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Everything posted by Rovermatt

  1. Utterly embarrassing, nothing else needs to be said.
  2. I'd know better than to ###### you off anyway, G. I'm sure you'd have a posse of homies packing heat cruising through my hood looking to waste some white trash in no time. Word. Incidentally I do know such people. One in particular lives in a big house (obviously) in south Belfast and has an extremely irritating faux-rapper/singer TQ wannabe schtick going on...scary.
  3. Brilliant, especially the interlude's 'if you're American you won't understand this.'
  4. There must be... Are they not everywhere...breeding? As someone said above, the club should be trying to attract as many people to Ewood as possible. The sizeable Asian population is of course a potential base, but there are others who could be lured to the stadium if the Asians don't want to play ball.
  5. Watch out Rik, don't ###### him off. Read the post about Viking speed metal and you'll think twice about incurring Radagast's wrath (hey that could be a title for one of those songs)
  6. You're not very hard to spot.
  7. Same old, same old. Music for 5 year olds. Speaking of which, I'm going to see Mortiis - a grown man in a goblin mask playing "gothic" electropop - tonight. God, I hope he comes to my Union...
  8. The sale of Duff (and lack of big name replacement, considering the money earned), the subsequent cr@p home performances, and the poor quality of many of those on show are all factors that have surely turned people away.
  9. He's more famously the lead singer of the Foo Fighters...
  10. YES! Brilliant result, and a heart-warming thing to see Jansen grap the winner.
  11. Jesus, in my mind's eye you look more like your avatar with every post on this thread...
  12. Very true, noone else does care about your no-name band, esp when you cant appreciate great music like linkin park. Linkin Park are hardly exponents of 'great music.' Ok, they're pleasant enough to listen along to and the Reanimation album was superb (and heavily produced) but you really ought to get out more, or listen to some Led Zeppelin. You're bound to have heard of them...
  13. Le Saux was my favourite Rovers player when I was younger. He was also a superb footballer. He gets my vote.
  14. That is one of the most depressing things about our paltry summer. We desperately needed defensive reinforcements...Matteo signed instead.
  15. Utterly disastrous, but are we surprised? Dog fight here we come.
  16. For any fans of hip-hop, the new Dilated Peoples album is fantastic.
  17. I'm least in favour of Advocaat. God only knows what kind of job he'd make of Rovers when he couldn't even get the Dutch to play proper football.
  18. How much was Souness being paid annually? I distinctly remember a sum of £2m being mentioned. That is more money than Benitez is earning at Anfield. If so, there are plenty of managers who would be attracted by such sums.
  19. I'm sorry but this mix of illiteracy and text speak (oftentimes, one and the same) means that most of us don't have a clue what you're on about.
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