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Uefa Europa League

Uefa Europa League (7/9)



  1. Thought we were totally outclassed in the first half, but things changed once they got their 2nd goal. We had a great spell of about 20 mins after that. Why? Harrison Reid. He completely changed the game for me ( and the 4 villa fans I was watching the game with) Was he injured? Or is he not starting for some other reason? We were a completely different side after he came on....
  2. https://twitter.com/dieciochoaniss/status/1091290166050910209?s=12
  3. This has got nothing to do with the club. It's a Premier League directive to safeguard the billions in revenue that the broadcasters pay for highlights packages. You may view it as 1 guy, but if people do this from every club, in increasing numbers with increased popularity, it puts the revenue at risk - which puts the clubs at risk. It's clearly harder for the PL to stop the live streams from sophisticated operations that mask their IPs and are ultimately based in countries with zero appetite to shut them down, but it's a constant battle for the PL to try and stay on top of this. The individual fans at clubs with large viewerships can easily be stopped, so they will have part of their team dedicated to that. Agree with the point about contacting him between games though. They could have handled it better...
  4. I watched the game in the West Brom end with a couple of West Brom mates. Here’s their perspective: They expected Mowbray to be tactically better than their manager and it turned out that way too. He knows their team very well, so the Dack up front was for a reason and it very nearly paid off with that blatant penalty we should have had. We made a good side in WBA look pretty average today. When Raya was down, Mowbray was rallying all of our players barking instructions, whilst their manager said nothing. My 2 pennies worth: The togetherness and positive culture of our team is something to be really proud about. They never stop working for each other. Reed was different class today. Somebody else mentioned a david batty comparison which was spot on today. Despite having 2 players on him for much of the game, Dack looks threatening and pulls opposition players out of position for fun. Would like to see the Raya foul again- I was right in front of it and my first reaction was that he’d left his boot trailing on purpose. My 2 baggies mates maintain he’s not that type of player..
  5. Looks like they are doing pretty well in the core business. Enormous gains over the last 12 months....
  6. That's not the way the window works in the vast majority of times. The selling club will hold out for as long as possible, to drum up as much interest and try to create a bidding war. Incredibly hard to get deals done early in the window.
  7. When looking at potential properties to sponsor, brands have to consider a huge number of variables. Does the club mirror the brands own values, does it have an active user base that is predisposed to purchasing the product, is the club active in its local community with strong ties etc etc . With the way the club has been run since the Venkys purchased the club, do you honestly expect us to be attracting multi-national top tier brands ? Before we can hope to attract the calibre of company you'd like to see, we have to first fix the running of the club. I'd start by doing more deals like the ainsworths one and use those companies to help foster a closer relationship between club and local community. There may be 1 or 2 companies who have a local presence but are global in nature and have a playbook for investing in the local communities of which they are a part of - e.g. McDonald's. Not sure if they still do anything with the club, but McD's used to provide kits for the local football in the community schemes, sponsored prizes for homework clubs, provided sports kit for local schools etc
  8. great signing. https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/man-city-fixtures-youth-davenport-13897893
  9. I used to listen to him on talk sport and thought he was the best of the 'football' pundits. But his personal life seems to be a slow motion car crash. Very sad that he's clearly been battling with mental health issues for many years.
  10. enjoyed that Kamy thanks. and nice to see a story like that for a change phillip.
  11. RIP. always an Insightful and well liked member of this community
  12. can't afford to be choosy? Are you kidding? The 'man' is a complete sorry excuse for a human being. He's a coward, who has bought misery on many people he's decided to attack. All this talk of 'hughes will sort him out' is absolute nonsense. He's a member of this country's underclass who has zero respect for anyone else or anything. I would not want him anywhere near our football club.
  13. he probably also thought he wasn't good enough to command a regular first team place at liverpool
  14. there in lies your problem. if you took off your blue and white tinted glasses - you'd see lucas moved to a club which has genuine chances of breaking into the top 4. they are owned by a billionaire, who likes to splash the cash on players... sure - money isn't enough to guarantee things, but over the next 4 years - they will probably end up higher than us unfortunately. Money talks. hughes is doing an amazing job with very little resources and i pray it can last a little longer!
  15. yawn. it's his job. what's the worst that can happen when you ask for a rise - you get told 'no' ! you can't escape the fact that Lucas Neil put in 100% effort for every game he played for the club. So what if he didn't have brazilian skills. We paid next to nothing for him and got many great seasons from him. Get over it! Life's too short to get so twisted about it!
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