. I admit I don't get to see Roberts as much as you guys in the UK do, but from what I have seen, seems like a good back up. But we do need that one quality signing.
  7. I for one trust Hughes on this one. Jeffers may be crap, but Hughes would know better about the situation from all perspectives as to how Jeffers will perform. He wouldn't sign Jeffers if he thought he couldn't be effective to some extent. Either that or Hughsey has been on the crack cocaine.
  8. I found this the other night on YouTube when looking for Blackburn clips. Obviously they didn't like the Nelson boys on their patch. Boyz N Tha Hood
  9. Definate success. As football has always been the poor cousin in Australia, what they have achieved at this World Cup has opened a lot of eyes. Admitidely, there has been a lot of bandwagon supporters, many will now follow the game, many won't. It has created an interest which will hopefully filter through from our new A-League, right through to junior level. This article HERE has been written by an ex Australian Rules player and now commentator, Garry Lyon, who recently visited the World Cup with a television show that he hosts. His admited bias towards his own code of football explains how many here in Australia think. Thankfully, he enjoyed every bit of it! As for the teams performance, well how can anybody complain? With virtually the same squad, Frank Farina would never of gotten us in to the World Cup, little alone thorugh the first group stage. Although we couldn't quite hit our straps against the Italians, we played good football throughout the tournament. As for the media, the beat anything up that is Australian and successful. We just had a whole week of coverage about Nicole Kidman's wedding!
  10. Breaking News from Rome. An Australian man has been arrested for assault on a local man after the WC game between the two nations. The victim suffered a fractured skull, a cardiac arrest and has developed diabetes as a result of the incident. Witnesses say the Australian was 20 metres away from the incident and expect the Italian to recover in a few minutes. Sorry, couldn't help myself
  11. Sure, it may of been a stupid bit of defending, but NEVER a penalty. Lucas was on the ground that long before Grossi you could have driven a lorry around him. You don't mind losing, but in that fashion makes it a bitter pill to swallow. The amount of poor refereeing Australia had to put up with this tournament was ridiculous. Even the Italian sending off wasn't a sending off, in my opinion anyway. Proud of the guys. Now lets get started for the next campaign and Asian Confed Cup.
  12. I hope it isn't one of those tight Kappa shirts jim? You know, the skin tight ones? Oh....sorry
  13. Well said jim. I hope Scolari takes over from Guus
  14. Bad sportsmanship on both sides. Especially the Dutch when not kicking the ball back to the Portugese. Very slack in my opinion. And Figo stupidly getting a yellow for making contact with his head. Although I think it was Van Bommel (?) made more of it than it was. Portugal were my 'outsider' tip, but after these suspensions etc it will be very tough for them to progress.
  15. Just a ploy from Guus I think. Well I hope anyway
  16. We might get a decent ref for the Italia game
  17. Inconsistent reporting? Fits in with his inconsistent refereeing.
  18. God. That question will cause a messageboard melt down
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