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Everything posted by den

  1. 127 appearances and a gentleman doesn't sound in the "best ever" class, does it, or am I missing something? Forrest and Healess are being considered, but there is going to have to be a really good case put forward by someone, for them to stand a chance of winning.
  2. So will someone tell me about this Forbes guy?
  3. My thoughts exactly Phil. Whilst I know Crompton was probably the best right back we have ever had, I voted for Keith Newton because he is the best I have seen. If folk are being asked to use a bit of common sense and do a bit of research it sorts of defeats the object of having a poll. When voting for the best keeper, I wondered why there were not more entries from the period from the 1890's to WW2. Not a criticism guys, it's still a very good thread. Fair comments chaps. I did ask for nominations from all era's on this thread., and got some good names put forward. If CLB wanted more 'keepers from the early 20th century, all he had to do was put his name to me. Obviously most of the players will come from the 60's onwards, Bob Crompton really had to be included, didn't he? I don't remember asking anyone to do some researching. If I did, that wasn't my intention. What I have asked for, is for people who have seen some of the players from yesteryear, to try to put across exactly how good or bad these players were. That seems to be a reasonable approach and many people have accepted that it is possible to vote for a player that they have never seen. If that had been difficult, then only Jim mk2 could have voted for Crompton. , only Jim has seen him play. It's all a bit of fun, but I still think it's interesting.
  4. There certainly have been some great players, more than I imagined. From the sixties onwards, there have been, in particular, some great midfielders and strikers. The difficulty is trying to get across to people who haven't seen these players in the flesh, exactly HOW GOOD they really were. It will be interesting to see the outcome. I just hope this topic, when it's finished, reflects the real great players rovers have had over the years. I'm sure it will.
  5. The question isn't "who's the best right back you've seen for the Rovers" it's who's the best Rovers right-back ever. Try to be objective (look it up). Thanks Scotty, c'mon guys, it's a matter of working out, with the aid of a bit of guidance, who was the best EVER right back. you may never have seen him yourself, but have a bit of imagination. The results of this poll will go down in history [on this site, at least]
  6. What we need is everyone's opinion on who is the best right back ever to play for Blackburn Rovers. We have had a brilliant testimonial from FourLaneBlue for Bob Crompton. Likewise, we have had an excellent forward from Al in favour of Keith Newton. It's open to you people now, so choose a right back fit to play in front of Brad Friedel. The voting should finish around two weeks from now.
  7. This topic will change into a poll in the next few days, Trooper. Magic.
  8. Thanks for that Al. Now for all you young 'uns out there, Take notice of people like Al, Bazza yes even Jim. Listen to 'em, take into account the players you saw, then and only then, make your mind up.
  9. If a player played for rovers in two positions, ala Berg, then if he's not elected at full back, he'll be up for nomination for C.H. However, good a player as he was, if he's not the best full back and not one of the best two C.H's, he wont be in the team.
  10. Surely someone's goning to put newton forward. One of the first attacking full backs and one of England's best ever right backs. Played in the superb 1970 England world cup team. Chris Price? Come on!
  11. First off, no-one here except Jim, have seen Bob Crompton play. That shouldn't count against him [bob, not Jim], in any way. Here's why. This reference to Bob Crompton was written a few days ago, for this topic, by FourLaneBlue Bob Crompton “Mr Blackburn Rovers” – The Greatest Rover of all time Whenever these kind of ‘greatest ever’ polls trundle along, whether it be regarding musical taste, films, politicians, kings, military tacticians or even Greatest Ever Plumber, they are always skewed towards the modern. As such you can find lists where inside can be found battles between the last release by Busted and Revolver by The Beatles in a tussle for greatest ever album. Maybe the Spice Girls knocking Led Zeppelin into second place on the greatest bands list. Or even ‘Dude where’s my car?’ putting one over on Citizen Kane in the greatest movie list. When it comes to rating footballers, the old timers come off even worse. At least you can see old films or listen to albums from the sixties. Old footballers from the time before television only remain in the memory. Those memories soon go the way of the footballers though and end up in the stadium in the sky. So what do we have left? We have the legend. The greatest legend Rovers have ever had is Bob Crompton. Once when I was having a heated debate with some West Ham-supporting friends the talk got on to honours each of our clubs had won. They mentioned the three FA Cup wins in the last forty or so years. To which I said…big deal, Rovers once won three FA Cups in a row. When was that they asked? 1884 to 1886 I said. It took a few minutes for them to stop rolling around the floor howling with laughter. Yet why should we be embarrassed about the past? Rather, we should be proud of it and trust the legends and the views of Roverites throughout the ages, many of whom are no longer with us. Born in Blackburn in 1879, the same year as Einstein, Stalin and Trotsky entered the world and Thomas Edison unveiled the light bulb to an awed public; Crompton was something you don’t see any longer. A hometown club man and only ever represented the one club and the one country (he did also play some friendlies for Blackpool when stationed there as a PE instructor in the war). The likes of Tony Adams may play for Arsenal but then move onto the likes of Wycombe but Crompton was at Rovers in various capacities for half a century. After his debut for Rovers in 1897 as a seventeen year old he played as right back for 23 years, making over 600 appearances in a career and would have had more were it not for World War I. In 1902 he made his debut as England right back and was the first name on the international team sheet until war broke out. Crompton is the only player Rovers have had that has regularly been thought of as the greatest player in the world. It’s a shame we couldn’t have seen him but his legend lives on. Quite simply Crompton was so involved with the club that his nickname was ‘Mr Blackburn Rovers’. - Bob Crompton is still the most capped England player while playing at Rovers (41). With so few internationals being played then, that is probably equivalent to about 120 caps in modern times. Certainly he held the record for a few more decades. - Crompton was the first ever professional England captain. It was thought that only amateurs should captain the country but Bob was so good he couldn’t be ignored and captained England for a decade on his way to setting the appearance record. Enough about England though, it’s Rovers we care about, just like Bob who was captain for over a decade. As regards playing style, he was an excellent tactician, rarely beaten in the air and had the kind of leadership abilities that were associated with the imperial builders and empire makers around the globe. The man who was king at Ewood. Crompton was the rock and driving force behind the most successful side Rovers have had in the league. In the last four seasons before the ‘War to End All Wars’ (a title it never lived up to) Rovers finished first, fifth, first and third. The first two titles and the last time they have been the truly dominant force in football. Rovers also went on tour to Austria and Hungary (thought as the most progressive football countries outside of the home nations) and won their games with ease and left the central European supporters spellbound with amazement and admiration. Crompton was the star of this Rovers side and has to be in a Greatest Rovers Side unless we are saying we don’t care about the traditions of the club and only want those players from the last ten years or so. Do others care who the greatest player is that you actually saw yourself in the flesh? I seriously doubt it, I’m not even that interested in who the best one was that I saw!!! We have enough ‘best XI’s’ on this board to last a lifetime; be nice if we actually kept an open mind on this one for once. If we are going for greatest ever though we need to look at the whole picture and use imagination. Trust in secondary evidence such as what generations before us believed and trust that the legendary figures of our club should be remembered as well as being proud that our club has such great traditions. Bob Crompton as greatest Rovers player ever? Quite probably. Bob Crompton as greatest Rovers right back ever? Definitely. Finally, just to mention…after his legendary spell as a Rovers player (and come on, he must have been awesome if he is still remembered a century later) Crompton did another great job for Rovers- as possibly our greatest manager. In his first spell he led us to the FA Cup in 1928, the only time we have won it in the last eleven decades(!) before retiring. Not that he could rest for long however as without Crompton Rovers were relegated for the first time ever in the 1930s and struggled in the second division. Crowds were down and Rovers finished sixteenth in the second division; their lowest ever finish at that point. What else could they do but beg Superman to return? Back came ‘Mr Blackburn Rovers’ and won the second division to take us back to top flight and allow for a World War to once again intervene. The greatest Rover of all died in March 1941, still at the club and supervising wartime activities almost fifty years after first joining. The last match he was in charge of says it all about Crompton and was a fitting end to a true local hero. Rovers played Burnley in a wartime game. In Crompton’s last ever present to the club, he led them from the touchlines to a 3-2 victory. A winner to his dying day and a proud servant of the club he loved so much he gave his life to it. I’ve obviously never watched Crompton play or even know anyone who remembers when he was manager but I tell you what...I know a bloody legend when I see one!!! Now, the best right back I've ever seen at ewood is Keith Newton, but even he can't live up to that billing. Crompton must go into the best ever team.
  12. BRFCS .com members have decided on the goalkeeper to be the first nomination for the "best ever team" The outright winner is: Brad Friedel Final figures: Brad Friedel 65 votes [40.88%] Tim Flowers 45 votes [28.3%] Terry Gennoe 24 votes [15.09%] Roger Jones 16 votes [10.06%] Fred Else 5 votes [3.14%] Harry Leylans 3 votes [1.89%] Jim Arnold 1 vote [0.63%] ==================================================== Now we come to the list of nominations for the brfcs.com best ever right back. These are the contenders as far as we can see: Bob Crompton. 1896 - 1920, 608 apps. John Bray 1954 - 1965, 184 apps. Keith Newton 1958 - 1969, 357 apps. Kevin Hird 1970 - 1979, 154 apps Jim Branagan 1979 - 1987, 334 apps Chris Price 1986 - 1988 and 1992 - 1993, 114 apps Mark Atkins 1988 - 1995, 272 apps David May 1986 - 1994, 150 apps Jeff Kenna 1995 - TBC, Seb Perez 1998 - 1999, 7 apps Henning Berg 1993 - 1997 and TBC, apps TBC. Lucas Neill 2001 - still at club. There are still some appearance details to be included in the above players stats. I'll edit them in when I get them. This is open for discussion for a few days. Hopefully, some of you folks can come up with recommendations and references for your favourite right back.
  13. 9 hours since the transfer window closed.
  14. Philipl, once we start to rely on the kids to perform week in-week out, we're gonners, for a long time. It's difficult for them in the lower divisions, in the Prem - it's impossible. It really seems to me, as if rovers are on a suicide mission. Unless, of course - there's a surprise in store. Somehow, I doubt it. There goes another depressing thread. It's not my fault though, it's Soueys.
  15. Prefer Short in defence, but you never know what may happen now if we get a couple of injuries. We surely have something lined up, or there has been yet another fallout As said earlier, Sutton would be nice.
  16. So we've managed to miss out on £400,000? Fantastic business there Souey. I thought of using that line LeChuck, but I don't remember seeing any confirmation that Pompey actually did make an offer. Surely not?
  17. According to SSN, it's a loan deal to take Yorke to the end of his contract. So no fee, and unless someone else comes in, the only back-up strikers to Dickov and Stead are Jansen and Gally.
  18. It seems like I'm in the minority here, but I reckon rovers are making a big mistake if they let Matt go. I still believe the lad has it in him. It just isn't going to show in the reserves.
  19. All sorted. For the first of the two centre half positions, we will have a list of up to 15 nominations of all the best centre halves [probably nowhere near that though]. The first C.H will be chosen from that entire list. The next C.H. will be chosen, in the next poll, from the same list - minus the first player to be voted in. I reckon if we simply had two different lists, the best two C.H's could be in the same list and that wouldn't be fair. Also, if we have one list and we choose the top two voted players, one player could be so far in front, that the second player could be voted in with a very small percentage of the vote. [as is possible with the C.F. position, i.e. Shearer.] The same for the C.M and strikers. The next position to be nominated, after the goalkeeper has been chosen, will be the R.B. Henning Berg will be down as a R.B, but if he isn't voted in for that position, he will be nominated for the C.H spot, because obviously he played in both positions. Does that make any sense?
  20. Good questions and honest answers. Thanks a lot both of you.
  21. The last chance to vote on the 'keeper will be this Tuesday. On Wednesday we can move on to the best ever right back.
  22. You should vote Philly. The idea is to assess what some of the others, who have seen them, have said about past players. There aren't many on this site who have seen everyone on the shortlist, but they can still listen to those who have and cast a vote. The more votes there are, the more likely we are to get the right players in.
  23. Well at the moment, there's only 4% between the top two. Opinions chaps - do you think 2 weeks is too long to run each position for. Would, say 10 days be better? Votes are still coming, although slowly at the moment. I thought about 1 week at first, but thought that might exclude some of the folks on holiday. The keeper, full backs and wingers will pretty much sort a short list out for themselves, but I'll say this-I didn't realise how many class strikers and midfielders rovers have had over the years.
  24. short. When we drew 2-2 with em Sherwood at O.T.
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