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Everything posted by matt83

  1. Any side that’s in the top half (particularly one that’s spend nearly half the season in the play off positions) playing a team that’s rock bottom at home should be looking to win 99% of the time. That said rovers are susceptible to sides who just want it more and Wigan are undoubtedly a bogey side. So I’m going for a fairly easy Wigan win.
  2. Perhaps not to this degree of embarrassment but there’s at least one player we’ve lost every window in seemingly daft circumstances. They’re just the ones we hear about.
  3. I’ve just listened to that interview. I can appreciate a few things 1 an apology. I can’t recall one of those happening from anyone under the Venkys reign of terror. 2 taking responsibility (although it’s pretty easy to take responsibility when you know there’s going to be no consequences for the thing you’re taking responsibility for). 3 he’s seen issues with the farcical (not that he used that word) transfer procedure and structure they’ve used for the last 10 years. That said this bloke is well behind now for goodwill and competence. So he needs to be pulling rabbits out of hats just to get back to parity and make up for his poor start. My gut instinct is he’s just another chancer with a silver tongue saying the right things when actions fall well below minimum standards but he does seem a bit different to the rest in terms of taking responsibility
  4. Does anyone have a link to this broughton interview where he fell on the sword?
  5. Ultimately and very sadly I think rovers fans as a collective deserve the owners we have. Far too much looking the other way when it mattered 10 years ago and now forget it. There is nothing so bad the club/owners could do that the large swathes of apologists wouldn’t defend to the hilt. For the minority of fans who don’t deserve the Venkys it’s truly awful but unfortunately have to play the cards we’re dealt - ie a very passive fanbase who couldn’t really give a shit.
  6. Oh yeah forgot him. The lad we loaned from Huddersfield.
  7. Which paper wouldn’t mind a read? That’s chilling.
  8. Forgetting the cock up with the paperwork, whether we were close to signing players. The only fact that’s relevant is we had a month to sign new players and apparently actively tried and regardless of what excuses they trot out we managed to sign 0. Zero.
  9. 😂. Will give them that one. It comes to a thing where we’re so useless we’re able to give a club, who are probably purely volunteer run and about 10 levels below us, enough ammunition to take the mick.
  10. In no particular order: 1 hiring king rat and not sacking him 2 employing Jerome Anderson 3 signing above son 4 driving out Williams, Finn and Goodman 5 hiring shelf boy 6 promoting Agnew beyond his abilities of programme dogs body 7 hiring swag 8 trying to turn the academy into housing 9 the chicken advert 10 running down the contract of a player of value 11 not strengthening jan 2022 12 amassing £250 million debt 13 forgetting to sign a players contract 14 sacking fat Sam 15 allowing the stadium to become almost derelict 16 Ronaldinho bullshit 17 hiring hunt Just off the top of my head and a couple of mins typing. I bet there’s 50 stupid things. forgot this one the annual fiasco with season tickets/ ticket prices. Must be in any top 5.
  11. If the big boys were stupid enough not to sign the paperwork then I’m sure the outcome would be the same. Perhaps we’re the first and only club stupid enough to make these mistakes.
  12. They’ve appealed just so swag can trot out his favourite phrase: “we’ve done all we can.”
  13. I see it slightly differently. In their shoes I reckon I’d be thinking thank fuck I didn’t end up at that shower of shite. They’ve both had a lucky let off. As fans we’ve had 13 years of practice of disappointment and astonishment at their incompetence. I’ve never wavered in my belief that the owners and the morons they employ to run the club are totally useless. It galls me when the “footballing world”, even some of our own fans, seem to think things are fine here after a turbulent start because there aren’t protests, etc. If there’s a crumb of comfort in this latest incompetent saga it reminds people how useless the club still are and always have been.
  14. I met swag once at Bolton. My first impression of him all those years ago was he was a cretin. My mate thought that was a harsh assessment but time and time again I’ve been proved correct.
  15. All this is definitely rovers fault. I’d put bloody good money on it. They’re a bloody shambles normally day to day and they particularly excel in their general incompetence during the January transfer window.
  16. So to summarise 278 pages, from rumours of signing absolute detritus to signing players that would have been quite decent, we ended up signing no one!?!?!? Cant say I’m massively surprised.
  17. Out of the strikers seen rovers linked with on loan recently - undav who Brighton paid £6 million for, Samuel iling junior who plays for juve (well makes the first xi squad) and has represented England at all youth levels and gelhardt from Leeds who’s also represented England at youth levels. They’ll never get those type of deals done. It’ll be some clodhopper no other bugger wants.
  18. It’s the same old transfer window at Venkys Blackburn Rovers. A string of failed targets, I’m not convinced any of the good rumoured are ever on the list, probably put out in the media to give the impression they’re doing something. Then as things get desperate folk are happy just to see a new face any new face. I’m 99% sure they targeted hyam under the old regime who’s been the only decent addition over the summer with a range of totally useless for hirst and looking decent for brittain but never fit. So the new regime have a very iffy record with players bought in this window doesn’t look like changing anything positively.
  19. Rotherham had won once in 13 games with plenty of defeats before the soft centres rolled into town and I thought will lose. Wasn’t quite expecting a 4-0 massacre though. Brum have lost their last 5 excluding the mighty forest green and I’m thinking exactly the same thing as I did vs Rotherham.
  20. Not finished I don’t think they’ve even dug the footings yet. There’s something in the bible about a wise man building his house on stone and a foolish man building his house on sand. I wonder which category rovers fall in to.
  21. Out of the 3 choices on the table for Porteous signing for rovers would represent the least ambition for the lad.
  22. Probably. He could even rock up at rovers. People would convince themselves that he’s got premier league experience, a championship play off under his belt and will have contacts at chelski for loans. Mowbray had his journey that failed. Jdt and his project will no doubt fail. I can’t wait for 2025 and fat Frank’s 4 year stratagem.
  23. Everton are in quite the pickle. Surely surely surely this is fat frank’s last job in management. Didn’t deserve the derby job and only to them to the exact poison finished the season before under Rowett. Certainly didn’t deserve the chelski job and flopped. Didn’t deserve the Everton job and he’s still underperforming.
  24. Brereton is well and truly back. It was nice to have that Diaz for an amazing 6 months but either side of that purple patch he’s been fairly ordinary.
  25. He’s like the modern forward equivalent of Jason Lowe. Played nearly 200 games for rovers and I can’t really say what his strengths were. He wasn’t a box to box midfielder, didn’t score goals, wasn’t great at tackling/breaking up play, didn’t have a killer pass, didn’t take set pieces nor was he liability. He just filled a shirt to no obvious purpose. This lad might be cut from the same cloth.
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