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Everything posted by USABlue

  1. Now that post gives me hope. If the players are not doing what they are supposed to it is Sparky's job to fix it, I trust he will. Perhaps things will get interesting.
  2. Neither of the 2 moves solves anything with regard to our real achilles heel. By the by, it's a bit hard for Ferguson to play when he doesn't get the ball. I had already stated he will be gone, as soon as Souness went, that is where Fergusons heart is right now.
  3. We miss this fella, not sure he's ever coming back though.
  4. 5 Games, didn't take as long as I thought. Didn't wan't Hughes in the first place but even I am prepared to give him 6 games Change takes time, Sparky will be implementing new things, it's going to take a while. It's only his second week in charge full time, he also needs time to assess our younger players, see if he thinks any of those can do a job. Rememeber it's always darkest before the dawn. We can do this. Neill has to go, was great first season he's been poor since he signed the fat long term contract. New RB one or two new center halves and some life up front along with a ball winner in the middle. Not much is it? Bloody hell he has a hell of a job. We will beat Liverpool.
  5. Looks like Bellamy's latest comments have put out my prediction fire.
  6. Add to that 1864 the way Bellamy speaks of Mark Hughes and I think it is more than a mere possibility. As for 7 Mil for Bellamy, I am thinking he will go very very cheap, sort of like Cole did from here, we paid about 7 mil for him didn't we.
  7. Throws a little more fuel on my prediction fire. I am convinced and have been since Hughes came here that Bellamy will be a Rover come January.
  8. I don't think Duffer was light weight, looks like Mr Universe compared to MGP.
  9. I believe you Bryan. It will take some time for Hughes to evaluate the players at all levels. Let's not forget this is the first week he has had without the distractons of the Welsh job. I feel that, for now the Boss feels MGP, is too lightweight. after more time he may well decide his skill level overcomes this. I am sure he will figure.
  10. Back to the subject of old boys. Watched the highlights of the Everton game, Marcus Bent was looking quite sharp too. As for the brain dead etc Dream Team, I actually like the show though I did prefer it when it was about the academy more. The acting is crap and it is a bit soap opera-ish but when you are as starved for footy as we are over here any port in a storm eh?
  11. I recall sometime ago wondering out loud on here if Thommo was not finished. Very concerned this lad may never return.
  12. We told 'em so did'nt we TND. No really, it's too bad. Don't want to slate him yet but if memory serves we have always suffered after the international breaks. Next week is scary too, Chelsea will be like a house on fire. Can Hughes bring us back up, that was always my worry.
  13. Just returned from Mexico. Was not expecting muc from this game but 4-0 is a bit of a shocker.
  14. I think we can put behind us discussions about what Mark Hughes has or has not achieved at Wales, I stick by my original opinion that his accomplishments were overblown based on one or two good results, hence my lack of support for him becoming our boss. What we need to be getting on with is what can he do for Blackburn Rovers now. My early impressions are if he can continue to get this team to show the effort and determination he has done early on we have some good things to come. Emerton is a new man altogether, Jansen has a chance at a comeback, he's brought in Djorkfrenchman allowing Bazza a bit more opportunity to play. Strongly against his appointment, I must say I have been quite encouraged by the improvements, subtle but nevertheless very important. Players body languages seem also different it's all encouraging. It looks like he may have handled MGP's situation correctly if reports of his performance for Norway are anything to go on. Thommo's (hopefully) coming back, Reid will soon be fit (I think all he needs is some games, actually performed decently at RB I thought) So let's see what Hughes can do when he has players to work with every day instead of just International breaks, I for one am a little bit upbeat.
  15. Only seen Boro a few times this season and I think they have looked pretty steady at the back and quite good going forward. Add to that our walking wounded and exhausted from international duties and I don't see us getting much from this one. Sorry.
  16. Certainly pg. And isn't some system of restricting salaries to a percentage of a clubs income being mooted over here? If so that will surely prove to be another nail in the BRFC / Prem coffin. next Been here before haven't we? A salary cap that represent a percentage of the clubs income only favours the big teams again. A salary cap that is the same for all teams at the same level is what is needed to help create a level playing field.
  17. I can't believe it, surely the FA know Andy Cole did not do anything, I just don't see how a man with his hands glued to his hips can throw any punches.
  18. Good, now hopefully we can get a goalie coach who can work with Brad on closing down angles, taking advantage of his huge frame. Coming off the line a bit better too can't hurt.
  19. Hey, don't get me wrong, I was not knocking fergie. thought he was coming on great at the time of the injury. I just have a sneaky feeling we will not see the best of him at ewood now Souness has gone. jim 30 should do it.
  20. On the subject of Ferguson, anybody here think he will be off to join Souness in January. I do. My crystal ball says Fergie to the Geordies with Bellamy and cash coming this way. You heard it here first.
  21. What a beaut that was, was that the one about the half way line and most of the Riverside thought for sure the fella had a broken neck. What ever happened to that player, did he ever land on Earth or is he still in orbit? Mike England, Hendry good as he was maybe just about fit to tote Englands kit bag.
  22. What's going on with thommo exactly. What was his latest injury and why so long out.
  23. 1 - I hope your joking - either that or you must really be missing football 2- But we still got beat Good post none the less USA and similar to what I was saying about there being light on the Horizon - but just how far is it? One thing is certain, is it looks nearer than it did 3/4 weeks ago and it will be 12 noon sooner rather than later No I am not, I actually enjoyed it, maybe it was cos I felt we could get something from it. It was not pretty by any means but I was into the game. there have been many games I have watched when we go behind that I sort of lost interest in because I have never had the feeling we would come back. Don't know what it was but I did enjoy it. As far as still getting beat, picky buggar aren't you.
  24. I too thought Ferguson was absent for 98% of the match. Started wondering if he has his mind on St James' Park already. I am glad to see there are others who got some feelgood factor out of the game, I was beginning to think I was just going nuts. Now the rant, for all you moaners. I did not want Mark Hughes as boss, many of you did. Did any of you whining crybaby why can't we play like Arsenal experts REALLY expect Hughes to turn this around after two games. He still has a lot to learn about our team, players, strengths weaknesses, give him time. If you all can not take some positive out of the change in effort, passion and commitment then there is something wrong. It was far superior to some of the limp wristed bend over and take it in the arse play we saw during Souness' reign. If Hughes has had this much impact in just over a week I saw we are on to something here, and here's an added bonus I actually enjoyed it as a football match, it had good entertainment value. Bring on the Villa we're gonna kill 'em. Whoo hoo renewed hope over here, can you dig it, can you join me come on folks it's the start of something big, the defence hey it was good, we only let one in, not three. Amo was verygood last night I liked when he brought the ball out, for those of you who said he just lumped it you are nuts.
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