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Everything posted by simongarnerisgod

  1. does it make you wonder about the fact the players don`t seem bothered about the tactical shambles that often ensues,they seem far to content to me just to be going through the motions,things ar`nt going to plan,just shrug your shoulder and carry on,we`ll still get paid
  2. im`e not sure what formation it was,all it resembled was 10 players running around not knowing their job with most of them out of position added to the mix was an incompetent goalkeeper,who incidentally is one of the worst iv`e ever seen,though it would not surprise me in the slightest if the board contacted brighton,negotiated and signed him permanently,thats the kind of club we are
  3. well you need to score f***** goals to win a match and today we would`nt have put one in if we`de be played till midnight,thanks to your tactics against a nothing team who where there for the taking,we really should`nt be moaning because we in a pretty good position,but my god the opportunities we`ve missed to get in the playoffs?,scarily to me this side is reaching the end needs breaking up and rebuilding and i don`t think mowbray has the ability or money to do it
  4. well tony can`t have been giving them much tactical info during the week,it looked like nobody knew what was going on,even before the goal there was a complete lack of functionality
  5. not at all,most of them are just here to get a wage,there is zero ambition in them
  6. im`e not sure what tactics they were but they appeared strange to me,tony should retire to his allotment in the northeast,he does`nt need all this play off hassle
  7. with the attitude and demenour of our players,they will no doubt be thinking that the play offs are out of reach and we can soon go on holiday,ide bang every single on of them on the list apart from lenihan,travis and nyambe
  8. if you don`t think our season is over after that then you should stop smoking those strange cigarettes
  9. lets face it lads,we are going nowhere while mowbray is in charge,just hope he retires and venkys pull off a miracle and get us a manager who is progressive
  10. thank **** brighton want walton back,knowing the craziness of our club,we`de have blown our budget buying him?
  11. agreed,we should be going at them,poor harry still won`t be ready for 1st team football till he`s 35
  12. well coyle managed to get him scoring in a team that was infinately worse than the one we have now,tbh im`e puzzled as to why mowbray bought him,mind you he bought harry chapman as well and thats equally as baffling
  13. im`e not sure what mowbray wants gallagher to do,ffs he`s a big lump,get him in the middle and let him do his job,if he can`t do it then get shut,he should stop making him do things he`s not capable of
  14. neither would craig short tbh,we`de be down to 9 men after half an hour?
  15. big ben looking more like a footballer these days,maybe he`s turned the corner
  16. he did buy one,but apparently he`s not yet ready mentally for the immense pressure of playing 90 minutes
  17. we`d dynamite on the right if nyambe had wide player to combine with
  18. severly lacking width and bennett who`s a liability at right back and a disaster of nuclear proportions at left back
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