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Everything posted by USABlue

  1. Paul, I think we do have talent in the team and I agree wholeheartedly with your view about morale and confidence etc. It sounds all the world t me like a job for Dowie. He can do the things you think we need plus I think he will take a longer closer look at the talent in our youth. I think he can do it.
  2. Been away again this weekend. Just got the result read some posts. Sounds like the players are taking some time off till the new boss comes in. It also sounds like we very very much need to get it dead right with the new Manager. One question did Bothrotd get on and if so how did he look?
  3. I will be ecstatic if we get Dowie. You know the old saying, "what goes around comes around", well remember a certain little playoff defeat? Sorry for the Palace fans though I have always had a soft spot for Palace.
  4. So I take it you want a manager who is currently out of work? So I take it you like to assume things and put in words that were never there in the first place. What you need to "take it" is, with a grain of salt. I was questioning Hughes' commitment if he left his Country's National side during a World Cup qualifying process to come and manage us. Please just try to comment on the words typed. No need to try to complicate things by assuming and fabricating different stories. Lordy lordy lordy where have I ever stated I want a manager that is out of work. What I have stated is I do NOT want Mark Hughes. PLease try to keep up instead of posting snide remarks there's a good lad.
  5. I'll give you two, young and likeable. I don't know how you quantify the others though, innovative, how so? Determined, as a player, without doubt, but as a Boss?? Commited, not much if he drops Wales and comes here.
  6. Better ask J.W. that one. It either means none of the candidates wear glasses or JW has not had a drink today. Or it was something like,"Mr Williams here's the shortlist for Graemes old job". After a quick scan Mr Williams screams out THAT'S FkED US..... Reporters run away from Ewood scribbling on note pads
  7. ..............and I fear Mark Hughes! Still with you on that TND
  8. Fans favourite, until he flops and then 95%of those will say they never wanted him in the first place. No Mark Hughes PLeeeeeese.
  9. Absolutely spot on I would say TND. No Huevos, all mouth, bad mouth at that. After claiming Dwight Yorke signing was the second coming I can understand why he is a little reluctant to stick his neck out.
  10. Me too USA. Too much of a coincidence that he disappears from view after what I thought at the time were extremely unhelpful comments to be making public. For crying out loud this is ridiculous. There was never any fall out with Paul Gallagher, it was people on here putting 2 and 2 together and making well over 6. And having seen the way Paul Gallagher is capable of behaving at first hand, I would suggest that some kind "paternal" guidance is exactly what is needed. Tris I was not intending to say there was a fall out, I was concerned that something had happened. Is it coincidence that Gally faded from the picture almost immediately after Souness' public comparison of Gally and Stead. I was one of his strongest supporters you know that, but that is not the way to deal with two young "kids" (In Hindsight)
  11. Different circumstances: Newcastle approached the managers they wanted, Rovers invited applications for the job. See my earlier post on Dowie; I don't see the point of us grooming Shearer for the next time the Newcastle job becomes available; Moyes would be OK though I don't see why he would want to leave Everton; Hughes would be preferable but is inexperienced and would need good back-up staff. who do you want then? and why? I asked him that too, for years now and he will not answer. See jim is a criticizer not the type to stick his neck out and take a chance. Waits to see what others do then bad mouths them for it. It's what he does it's why he's jim.
  12. Very well put.... for a Canuck You've made a good point perhaps we are being over zealous, but us lot are the same when it comes to getting players in too. We should consider ourselves fortunate that the quality of candidates has been high.
  13. I wouldn't. A successful six-month spell gaining promotion for Palace on the back of a gruelling fitness regime a Premiership manager doth not make. He's also not the big name that the club needs to attract the better players. Dowie, Jewell and their ilk are non-starters as far as I'm concerned. Remind me please jim, who did you want?
  14. He can work for a terrific CEO who is part of a stable and non interfering boardroom.
  15. If Martin O'Neill shows interest in the job we should snap his hand off. Let's think about it, is it really that ludicrous to think he may be interested. The man likes a challenge what greater and more satisfying challenge can their be than bringing us to glory. The groundwork is there, the facilities rival even the big clubs. Imagine the personal glory in taking Blackburn Rovers to the top with little or nothing.
  16. Interesting. Well, they're not going to be Ferguson, Wenger, Mourinho, Bruce, Souness, O'Leary, McLaren, Wigley, Keegan, SteBenetiz or Santini. So that leaves 3 from Allardyce, Moyes, Worthington, Curbishley, Megson, Dowie, Coleman or Redknapp. Most of those would be ok by me. Of the will not have applied list, Wigley is highly likely to have applied given his limited knowledge of rugby whilst things might well be bad enough at Villa after O'Leary had been so publicly keen on the Newcastle job that his hat could be in the ring. Keegan might want out of City before he gets fired. Of the possible list, I would expect that Allardyce would have to be approached and Coleman is probably earning more at Fulham than he would at Ewood. Moyes is facing less turmoil at Goodison than he has for at least twelve months and has every prospect of having a bumper transfer fund come January by when the financial restructuring at Everton should be complete. Would Redknapp come north and Megson leave the Baggies after being the fouth highest spender in the Prem? Realistically, two from Dowie, Curbishley, Worthington, Wigley and a third who is a bit of a surprise. Who in the hell is this Wigley character?
  17. I'd be extremely happy if it was Dowie. I said he was the only replacement I would have before Souness even left. I thought he was under a new contract and therefore sort of discounted him. Thanks for the info Mr Palace fan. Please please please not Mark Hughes.
  18. If Hoddle is handed the job I will never go to Ewood Park again. And I mean it. Will you stay off here too jim, if so, Hoddle for me. I maintain I would not mind Hoddle, not a bad manager. I maintain I am not keen on Hughes or Strachan. I can not beleive people can be so blinded by emotion on this, neither are really anything special. That said I would welcome either with open arms. No Advocaat's, No Robsons, No ex players, no former heroes a la Dalglish. New fresh approach. Curbs, is not that ridiculous, he may have not recovered from Parker being sold and could be looking for a fresh challenge. Martin O' Neill Still like Dowie or Worthington(1) Who is this Hitz???wotsit. I have never heard of him. I just hope whoever it is has ambition, is frugal, knows tactics and will pay very close attetion to our young uns. Good attractive football is also a must. On top of all that we must win games. Should be pretty easy huh?
  19. Are you sure he is not just injured. It'll be good that Gally gets a clean slate now, I was more than a bit concerned after Souness' "big head" comment and the fact he has not figured much since. Jeez I am actually starting to get all excited again now.
  20. Why would he go for our Academy stars he never really gave 'em much of a look in here.
  21. They have these things over here called FAX machines you can send things like job applications in seconds. I'm surprised they have not caught on over there yet.
  22. Dick Advocaat, no, I would not want any manager named after the reason he was born. One Dick and too much advocaat. Now, what I was going to say is let's try to keep this serious with realistic rumours. The O'Neill one wound me up too much (thanks Brownie) Gonna be one heck of a ride. I have found it very interesting that some of Souness' strongest critics are now nowhere to be found, could it be that when called on the mat they crap themselves or are they staying out of it because they have ALREADY made up their minds that whoever the new boss is he's crap? For some strange reason I think that is the case. The tossers are all too quick to criticize but when asked to put their omniscient reputations on the line they hide. Prefering not to share with us their choices but wait till the man is in place then WHAM let 'em have it. BTW, Jewell is a good bet, thinking about it. He's done well, with a small critical crowd, nice ground, stable finances etc. Let's not forget this too... there is a Rovers connection. Mr Whelan is still an avid Rovers fan, perhaps Jewell comes with his recommendation, sort of shooting yourself in the fooot, but never the less a possibility? Not a bad choice either.
  23. When I say "passionate faithful' I was talking about the geordies no disrespect intended to anyone here.
  24. That post is exactly the reason i tend not to come on this site anymore Wee wee taker or not! Aren't you one of "them" now GAV. Word has it you joined the dingles.
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