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Armchair supporter supremo

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Everything posted by Armchair supporter supremo

  1. as much is i want Mowbray and his cronies to go.... All this talk of Roy Kean as a replacement is fkn absurd, the few managerial roles he had he was awful and he's not managed(or even been on a training pitch as far as i know) for around a decade!! can people not remember the absolute shambles that Sunderland became during and after his time there. I thinkna lot of that was because contrary to what youd imagine he was absolutely awful at the player management side(along with all tge rest) (for the record of the top of my head I'd want either someone young hungry and ambioutous like hasslbank or a solid proven manager that still has a lot to offer (and maybe something to prove now) like Hughes but all that said, unless there's real money available to spend, no player transfer interference from the owners(or their representatives) and a genuine ambition to get out of thos league asap! then i cant imagine why any intelligent ambitious manager would join.
  2. easily, they're all very comfortable and very very well off in their big cosy homes, Just a job and another day at work for them.
  3. I can almost here the venks now tearing up their plane tickets for the 'planned return to ewood this season'
  4. This proves what has been heavily rumoured recently.... That there is (Yet again under the Venks! !) a huge power struggle going on behind the scenes at Ewood. and as always it will be the club & fans that suffer.
  5. now that would be the best transfer window outcome we've had in a long time.
  6. when in doubt sign another wide player. ollie burk πŸ™„ how the hell is he a better option than chapman
  7. but we did sign 2 league 1 left backs πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ (want to take bets on which of those 2 will be leaving us for nowt or on loan within 18 months because they're not getting enough game time or cos they're just not much kop)
  8. 'At Rovers there are no wingers or stikers. Just strikers right backs you haven't met yet.'
  9. does this officially make me 'ITK' πŸ˜… just wish i wasn't right and that it was the manager and his cronies leaving instead of OUR most promising players.
  10. they just didn't want him leaving for a free, now if he plays very well (as I've no doubt he now will under an exciting hungry manager) they can sell him and get maybe a couple hundred k and a 'future sell on clause' for him at Christmas. ho ho ho. we've become a right horrible little club, all about the πŸ’· and lining the pockets of the cretins pulling the strings behind the scenes and sadly/ironically bumley now hold the moral high ground and is one of the best run clubs in the country (as we where before the walkers sold us out to this shower of πŸ’©)
  11. Got to say i am suprised that there's been no last minute talk of clubs coming in to buy/loan Chapman (as of yet anyway) especially Tony has made it clear he couldn't care less if he stays or goes.
  12. harold Shipman was a better doctor than you but you wouldn't want him checking your prostate. (I'm obviously exaggerating a tad)
  13. i saw that, another Mowbrayism that is more likely to just unnecessarily confuse and effect the confidance of one of our own players (players Mowbray himself signed! as you said) Tony Mowbrays mouth is currently this clubs biggest liability and weakness.
  14. Ian Poveda boys got some dribbling Skillllz, kinkladze esque! at youth level. hardly looks a 'mowbray type player' though, if he was to come in and get starts ahead of Chapman then poor Chapman must have had a crack at mowbrays missus or something...
  15. Mowbray has now way surpassed even Steve Kean with his bullshitisms in regards to Chapman... "is he going to stay here and get 10 or 15 games off the bench, or is he going to go somewhere and play 30 games and hopefully score 10 goals" the hell drugs is this buffon on!
  16. couple more wins and then i bet Mowbray will be offered a new contract. .....meanwhile 3+ of our best assets are still to recieve a decent contract offer and will be free to leave for nothing
  17. Anthony JeselnikπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ He's pretty unheard of in this country but he's fkin outrageously funny(literally) i think a couple of his specials where on netflix
  18. I'm sure you could. were a desperate club desperately trying fill shirts without having to commit to signing long term contracts.
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