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Everything posted by LeftWinger

  1. Blackburn har bestemt seg for å komme med et bud på Tromsøs stortalent Morten Gamst Pedersen. Blackburn Rovers har lenge hatt Morten Gamst Pedersen i kikkerten, og etter at flere andre klubber har kommet på banen, har de nå bestemt seg for å legge inn et bud på unggutten. Etter det TV 2 Sporten erfarer, skal engelskmennene nå forberede et bud på 2 millioner pund, som de vil komme med til Tromsø i løpet av de nærmeste dagene. - Dette kjenner jeg ikke noe til, sier Tromsø-trener Per-Mathias Høgmo til TV 2 Nettavisen. Høgmo ønsker ikke å tenke noe på om fremtiden i klubben blir med eller uten kometen på venstrekanten. - Vi har ingen kommentarer før vi har noe konkret på bordet fra en klubb, sier han. Også Aston Villa, Newcastle og Manchester United har Gamst Pedersen i søkelyset, og vil se ham i aksjon mot Molde 20. mai. Whats this one about? Just the general idea if you have time. Cheers
  2. I pray to god that asterix isn't hiding an S.
  3. Hope you'll take a big England flag with BRFC written on it. Make a nice change from seeing the flags with names of lowere league/non-league london clubs all the time.
  4. We scored more than most teams. Think only about 6 teams score more than us.
  5. For me Smith isn't being loyal. He's jumping ship. Sure he's gutted they've gone down, but a TRUE fan would stay and help him team back up- sod the international career. If you were a Rovers fan playing for the team and got relegated would you stay or go? I'd stay, and I'd be surprised if most fans wouldn't agree with me. There is no loyalty in football anymore- only the supporters. Horrible reasoning - he's 23, so he has a few years till he comes into his prime. There's no way he should spend the next two years struggling in a cloggers league because he's a fan. A professional career is much too short for that kind of loyalty. On the plus side he might get into double figures in the first division . Jermaine Defoe was crucified for asking for a transfer the day after West Ham went down, Smiths done it before they went down- yet he's branded a loyal hero of some sort.
  6. For me Smith isn't being loyal. He's jumping ship. Sure he's gutted they've gone down, but a TRUE fan would stay and help him team back up- sod the international career. If you were a Rovers fan playing for the team and got relegated would you stay or go? I'd stay, and I'd be surprised if most fans wouldn't agree with me. There is no loyalty in football anymore- only the supporters.
  7. I was stood right next to you when you said it and you were both well out of order, but at the time I thought Smith was a complete ###### for the way he reacted and his lack of proffesionalism. He is getting paid an awful lot of money to pay football, and if he cant take criticism from a random fan for not performing well enough then he's pathetic. Small World
  8. On their wages they should expect a little stick. Everyone who was there thought he was out of order. Maybe I was a bit cocky, he does think he's hard though- he looks like he's wearing makeup usually.
  9. The same could be said about you. So you've never ever given a player stick then.
  10. I used to like Alan Smith. That was until Friedel saved a penalty from him at Ewood. After the game I thought it'd be funny to wind him up, so when he was getting on the team coach, I told him that was the worst penalty i'd ever seen. He then basically said if there wasn't a barrier between us he'd batter me. I won't repeat exactly what he said or I'll get banned from here. Then he through some kids pen at me like a big girl. Absolute idiot.
  11. Great picture. I like Ron- his terms and phrases are excellent. I don't see why he should have resigned, political correctness gone mad. He's not actually said anything that isn't true.
  12. He's done better than Hodgson and Kidd you can't argue with that.
  13. People are quick to forget what Graeme has done at Rovers. He took a pretty mediocre first division team, and got them promoted in his first full season. In his first season in the Premier we finish a very respectable 10th and win a trophy. Next season we finished an impressive 6th, and reached the semi final of the league cup again. All this with an unfashionable northern club with attendances not in the top 20 teams in the country. I'd like to thank Graeme for some fantastic memories, the wins against Burnley, getting promoted at Deepdale, winning the league cup. You could see today after the game how much he was hurting. He cares- his players have let him down. I'm not saying he hasn't made mistakes, and I believe it is time for him to go, but please don't crucify the man. He's been the longest serving Rovers manager since Kenny for a reason- he's done a good job. Sorry to post this on a different thread- but I just wanted to stick up for the man. Even if he does go- lets remember what he's done for us. I'd love it if he turned it round now, but it just seems he's finally run out of ideas. Thanks Graeme. Rick
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