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Everything posted by Ossydave

  1. The trialist is Anwar Patel, 17 year old asian lad from Oldham - on sky sports news now.
  2. Hate to be the bearer of bad news but the mystery trialist was Dean Saunders trying out some orange boots
  3. He's been @#/? lately and is supposed to be signing for the magpies, making way for Shearers return to Ewood.
  4. The whole situation is typical of rovers, particularly under Souness. We've taken 5 steps forward and then about 20 back. A couple of good signings and everyones looking forward to the new season. After this whole situation with Cole blew up, I'd say the majority aren't looking forward to the new season at all now. Now the timing of all this is another issue. Surely if we knew Cole was gonna leave AND wanted a replacement we'd have slapped Cole on the transfer list WEEKS ago to give us enough time for a sale and the purchase of his replacement, wouldn't we? Now to me this indicates either we aren't looking to replace him, or the slimey @#/?s have waited till the paying public have splashed out on their ST's and we'll rush a new signing in. Either way it stinks to high heaven. A strikeforce of Stead/Gally/Dickov is destined for Div 1. I'm not bothering to even include Jansen or Yorke as they're finished. Stead did thrive off the space Cole created for him, of that I have no doubt. Yours faithfully, A truly ###### off roverite
  5. Where on earth do they get these ridiculous figures for his wages from?
  6. Cole's actually quite handy I'm led to believe. I teach kick boxing and he seemed willing to sign up too.
  7. The most shocking part of this story is that Ossydave knows a talking horse. Funnily enough I once spoke to Ruud VN too, what an arrogant clown
  8. Duff did too............. Let's ignore that though, he's to blame for the season ticket fiascos, the kits and the leaky defence, God damn him
  9. Cole will not go Fulham, from the horses mouth. He'll finish his top flight career at Rovers and either drop a division or retire after seeing his contract out. Funnily enough he speaks very highly of Dean Saunders too
  10. Part of the reason we have a decent(ish) average attendance is due to the fact we give away fans such big allocations. The likes of Leicester, Coventry & Villa didn't fill theirs, Eveton more than likely did.....
  11. On what proof? When our defence crumbles next season...you will see how much a bad signing this is.. Oh ###### off you irritable hemroid Dingle invader if I ever saw one.
  12. Ha ha ha...read it all now. What year is blackburn the capital of culture, and what else are you famous for? Just bitter lad...oooohhh, taste that lemon. Famous for featuring in THAT Beatles song? One would have thought they were so proud of Merseyside they'd sing only about you. Taste the lemon? Is THAT the reason for your hilarious (not) MUNICH chants aimed at the Mancs year after year after year?!?!? Believe it or not there's no worldwide conspiracy against you oh so cheeky scouse boys. Grow up you clown.
  13. I knew I'd agree with one of your posts eventually
  14. It wasn't fact actually. They said he escaped from Plymouth hospital, he escaped form Derriford Mental institute. They said he was depressed when in actual fact he had a massive cocaine addiction. If you let what a tabloid says bother you, you've got very thin skin. Jesus Christ, Beckham would have done something drastic years ago if he was as touchy as you lot.
  15. I'm definitely going. Not sure yet whether it's gonna be 2 of us, me and the missus, or me and about 15 lads, but will let you know
  16. Years ago my uncle threw himself off an electricity pylon. How did my mother (his sister) find out about that? By a sickening picture of an Accrington man about to jump from the pylon on the front page of the LET. Some of you may or may not remember this picture but its the single most disturbing thing I've ever seen in my life. The relations had a right to know first. We haven't held it against the LET though, We know what sells papers and what doesn't.
  17. Which ones? Im not being arrogant, i just cant remember..... Would just like to know for interest/reference. Thanks. Have a think about it, it's really not that hard.
  18. Just let it go. The Sun bases their whole paper on lies, we all know that. Either you accept their apology or you don't. There's been far worse incidents than this which have received no apology whatsoever. Like they say move on, life goes on.
  19. Or the Blackburn that had 5k gates? I'm talking about now, stop living in the past FFS.
  20. .......and that's all we are asking for. When you've seen (to pick just a few at random) Speedie, Garner, Shearer, Hendry, Gennoe, Reid, Barker, Moran, Atkins, Fazakerly, Wright, Brotherston and I don't know how many others dieing for the cause, you know, you really know when a player is committed. Steven Reid comitted? Are you mad?!?! ( ) Who out of the current squad would you say is committed Paul?
  21. Somewhere that lives/eats/breathes football, know it's not a town but Newcastle always springs to mind as an instant example. Middlesbrough are still effectively benefiting partially from signing that irritating Brazilian the first time and other big (ish) signings.
  22. You can think it's daft all you like but it really isn't. as that's where the core support is, Of course not all Rovers fans come from Blackburn, nobody said the do, just like any other club. Most do though. Just like any other club, including Manchester United; a majority of the fans at Old Trafford comes from the Manchester area. The areas around Blackburn are the heartlands where most of the support comes from. They're bound to be, if Rovers is the nearest club they are likely to support them. So the size of the local population has nothing to do with it? Where do you want Rovers to get most of their support from? Cornwall? Essex? We're stuck with the area whether we like it or not. I'm not suggesting there isn't plenty of Rovers fans who aren't from Blackburn (and on this site we see that Rovers have fans from all over the globe) but it is where the basis has to come from. Same as always. Not a local team for local people exactly...but it does need the local people. Maybe Man U could get big crowds without Mancs...we couldn't get them without Blackburners or those from Ossy or Accy. Actually we can't get big crowds with them so Lord only knows what we'd do without them. Simply...if the local population isn't that great then we can't expect massive crowds. Worse than that...if they don't renew there isn't that many others to take their place. Come on then how many 'small town teams' reside in the premiership? Not an awful lot I'm sure you'll agree. The fact is our attendances increased by a MASSIVE percentage when we got to the premiership. Thats simply a natural reaction. ANY town team in the whole of the UK would see huge increases in attendances. If Burnley got in the premiership would their attendances rise? YES. If Accy Stanley did? YES. If Rochdale did? YES. If Barnsley did? YES. If Ipswich did? YES. I can see a pattern emerging here. Fact is, there's not enough small town teams in the premiership to make an accurate analysis of how well supported we are. My point still stands, Blackburn is not a footballing town IMHO. Incidently I wouldn't say Middlesbrough is either. Face it, the novelty of top flight football is fading away, fast.
  23. To be honest mate theres F all else to do in Blackburn/Ossy/Accy anyway but no I don't believe Blackburn is a passionate football town. Sorry if that upsets your applecart.
  24. You've got to laugh really, especially when you compare it to Burnleys 8 man squad or whatever it is
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