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Everything posted by Miller11

  1. Be better than that Rev. That’s not even a low blow, it’s unbelievably poor from you. Everyone who is bothered enough to post on here clearly cares about Rovers and wants them to succeed more than just about anything. The sceptical among us see no evidence of that happening any time soon. Perhaps you or @1864roveritecan explain these green shoots you are seeing instead of telling us to do our research, or just coming out with utter shit like the post quoted above.
  2. Aside from being totally inexperienced, if he’s anything like his Dad he will be an arrogant, entitled, bullying egomaniac with questionable morals. Involvement from him has been rumoured for a while, but I can’t see it as anything to get excited about.
  3. There is at least one person among our fanbase who would be happy if we reappointed Kean and Coyle… just as long as we gave them the titles of Sporting Director and Head Coach.
  4. If there are any proper long term plans, which is extremely unlikely, then you have to admit that Venky’s and their employees have failed spectacularly in delivering them? Whenever you have been challenged to provide evidence that things are on the up in the past, you’ve told people to do their own research, like a flat earther or chemtrailer. Now you are offering up basic pitch maintenance and not shutting down the academy. As Glen has comprehensively pointed out, the academy is currently reaping rewards because it’s a major part of Jacks legacy - and the one bit they haven’t got round to completely disgracing yet. I’m always baffled by the praise they seem to get for not pulling the plug on it. It’s not some act of altruism or a shrewd manoeuvre… it’s a complete no brainier. Besides, since they rocked up they have made more out of selling academy graduates than they have had to put in to keep it going. Oh, and nobody is forgetting that we have limited TV income. We are all well aware of how perilous our financial situation is. How could we not be? What people do often forget is whose fault it is that we are in such a mess in the first place.
  5. Aside from the Rovers related ones have a listen to Mark Crossley. It’s quite an old one, and his Clough stories are fantastic.
  6. If the pitch invasion fad carries on one of the first casualties will be safe standing. It’s only in a trial phase and not universally popular. Despite being a really lazy and completely nonsense argument, scrapping it could easily be portrayed as a quick fix and would grab headlines.
  7. Yeah, he’s class unfortunately. Fortunately though that crackpot anti-vaxxer Wout Carthorse is dreadful.
  8. With a goalkeeper coach, there will be countless people like Benson who can regurgitate what they have learnt on their courses and set up drills and sessions. I think this is fine with young keepers, but a player as established as Kaminski would maybe benefit more from someone who has been there and done it and can act as a mentor. Over time it seems Benson’s role grew somewhat and during the last few months you’d see him giving instructions to outfield subs and showing players papers during breaks in play. Anyway, whatever the abilities or otherwise of our current first team coaching set up, I’d prefer a completely clean slate. We are in desperate need of a change and clearing the decks seems wholly sensible. Plus a new manager ought to be bringing in an entire team that share his vision and who they can work with effectively.
  9. The rumour and guesswork is all fine, its to be expected. But it’s bad enough with the one prolific poster on here who always posts what he wants to happen as factual occurrences. Surely we don’t need anyone else getting involved in that nonsense.
  10. Venky’s went back to the HSH well after sacking Coyle, and after Lambert walked, and after sacking Bowyer. Christ, it’s a company run by the same people who gave us Kean and Venky’s a protracted court case! There’s nothing at all in the way Mowbray has left that suggests they won’t do the same again. What I will say - and I don’t think I’m speaking out of turn - is that I raised this with Steve Waggott. He acknowledged that I was correct when I told him about the previous HSH links over 2 years ago and thanked me for doing so. He said he fully expects to be selecting the manager, and would not entertain agents foisting them on the club as it would be an immediate conflict of interest. I highlighted the issues that Mike Cheston had when we got lumbered with Coyle and suggested he might find himself in a similar position. He felt that this happening would make his position untenable.
  11. We’ve had a lot worse than him to be fair. At least he got rid of Coyle and had the decency to bugger off when we were embarrassingly relegated to the third tier.
  12. The only person Venky’s have employed and been fully behind in the last 11 and a half years was Steve Kean.
  13. I think there is a big potential issue with this structure. Nobody really knows what our current structure looks like, and over the last few weeks it has been highlighted that their aren’t clear remits in place. Adding another level to this already confusing hierarchy will only convolute things further. Venky’s Pasha Waggott Director of football Manager I’ve no real sympathy for Mowbray, but he finally admitted the truth of the situation after years of parroting the party line - he was far too detached from the owners and their were real problems behind the scenes in terms of communication and decision making. We should be simplifying our structure, because ultimately the people at the top are not competent, trusting or caring enough for it to work.
  14. With their terrible track record and complete inability to do anything in a remotely timely manner, the prospect of filling two key positions rather than just the one doesn’t fill me with much hope.
  15. While he wouldn’t be my first choice, the idea of Ferguson is growing on me. There has been a lot of talk of different manager “types”. Rather than a “development coach” I’d prefer someone who will drag us out of this league kicking and screaming. Haven’t got much to base it on, but feel he could fit the bill. A modern day Souness type maybe.
  16. David Dunn’s coaching/management career has been absolutely woeful. I’m always amazed that there is fairly constant clamour to bring him back to the club in some capacity from a section of our support. Grayson would be an absolute shocker of an appointment… but it’d fit the easy and cheap category. I mentioned after one of his recent appearances summarising our game on telly that it sounded like a pitch for the job.
  17. I saw the Bennett one. Hardly surprising he was grateful give the extended Championship career he got. Mowbray rewarded him way beyond his ability for too long to the detriment of Blackburn Rovers.
  18. This again shows the problem with Mowbray recently deciding he is a “development coach”. Results when Nyambe has been in the side have been consistently and significantly better than when he isn’t for years. Mowbray doesn’t seem to care about that and is more interested in encouraging individual players to do things that they aren’t naturally good at and are supplementary to their roles. Wants Nyambe to be better at attacking, doesn’t seem to mind Pickering can’t defend very well. Persists with Gallagher out wide even though he’s a complete fish out of water. More bothered about his keepers commanding their area than saving shots… he’d have hated Brad Friedel. All this lends itself to costly decisions like playing Johnson/Holtby/Buckley/Clarkson as false 9, Rodwell as a centre back, JRC (by the way, his career is in danger of falling off a cliff) as a wing back.
  19. No, it’s nothing new for most of us. Pick any of his numerous collapses in form and you’ll find there were plenty that wanted rid of him then. I said in December that I couldn’t see any situation where if it were my choice I’d give him a new deal come the end of the season, and that included promotion. His performance since February has been a utterly disgraceful, not for the first time. His comments today are equally as bad. For all the “stability” he’s brought us, he’s been well paid, allowed to get away with numerous spells of terrible performances, and rebuilt his wreck of a career at a level he could’ve only dreamed of if it weren’t for his agents relationship with our shit owners.
  20. I’m fuming with this. Fuck off Mowbray, there’s plenty of disappointment that we have completely blown out best chance in years of getting out of this division (upwards at least). Whenever anyone does express any disappointment all you ever do is give us a hard luck story, if we are lucky. Usually though you just have a monumental sulk. Another sly dig at the fans on your way out too. You were beyond lucky to get this job, League two teams didn’t want you, and that’s the level you’ll have to settle for if you want another job.
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