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Everything posted by USABlue

  1. I don't think he was a bad signing at the time Le Chuck, yes his goals did save us. We can say his goals saved us about 20 mill but in reality it could have been much more, there is a strong possibility that if we had gone down that year we could still be floundering so it's impossible to say. I think we have had good return for our spending where we have gone wrong is keeping him too long. Should ahve been looking to ship him out half way through the season before last. Your question about the younger strikers is a bit of a rhetorical one, who exactly was available that could have been a shoe in to do what Cole did. It is all shoulda coulda woulda type stuff, judgements and opinions formed with the benefit of hindsight. The transfer market was still inflated back then, if you remember we got Cole because we were pipped to our first choice by Leeds. That first choice was one Robbie Fowler and he went for ELEVEN million, we lost out on personal terms. IN retrospect we should be thanking our lucky stars we got Cole instead. Of course I am disappointed we are getting nothing for him but just having him off the wage bill will be a big help. It will have been hard for Rovers to cap their salaries when Cole is pulling in 50 Grand a week for doing pretty much nothing in terms of effort, can't everyone see how that must have made other players feel. I think it would have cause a general malaise within the club and it has showed. All will be well without Cole, you'll see everyone, don't worry be happy.
  2. I'll be sending something shortly. I was wondering if it might be an idea to try to show the target and how far we have to go, sort of like some of the charity drives that people have. Paul I am going to PM you with someone who may be interested in some form of sponsorship.
  3. Cole's goals kept us in the Premiership in his first season here, so explaing to me how the 7 Mil was wasted? As for being a laughing stock? that's what a lot of this is about isn't it, it's not what's best for the club it's about how much stick you have to put up with from the ManU fans in the pubs. Deal with it, it is in the best interests of Rovers in the long term. Cole and Yorkes lazy attitude clearly would have undermined the whole team, a sort of well if he can then I can thing. I think Souness probably allowed the Coles and Yorkes too MUCH leeway, I don,t think the falling out is about egos either. I think it is about Cole being treated easily, when other players started to complain Souness decided it was only fair to put his foot down, Cole tell's Souness but I'm Andy Cole, Souness says I don't care Cole says sod this I'm off. Something along those lines.
  4. Actually I was talking about attempts at goal vs goals scored rather than games played. Greggyk, what difference does my global proximity to Ewood have to do with whether I saw the miss. It's a shrinking World my friend. Not sure what point you were trying to make but it's lost on me, and apparently one or two others, try again son.
  5. What rubbish, it seems to me Mr Cole has one of the worst strike to goal ratios I can remember since Ken Beamish, don't you remember the one where he missed from only a few feet out with the goal gaping. I had the exact opposite feeling I thought he was going to smack it right at the keeper. Damn near did too. Why so trusting of Cole, didn't Dickov actually score more than him last season.
  6. Maybe, but there is one common factor for their being where they are, lack of discipline. It cracks me up, we complain about the modern footballer yet everytime one of these overpaid babies throws a tantrum you all seem to support them. Blaming the manager. If any of us ever refused to do something our Boss had asked us to do, regardless of what we thought, where would we be? Unemployed, a la Yorke, Cole and Todd. Difference being they get paid for being unemployed. Todd played well yes, but on reflection can we really say Souness was wrong to dump him in favour of Amo, look at the results, I think its a resounding well done to Souness for that one. I look forward to more of Souness' discipline, he has promised more, says he allowed things to become undisciplined last season and has promised not to allow that this season. I give him a big hand for that and if the Prima Donnas don't like it they can bog off and collect their easy money elsewhere. Cole helped save us from relegation the season we bought him but in reality since then he's done squat except for the last handful of games at the end of last season. Come on Souey kick their butts, fall out with anyone who does not wish to be commited to the cause for Blackburn Rovers, then get shut.
  7. Put me in there as well. We NEED Andy Cole to teach the youngsters how to become a top striker, something Dickov can't provide. How can Cole teach anything, clearly someone needs to remind Cole himself what a top striker is like. As for teaching the young uns, I dare say it was only the arrival on the scene of young Stead that made Cole buck up his ideas. I have become absolutely sick of hearing "pass to Cole, offside. The man has lost it, done finished and is being paid far far more than he deserves. Let's have Cole leave hopefully recouping a bit of cash, sit back and if Chelsea buy that other forward Drog??, try to work something for Gudjohnsen. No guts no glory. They loaned a blonde guy to Brum last year.
  8. That's about the most accurate statement I have seen on the Cole issue. It seemed like for a season and three quarters everyone wants shut of Mr Offside, hands on hips, won't chase, can't hit a barn door Cole, then he has a couple of games where he breaks a sweat and people think he's great. If he goes great, if he stays not as great. For the Souness out bandwagon, does the report not say a decision was made at a board meeting, Cole has clearly taken the huff and his ego is bigger than the boss'. So sod off. It's a TEAM game. It's Blackburn Rovers, not Cole's Rovers. The man felt threatened by Dickov what a pussy, he was afraid of having his lack of effort shown for all the world to see.
  9. Spot on, it was the first thing I noticed other than the bal going in the net. The keeper clattered into the Greek player. I think the main difference was the header for the goal clearly had the defence and the keeper beaten from a cross rather than the ball coming back off the bar. Very interesting similar situations though and does add weight to the English argument that the keeper initiated contact and the flopped as if he'd been nailed. Oh well.
  10. I'd love Duffers back as much as the next Yob... but why in the world would Duffers want to return to Ewood? He'll have his choice of club, ones with European football on their agenda, sadly. It would not hurt to pick up the phone and ask if they might want to loan him back to us, all they can say is sod off. I sort of hope this new boss falls flat on his face, Ranieri seemed like a really good bloke and was funny and would have most likely won the title but for Arsenals fantastic season. Poor fella really got crapped on. I already don't like this new fella he seems smug and arrogant. Portugese isn't he? he must have had Abramovich slip the Swiss ref a bung, new theory. Anyway, I was supporting Chelsea last year as my second team in memory of one of my friends who passed away too young, he was a big Chelsea fan. I can't do it this season, not with that manager I don't think.
  11. It will be the Czechs. I know this because it is a German ref for the final. So, in keeping with my theme Portugals games must be reffed by a referee whose home nation was beaten by Portugals opponents. Any dodgy decisions tonight?
  12. Saw it again last night I still say it was a good goal. I did not notice before but it looks to me now like the keeper flopped, as did much of the Portugal team most of the night. Also looked to me, arguably like Campbell had made contact with the ball slightly before the keepr jumped into Terry. Anyway what's done is done, I suppose it's time to move on.
  13. Interested to see that the Portugal v Holland game is to be reffed by a Swede. A ref from the country beaten by Holland in the last round. Exactly like England and Portugal, is this a EUFA policy or are they just hoping the ref will harbor enough ill will towards the Dutch to tip the game the Host Nations way. Perhaps a controversial disallowed goal, or is it a smoke screen to disguise the fact they set up the England game.
  14. We have, and have had for years an apathetic public when it comes to Rovers. Most of them seem to need only half an excuse to not go.
  15. Come on Rev you are brighter than that. It's the whole national pride thing, people who don't even watch footy will jump on the St George flag waving wagon. It's a feel good thing and draws people together. You might as well ask why so many people watch a Royal Wedding when no-one shows any interest in a local one. Poor analogy I know but you get my drift I'm sure. I have always been almost as keen on England games as Rovers, I would most likely pick Rovers to watch if both were playing at the same time. But what is odd, with England the joy of a big win (not felt it much) or the sorrow of a tournanment loss seems to last longer and run deeper than a similar event with Rovers. Rovers win and losses I get over the happiness or sadness much quicker. Whe England go out of a top tournament I am usually done with it, I tend not to watch anymore 'cept perhaps the final. Rovers go out of the FA Cup etc, I still watch as much as I can of that cometition. Losses/wins in playoffs or relegation/promotion would be the only exception to this, cos those emotions carry throught to the next season. But with out a doubt the two can and do coexist, like having two kids do you have to have a favourite, can't you just love them both.
  16. Just popped in because I thought I was feeling better about our demise. It's took me two minutes to realise I am not. AESF that piccie with the dog hepled bloody funny that. Well now to WC 2006, and no doubt another England exit on penalties and late disallowed winning goal, most likely against the hosts by a ref from a country whose national team we had annihilated in the previous round. Mmmm, new career. USABlue's palm reading and Psychic hotline. How long till our footy starts 6 weeks? We can enjoy the weekly ref bashing with the big team favouritism every game.
  17. Not wanting to say I told you so but I told you so. As soon as I heard the other day the ref was Swiss I had my reservations, posted it somewhere. Why do we always seem to get screwed to go out. Sweet revenge for the Swiss I suppose. Very sad right now. On the bright side it's saved me between $20 and $40 I would have paid for PPV had we progressed, too bad I'd be more than happy to pay that for a spot in the final.
  18. Bloody Screwed now. Damned officials.
  19. Are you sure you are not just standing amidst some old people. Too scared to predict this one. I can't understand the statement that we have "too much quality" for them. Individually Portugal have some fantastic quality and talent with skills to spare. If they can happen to turn it a team performance it could be scary. Could the hype get to young Rooney? could it be his let down, if so let's hope Owen starts to perform. Good luck to us anyway.
  20. My heart goes out to the surviving family of this young man, Steven. IT's a crying shame, 28 years old so much to live for. Why am I suspiscious about the reports that it was not football related, don't know just am. On the topic of the drugs ban, yes, there again there does seem to be a double standard. Rules for England, rules for others. How on Earth the Welsh got nowhere with their complaints either is beyond me it all stinks, it does. I wonder what would happen if Rooney showed up positive on a drugs test about now.
  21. ??? Hey! Wotchit. Are you sure you were in a Pub? Wasn't a Morgue was it?
  22. I won't be I'll be at work, but I will be keeping a very close eye on Soccernets gamecast. Come on England. Let's not buggar this one up and let's not have any trouble.
  23. Hmmmm I don't agree with this, Eriksson has always given youngsters a chance in the squad, that is hardly an aqusation you can throw at him. King did well, but in a tournament situation I wouldn't like to think we'd pick someone based on one game. Terry has been better than King for the majority of the season and I'm glad Eriksson is picking the team based on the bigger picture. The fact that King got his chance in the first place despite being average in a poor team should be encouragement enough. Did not mention Erikson, at all. Just saying based on performance King deserved to keep his spot. I doubt it would have done Terry any harm to get more rest/healing under his belt in case we progress, his experience would be better served in the latter stages against better opposition should we get through. If Terry is lacking for pace then I have a real concern about him playing against Croatia and their counter attack. If you read my post you will see I hold Terry in high regard and voiced my concern when I heard he would be out for the first match. Yes Terry had a brilliant season but I thought King did enough in the game to get another start. Just my thoughts, not trying to criticise anyone, management or anyone else.
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