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Wing Wizard Windy Miller

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Wing Wizard Windy Miller last won the day on December 5 2021

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  1. simply because its a signing 🤷🏻‍♂️. It's an incredibly low bar these days.
  2. The strategy has been clear for a while. Sign cheap 'experienced' free journey men to pad out the first team. Take low cost punts on several young players and throw them into the first team after a few months in the under 21s. If the young player is any good, he'll be sold to the first bidder. Aim is not to get relegated but they won't care if we do. its ok though because they reduced ST by £30 so what do people expect.
  3. Oh good. I like watching teams with good wingers. No excuses then. None of the players on show yesterday were fast or exciting wingers though. He may be in for a change of tactic.
  4. Can't see any reports on yesterday's game on the LT site. Are they only reporting if we win a game?
  5. So poor. Eustace hasn't got them well drilled. Clueless going forward. Is there another game with the young uns?
  6. Preseason but this is abysmal from what must be close to our starting 11. Not surprising really given it's the same players -with the same weaknesses- as last year...
  7. Very good Spain. Southgate can't set up a team that doesn't sit deep. Should have been more proactive. Kane should never pull on an England shirt again. Awful player.
  8. 'Only afford Dykes if we sell'. Despite raking in £25 mil in sales. Tells you all you need to know about our funding. There isn't any.
  9. Still buzzing this morning. After 40 odd years of watching England mess up.every tournament, 2 consecutive finals is dreamland. Even if we lose, it's better than usual! That said, Spain have played exceptionally well this tournament but we've nothing to fear. They weren't pre-tournament favourites and if anything have over-performed. England have generally under-performed. I think we are better suited to nullifying passing teams, than those with big, quick players like France. Pretty optimistic tbh. Only downside maybe that Southgate will go to a back 4 so he can match Walker up against Nico-Williams. Big decision to make over Kane. He's stunk the team out so far. Come on England.
  10. At least it seems that the penny has finally dropped with the vast majority of fans - that Venkys are complete wankers... ...and the club is screwed.
  11. Must have been incredibly rewarding. All that effort resulting in no actual signings.
  12. If,and I hope to God we do, invest in some proper wingers, we'll also need a striker that can head a ball goalwards!
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