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SINCE 1996
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Everything posted by Rovermatt

  1. We did well to go take the lead after the obligatory disastrous start. It was inevitable though that a moment of madness would even things up and so it proved, McEvely was performing well before the error. Still, a bit of fight was a welcome change from the spineless rubbish we've been provided with in recent games.
  2. It wasn't a screamer. The Liverpool defence copied our recent defending and play the ball straight to him. He just guided it into the corner. Beautiful. 45 minutes away from the improbable.
  3. I know a Libertines fan, I know what you mean. I know a...wait, I AM a Libertines fan and I certainly wouldn't consider myself pretentious. To be honest, having pre-concieved ideas about fans of a certain band is far worse than anything you can choose to label those people. Actually, this Libertines fan is pretentious. There really is no pre-conceived image there. As for you...well I don't know you. But whatever gets you going...
  4. Atkins was outstanding performer during our glory years (and just the sort of player we need at the moment). I'm tempted to give Sherwood the nod, but his loyalty never matched Atkins's. As for the other place, it has to be Batty; sheer class.
  5. That's Lance Armstrong...Livestrong...it's an arty photo, the like of which some people have take for their Christmas cards...No?
  6. Surely that's a contradiction. When was the last time Arsenal lost a game?
  7. United just won. What a horrible, horrible weekend.
  8. Which makes you wonder: WHY WAS COLE MOVED ON?! We have a proven Premiership goal-scorer in our ranks, yet he is done away. Considering our defence has been worsened by the addition of Matteo, what was the point of disabling us at the other end? Terrible, terrible, terrible!
  9. Really, really sad. This hollow shell of side doesn't deserve to be playing in this league. Yet another game in which we are ripped to shreds. And wouldn't you know it? Duff, who hasn't scored for donkeys, sticks one in against the club he jettisoned/was jettisoned from. I still maintain that his departure started this terrible decline, but that's another argument. Eight goals against and none for in two games. Relegation awaits.
  10. No. Eddie (Christmas cards 2004):
  11. I know a Libertines fan, I know what you mean.
  12. Me? I wouldn't say a word. How are Supergrass pretentious? How are they pretentious? The over-hyped, self-satisfied, yet terribly underwhelming output.
  13. Supergrass are shocking; bland, pretentious indie rubbish. Uuurrggh!
  14. Sam Dingle and his sister search for the Rovers result:
  15. No, Snow Patrol are so upper middle-class East Belfast it's unreal. As for FF, a number of my friends insist I look like the bass player, especially from the side. I don't quite know what to make of it...
  16. AESF: Theno heads off for evening night prayer.
  17. What's the Kasabian album like? I'm thinking of buying it. Usually I get recommendations from a friend, although he reads NME so one must be wary.
  18. Jim and a political cartoon character:
  19. A friend has the Snow Patrol album. As she is into acts like Coldplay and The Stereophonics I thought it couldn't possibly be any good. I borrowed and burned it and found it surprisingly good. Very nice indeed actually. Snow Patrol get quite a raw deal over here as they went to the poncy wannabe public school down the road from me.
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