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Everything posted by Ben-2000

  1. I've heard that mentioned too Jordan. Wasn't sure how accurate the information was though, is it fact?
  2. They are settled on the day.
  3. Leicester didn't batter us, but as you would expect the last few mins were a bit tense!
  4. just to go off topic a little.... Whoever the guy is who talks on the screen before the game (reading ticket info out etc) needs to get a better mic, I don't know what it's like in the BBN / Darwen or JW Stands but in the Riverside all you can hear is a long droan... you can't make out what he's saying at-all! Does anyone think the same? and NO i'm not going deaf by-the-way
  5. Hate to be a killjoy...but I'm not really fussed who makes the kit or sponsors it... as long as it is someone and there is money coming in. I like the idea of halved away shirts, I didn't see your post about it last year Scotty but good suggestion
  6. Wait for the chants of 'Speedie, Speedie' on sunday hehe
  7. I doubt if the ticket office staff have anything to do with it. I went down yesterday to buy 4 additional tickets so that some of my family could go to the game. I have done exactly the same thing earlier this season for the Liverpool and Middlesborough game. The lady who served me said I am sorry sir you do not have a buying history for purchasing these amounts of tickets so cannot sell them to you, told her that she must be mistaken because I have bought 4 tickets to the Liverpool and Boro game. However she just kept saying nope you haven't and basically accused me of being a liar and her general; attitude towards me "stunk". Anyway I didn't see any point in getting into an argument with her so just left. Because of her incompetance Rovers have alienated a season ticket holder and also lost out on the opportunity of attracting some "armchair" fans to Ewood on a more regular basis. I don't know what is going on at Ewood but these types of incidents are just not on, especially at a time when the club should be doing all it can to get people to come to Ewood. I am still very angry about all of this and shall be writing to John Williams and I will recommed a consultant so that he can send "some" of the ticket office staff on Customer Service training. Kamy, that is terrible. Surely there's got to be a way that we can vouch for you so you can get the extra tickets? Nah it's cool Phillip, after I told my dad what had happened he said "well if that is what they are like I don't want to go to Ewood again". The whole incident has really angered me and I have just sent an e-mail to John Williams PA so lets see what they come back with. I think I know which member of staff you mean mate... she was the same with me. I said to her 'yeah i can tell your stressed love'
  8. ohh, I wouldn't be too certain if I was you Mr Longside
  9. Well the capacity will be around 28,000 due to segregation, so i think the gate will be 25,000 - 26,000 at best with 2,000 or so empty seats
  10. Dupicates and Upgrades are usually OK for normal matches. I know for a fact Duplicate tickets are not being issued, not sure about Upgrades/Seat movements.
  11. I have to agree with you IHB, that more staff are required at the Ticket Office. To be honest I don't think there is going to be enough time for everybody to buy a ticket who wants to go. I hope I stand corrected come Tuesday night though. Just a word of thanks to the Call Centre staff, I myself work on a Call Centre and know what it's like at busy times when the phone rings constantly, none-stop, all day! Having said that, we don't take as many calls as Rovers have been doing for the last 3 days...Anyway Well done guys!
  12. I hope not, the sound of sheep will drive me crackers!
  13. Rovers have cocked up in the past, but i've got to say they are doing a lot better now.
  14. Wasn't it you who said you was going to have a 'break' from this Message board Longsiders1882?
  15. Let's leave it there eh Manchester Blue??! ha ha I am right tho
  16. The LET need to sort out their 'View From The Terrace' (or whatever it's called). I find Jason Whalley's column so boring more often than not, just seems to say things that we already know! Bring back Simon Leigh, used to get a laugh when he did it.
  17. Ste B 's idea of balloons seems a good idea and would take less organisation. If everyone took a couple of balloons each it would look great just like when Colchester came to Ewood. What do you all reckon? Are we up for it?
  18. he seems more interested in our messageboard than his own. Do we have a closet Yorkshire Rover???!
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