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Everything posted by SIMON GARNERS 194

  1. Ahhhh but here's the rub,all these 'local' clubs didn't seem to pose such a problem even only as little far back as 2002/03 season did they IHB? With all due respect it seems to be a ready made excuse for what is happening at the moment. Its the atrophy and general apathy of support from within the town of Blackburn itself that worries me most and clearly at present there is no light whatsoever at the end of the tunnel for Rovers with this issue.What would be the impact of a relegation struggle this season on gates for next season? We can only pray and hope that matters dont get as bad as when Burnley last played in the top flight infront of gates of 11/12,000 in the late 70's.
  2. I want to know why in 3 short years our attendances have gone through the floor for a very 'successful' town club in the top flight.The decrease is extraordinary.....how have a similar sized club like Middlesbrough managed to maintain over 27K average crowds? http://www.statistics.gov.uk/census2001/py.../pages/00ec.asp Is it down to loyalty? fans with more passion? Middlesbrough more a 'football town' than Blackburn?............ Why be embarrassed Ozzie? I'm embarrassed for the club when its efforts to get more folk in are met with two finger's and a pint of pub bitter.I'm embarrassed for Mark Hughes and the players playing for us in front of a rapidly becoming half empty stadium. Perhaps I should just except it and not give a toss to our present plight, Just like the many thousand's who have seemingly thrown in the towel with our club over the year's,well,3 at that! Its the gradual decline to the inevitable that hurts.
  3. Wigan v Villa 18455 Enough said.....very depressing times for crowds at Ewood and with our current form its not going to get any better.I just hope to god the cheap ticket schemes will be in place for the visits of Fulham and Charlton to avoid some real embarrassment on the attendance front!!!
  4. Counting Rovers fans only FLB. Last seasons opener v Fulham saw 16,953....there was never anywhere near 1,000 Fulham fans at the game. I'm pretty sure there was less than 16,000 Rovers fans at yesterday's game.....I sadly stand by my claim.
  5. Well, we just about managed to scrape 16,000 home fans today(maybe even less).....our support is now on a level with that of some 6 years ago in DIV 1. I may be wrong but I do believe that today's was the lowest home support for a league game at Ewood since we returned to the top flight under Souness. Just out of interest take a look and compare some of our attendances this season to the 2002/3 season.....the decline really makes frightening reading,todays fixture some 8,000 down in comparison!!! MERRY XMAS
  6. We seem to be using this 'unlucky' excuse very often of late.Both sides very evenly matched to me but Kudos goes to our lads who looked the more likely to win even when down to 10 men. Tugay strike was sensational.....give the fella another 2 years Hughes.
  7. I really would be cheesed off if NOTLOB! got hold of him by his golden balls!! Lets be honest though....what the hell would he want to come here for?
  8. Fife Rover........ 1) From his past with Rovers and being on the verge of the full England team the answer must be yes. 2) Only he really knows. 3) I believe a return to his home town club will motivate and encourage him...he never really wanted to move. I would personally be tempted to take the gamble on him at 1 Million ....god knows we made a good profit with his sale to Birmingham.I would hazard a guess that the reaction to his possible return to Ewood would be very positive from the fans and may even tempt a few back into the fold.
  9. Sung to the tune of the Inspiral carpets song 'this is how it feels' about our nearest and dearest neighbours...... So this is how it feels to be Burnley, This is how it feels to be small, This is how it feels when you club wins nothing at all, NOTHING AT ALL, NOTHING AT ALL!!!........
  10. A 2-1 win for Rovers,I'm sick of losing.............FFS PLEASE!!!!!!!!!! 20,400
  11. I hope I'm wrong but with the damage those red b'stards caused to the Darwen End stand and also the trouble outside the ground on Saturday maybe a return to the dark days of the 70's and 80's is just around the corner again....maybe you speak too soon.
  12. Hello Joost,I'm sure we'll have half the football fans in Holland on our side come the 23rd from what I hear!
  13. The son of the late great Noel Brotherston ,a life long Rovers fan, was nearly lynched by a bunch of idiots in the Blackburn end on Saturday for making the mistake of taking a photo of Utd celebrating their goal according to tonights LET.I saw the incident from afar and he had to be removed for his own safety,he was with two others who were clearly wearing Rovers merchandise. Embarrassing to say the least....On behalf of all decent Rovers fans I'd like to apologise.
  14. Reading another message board and it appears the Utd fans looney element was out in force yesterday,the match special buses were apparently attacked as they went passed the Furnhurst.....as If its not bad enough the Utd fans making Ewood into a home game for themselves
  15. TJ Hughes perhaps? They would once again live amongst the multi-millionaires of Cheshire and shop,club and generally show off in Manchester......they would be welcome to it.
  16. Sheffield Wednesday fans sarcastically give their across city neighbours the nickname 'THE BLUNTS'........cant really think of anything more appropriate to call our lot at the moment, we posed very little threat to Utd all game to be honest. We are heading the wrong way in the Prem and matters need to change very soon.
  17. Very envious indeed,excellent news about the large following .....Just a shame we cant take more than 400 to Goodison!! Anybody any links to Feyenoord fans MB?
  18. Exactly. MASSIVE exposure and interest for a town club like Rovers if it did come to fruition......we can only hope.
  19. That post has lifted the spirits tonight pal,small town club that we are,they'll never take our achievments away from us...NEVER!!! Lancashire Utd my arse
  20. That thought has been eating away at me also since todays final whistle, its very sad and unfortunate but the Premierleague must take top priority,and low and behold at a time when when we finally look like we are capable of doing something in Europe...we've won three Uefa matches and totally regained our pride back since the Trelleborgs bebacle but god help us if its at the expense of league form. Hughes must feel so frustrated at the lack of financial backing at the club let alone the fans ......brassed off at our paper thin squad, REALLY flurkin brassed off !!!!
  21. This side is simply not strong enough to mount a Europrean campaign and Premiership football....one has to give and its clearly the Prem!! GULP!
  22. I agree with your post USA Blue, I do also wish more people within the town would realise how lucky we are to have this club.For me personally,as a fan who started supporting Rovers in the dark days of the early 80's, what we have now and what we have achieved this past decade or so was beyond my wildest dreams as little far back as 1991. What makes me both sad and mad is that people moan about the prices even when the Utd's and Liverpool's come to town(we still cant fill our sections!) will they EVER realise that maybe in 5-10 years time when we are playing Wallsall at home in a freezing Nov night infront of a 3/4 empty stadium just how lucky we were back then. The loss of a manager, the sale of high profile players,and down turn in finances and hey ho,before we all know its 1980 all over again for our club.....just ask a Forest fans how he feels.
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