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SINCE 1996
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Everything posted by colin

  1. Very true about the entertainment value. On the other hand if Hughes had taken a risk and played a few youngster then maybe we wouldn't have kept clean sheets in seven out of our last eight league games and we'd be looking at a relegation scrap. Let's put this season in the bank, we're staying up. Souness had us looking at the drop and Hughes has saved us. If the price we pay for not playing the Dingles next year is a boring game against Man City, then I am willing to pay that price. If Hughes can do to our attack what he has done to our defence then we will be well on our way next season. Upward and onward.
  2. I rather like that first line Delete "obsession with" and replace with "brilliance at" and it might be closer to the truth.
  3. No need to be like that about Flopsy. He tries his best, bless him.
  4. Based on the last six times we have played City at Ewood (1) Don't expect a draw (2) It's our turn to win 03-04 L 2-3 02-03 W 1-0 99-00 L 1-4 95-96 W 2-0 94-95 L 2-3 93-94 W 2-0 As a wise man once said, "A Manchester City shirt is merely a Rovers' shirt that has been through the boil wash." Think about it.
  5. Made me laugh. Which is not always a good thing.
  6. Keep it going, it should evolve over the months as someone brings in new ideas, new styles, & new ways of doing a match preview.
  7. I've just spent a few minutes or do reflecting on them words. Without coming over all maudlin, we knew we were beaten. But for some reason we all got up and waved and cheered. A magnificent moment. I was glad I was part of it.
  8. In a nutshell there. My sentiments exactly.
  9. Nice and optimistic you muppet! i hope i bump into you Would you like cream, custard or ice cream with that humble pie?
  10. A good (if long) day out: I think the 3-0 flattered Arsenal although I don't suppose anyone here will disagree. I'm getting a little cheesed of with the details of the media reports that we are a dirty team. This seems to have started after "The Chosen One, aka Maureen" had a whinge, and seemingly everyone is having a pop. Rovers 4 yellow cards, Arsenal 3 yellow cards, hardly a one way battle. Can't understand the criticism levelled at Matteo I thought he had a really good game. Hey-ho, diffences of opinion & all that. Dickov was rubbish, but when you are playing on your own against the Arsenal defence then you'd have to be Thierry Henry in a training match to get anything. Fans were great (us not them) Finally: Who owns that marvellous great massive humungous flag that went round, a tip of the hat to whoever brought that along. Till next year then...........................
  11. Calm down, We can discuss Souness' traits as a manager, with reference to his last year as Rovers' manager, and what is happening at Newcastle and look forward to our semi. Nothing wrong with that. They are two distinct subjects. It's like chewing gum and walking at the same time. Take it easy.
  12. Just to add to Smithy's post, here's the report about Robert clicky Not really surprising to hear that GS doesn't talk to him. This must ring bells with a number of us. I watched the second half of the Newcastle v Sporting match tonight and was struck by the sheer hopeless lack of intelligence of the Newcastle play. It so much reminded me of our last 12 months with GS in charge. Thank you Fat Freddie for taking him away, and thank you MH for sorting out the shambles.
  13. Yup, hell hath no fury like a Rovers' fan scorned.
  14. Well said Tony, For everyone who has slagged off supporters who are not going: Got kids? Got a mortgage? Got family committments? Got a job that involves working Saturday? Pay council tax? Pay house insurance? Are you struggling to justify the cost of attending the match? Every poster who has come on here and said why they are not going has said why they cannot go to Cardiff. You are therefore simply attacking people who cannot go for reasons which you do not know/appreciate. Its pointless. Just be happy that you are going and feel sympathy for those who would like to go but (for some reason) can't. (looking forward to being at Junction 19 on the M6 at about 07:00 waiting for my lift, dah dah da dah.....complete your own blues riff ...)
  15. No, it's because they can't afford it. You & I have no insight into the personal finances of those who are not going, regardless of whether or not they are ST holders, how long they have been ST holders, if they have seen Simon Garner, were at Anfield in 1995 or whatever. It is going to be an expensive and completely inconvenient day. Travel will be a nightmare. It's only a semi. And we'll get stuffed, despite all the happy-clappy predictions elsewhere on this site. See you there (just in case you wondered) I'm as daft as you are.
  16. It may be a little too recent for the historians but...... Brian Kidd signed Simon Grayson from Villa. Then we got relegated. Co-incidence? I think not.
  17. Could this be that he was trying to avoid the yellow card that would bar him from the semi?
  18. I'd just like to say "Well done Sox" for a great post. And, (he said sarcastically) thanks for raising the bar for the standard of all future match previews. I hope you are pleased with yourself.
  19. Well, in all this "going" "not going" discussion I'd just like to add my two cents in a kind of Kent Brockman kind of way. The FA is taking the ###### and trying to extract as much money out of us as possible*. And the other three teams. £45 for a seat is ruiniously expensive for a lot of people. An overnight stay adds on to the cost. The early KO is really inconvenient for many. It's Arsenal and we're going to get beaten anyway. A semi-final? What the hell is a semi-final worth? Going to a final is worth a charabang ride somewhere special, but a semi is worth doodle-squat. It's all been blown up out of all proportion just like "Tonight's exciting clash between Portsmouth and Fulham, which promises to be an absolute cracker." Or similar @#/?. We are all being suckered into buying into some big event that really isn't. Our first semi-final for "42 years" or whatever. Who cares? Will it be our second semi-final for 42 years that we have lost? Do we get a trophy? Does anyone remember any team that lost an FA Cup semi 10 years ago? Does this "achievement" get celebrated anywhere?" It's all a bag of overblown @#/?. I can't afford £45 for a ticket for a game of football. We need a new kitchen door, the bloody roof has started leaking, the house needs decorating, the car has just had a new gearbox, the car tax is due, the house insurance needs renewing, we need money to send the daughter to a netball tournament, need I go on? So don't start on those who say they cannot afford to go. They have my full support. * Just wait until the new Wembly opens and there is a 20 year agreement that all semis will be played there. The prawn sanwich brigade will be in their element as they watch the match listening to Vivaldi as a few rain-soaked, impoverished miserables cheer on their teams from north of Watford. "Ooh I say Quentin, the supporters of the team in red are really giving their all." "Gosh, yes Tarquin, and those fans in blue are trying their best too. Another canape, and would you like a top-up of this crisp white?" I'm going to Cardiff for the semi. If I stick my little finger in my left ear and wiggle it about I can see my fingernail coming out of my right ear.
  20. Perhaps some of us would be a bit more relaxed if your tabloid demonisation didn't seem so weighted towards black people. (Gav to vote BNP & the two on this thread) Come on Smithy, you investigative reporters need to cover the whole ground, spread your wings a bit. Do us a Jonathon King one.
  21. I think the Matchday "travel guide" may help Old Trafford
  22. They've probably had to sample it too see what it is, and as it is, they now have to recover enough to work out what it is. Or something.... Oooh a Crunchie..........mmmmmmm.............Crunchie
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