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Posts posted by broadsword

  1. 46 minutes ago, Gav said:

    Just had to endure the debacle once again on the local news, it doesn’t get any better, an absolute shambles of a performance, the worst I can recall for years and that’s saying something. 

    Nothing improves until the owners sod off.

    Venkys out!

    We know that demonstration won't shift them. I think the only way they'll piss off is of the club gets taken off them "oh no, out baby!") But how would that even be possible?

    They smell of piss, they've got breath like a rubbish tip fire, they've got skiddies for days, and proper man boobs. And they've got pork pies where their brains should be.

    It's embarrassing that they're associated with this club. It would need her enough if they cleaned the stadium toilets out, but as owners? Hell no!

  2. 6 hours ago, Wheelton Blue said:


    One day they will be gone.

    Please don't give me that sort of hope. It's the hope that kills you.

    If they still own the club in thirty years' time, all of my passion would've been extinguished, that's if I'm still alive then.

    I find their ownership very difficult to accept. They may own the club, but they don't t own me, and I may have to take up crown green bowls instead

  3. 7 hours ago, rigger said:

    When JDT first arrived and he came out with the "Dutch disease" statement. I thought great, at least he can see one of the problems, and maybe he will cure it. Half a season down the line, and we are trying to play the exact football that he took the piss out of. 

    I read this and the first thought that came to mind is, "he's being told what team too pick then".

  4. 1 minute ago, S8 & Blue said:

    Give us a name then?


    This was a rebuild job, everyone’s expectations were low this season. .


    Was it a rebuild job though? Lost more players than were brought in, and some of those who were brought in were for big money and of dubious quality.

    I don't see rebuilding, I see managed decline. Yes we are in trip six, but I wonder for how much longer.


    And let's not forget, it's Broughton whose getting the players in, if any fucker should be sacked, it's surely him first.

    But still, what's the point, it's venkys. Nothing works, everything is shit, there's no hope and on and on it goes. I just feel so apathetic about it all

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Atko's Engine said:

    Great post. It would be better if we could all do this down the dog & duck over a pint, a game of darts and a laugh, but alas that's not possible in most cases so we're stuck with forums that, whilst useful, aren't the best way for debating the things that we're all passionate about, which can often get the better of us all.

    I hope engaging with me yesterday didn't make things any worse for you and that you feel right as rain soon. 👍 I guess a decent transfer window will help, here's hoping!! 🤞

    It's fine, no worries. And to be honest, atko was my favourite player back in the day. And he was as fit as a butcher's dog 🐶

  6. Honestly lads, take it from me, the aggro just isn't worth it.

    Yesterday I had terrible neck ache, my jaw was killing me and my sinuses too. Look what happened, I got myself into a silly argument by venting. I should've just accepted that other people saw it differently, said thank you very much and got on with my day.

    Acceptance is the key word. Accepting is not the same as liking or surrendering to. I accept that people have different views, I accept that Burnley rammed us, I've even come close to accepting (and it certainly doesn't mean I think they're ok) that venkys own us right now. Without accepting the things that you can't do anything about, your mental health suffers.

    We've all just come through this pandemic, some of us have had a very hard time, there's a cost of living crisis going on. We should all be looking out for each other if anything.

    I wish you all (and I do mean all, whether we see eye to eye or not) a great day, and a happy new year. Look after yourselves, and try to look out for people around you who may be suffering but don't want to put their hands up. If you're going through hell, I feel for you more than you know and I wish you strength in digging things out tough. Take it easy guys





    • Like 7
  7. 14 minutes ago, Atko's Engine said:

    The valid evidence that JDT has done well is the league table. In June when he took over, with 6 first teamers having left on frees or returned to their parent clubs, most anticipated us being closer to 3rd bottom, not 3rd top.

    I'm not sure why you've gone down the "Jack would never have appointed him" route, but seeing how you have you should recall that Jack appointed Hodgson; he also got Eriksen to agree to come here. Neither of them had a record in this country. It's a different world now anyway. He also appointed Kidd & Harford, who respectively had zero & little  managerial experience at all. Thinking about it, Jack's only truly successful managerial appointment was Kenny.

    But yes, we'll see if JDT achieves promotion. If he does then that's a massive overachievement, even getting 6th upwards would be given the circs. Realistically he should be given more time to instill his ideas & get his own personnel in. See what J*B said above re how well respected he seems to be at Ewood.

    I can't even remember myself now to be honest 🤣 but Twitter play to you for your passion and earnestly-held views.

    I don't want to argue any further, only too say let's keep our fingers crossed for the rest of the season. All the best to you.

  8. 2 hours ago, Atko's Engine said:

    There it is, a pre-formed judgement that you won't budge from despite lots of valid evidence to the contrary. It's clear that you were never on board with JDT's appointment in the first place even before he set foot in the door, so as a consequence he's fighting an uphill battle and being judged as no good on the back of a few admittedly poor performances and results, whilst the bigger picture is being overlooked.

    By the way Jack (God rest his soul) oversaw the appointments of such successes as Ray Harford (RIP), Roy Hodgson & Brian Kidd. As wonderful for this club as Jack was, he was far from perfect in his managerial appointments. 

    Not sure what all of this valid evidence is. Did Jack ever appoint someone without a track record in this country? No. He always went for what he saw as the best available man for the job at that point.

    Anyway, time will tell. If he somehow manages to get us promoted, then I'll be big enough to admit that I got it wrong, and of course I'll be made up. We'll just have to wait and see.

    • Like 1
  9. 42 minutes ago, Atko's Engine said:

    Jeez, the be all & end all of this season is not beating Burnley, Preston, Blackpool & Wigan. It's coming 1st or 2nd, or 3rd - 6th & winning the playoffs. That's thinking big; thinking just about local bragging rights is small-minded (as symbolically important as they obviously are).

    Put it another way. If Jack was still here, would he have sacked JDT after the Burney & Preston games? Course not.

    If you think beating local rivals is all that counts, then winning the Prem title in 94/95 or the League Cup in 2002 must've meant nothing to you, and you'd prefer it if we'd have won the Manx Cup instead!

    Logical fallacy, the aim is to get promoted, but getting turned over by your local rivals to the tune of seven goals in two games is a leading indicator that says there are real problems. Jack would never have appointed him in the first place, but certainly if he'd heard the geezer say the aim is not too get promoted while we're sat in third, his feet wouldn't have touched the ground.

    But then again, if Jack were here, I'm sure a lot of things would be different

    • Like 2
  10. 12 hours ago, Upside Down said:

    You get 24 points as well as bragging rights.

    You get nothing for losing eight derbies by giving totally gutless performances. 


    The mental gymnastics going on round here really are something to behold.

    Would Jack Walker have shrugged off losing to Burnley? Not even losing really, more like abject surrender. Would he fucking bollocks like. Think big.


    After twelve years of night of the living venkys, there's a pow mindset developing.

    Whatever happened to think big? The only thing that's big about rovers these days is the debt. Well that and the thick layer of shite that's coating the ground.

    • Like 3
  11. 19 minutes ago, Miller11 said:

    I’m personally not shouting for his head yet, but what were pre-season expectations? Where is an acceptable finish this season?


    I have no idea, but being in third and saying we're not going for promotion isn't a sacking offence. It's a shooting offence. 

    This club is an absolute m#(-&"£@!/*;& mess, you can't have a fifth columnist gaffer who isn't interested in promotion when the club is in third. What's the plan instead, turn the club into the university of buggering everything up with Doctor Kakwit Bandit and Professor Arse Von Elbow?

    "The death spiral has cleared the credibility gap and is now in range of the remaining supporter base"

    "You may fire when ready"

  12. 8 hours ago, booth said:

    That's a massive knee jerk reaction.

    And that's coming from someone who had several of them on Saturday in the match day thread.

    It's nowhere near as bad as Coyle and Mowbray.

    Kean, ffs. Those were the darkest days you can imagine. I'm amazed the club is still in business.

    Rovers have played well this season, we've ran some teams ragged. The defence have played exceptionally well on occasion, holding on to leads like never under Mowbray. Let's keep some faith that we're just having a bad run at the moment, something clicks and it'll turn around.

    Nothing we can do anyway, we're bystanders. I think it's understandable after twelve years of venky misrule that people are conditioned to expecting the worst.

    I don't think the position of just being coach helps. Shadowy Broughton, hovering behind, seems to be a lack of accountability. We've made some strange signings. Yes , we've had good spells. But you're only as good as your last game, and Preston gave us a doing.


    I remember Brian kidd when he took over saying that the club has lost its heartbeat. I think that's where we're at now. It all depends from the owners, who just do not care and that sets the tone for the whole club. I don't think tomasson is an idiot by any means, maybe he's the right man at the wrong role at the right club or the wrong man in the right role at the right club. Or the right man in the right role at the wrong club.


    Whatever, something just doesn't fit. The club is high up in the league, but it's clearly not telling the whole story, that's borne out by recent performances which just don't seem right.

    I'm sorry, the club is dysfunctional and the only people to blame for that are the absentee owners. The only time they'll get anything right is when they put the club up for sale

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