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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. That's hopefully one of the questions I'll have answered by those willing to have a nosey on our behalf. Many of the site I've played have been java based so *should* work fine on a Mac. However, a quick look at the site in question doesn't offer me any obvious Mac related info and the download is a wintel executable. So it doesn't look good.
  2. I'm looking for a volenteer ! We're currently talking to a large online betting outfit about using their online poker facilities to resurrect our old oline poker games and hopefully start new regular brfcs tournaments. The idea is we get them some new signups and we get some advertising revenue (not to mention somewhere better to play poker) The problem is with both my day job and BRISA taking up so much of time I haven't had chance to check out their facilities yet, which is where you come in. What I need is for somebody to sign up for their poker facilities (they offer free games as well as pay ones, but you may need a credit card for security purposes, not sure yet), have a play and let us know what you think. I need someone (or a couple of people) that is familiar with online poker (preferably someone that used to play in our old games at texasholdem.com/pokerroom.com, but that's not essential) to have a play and let me know if you think (is the software any good, is it friendly enough for new players, can everyone actually get on the same server etc). PM me and I'll let you know which site (I don't want to name them here until a deal is struck).
  3. I hope I'm not breakinging any confidences by telling you this, but a while ago the club WAS investigating the feasability of moving the TV gantry to the Riverside. I never did hear what came of the investigation, but I'll ask when I get to speak to the people involved again.
  5. The £5 that's just gone on the win at 14:1 will do me nicely.
  6. I thought the majority of the FIFA code was from the Manchester EA studio (they certainly claimed it was when I assisted their IT audit a couple of years back).
  7. Can I point out, for those that didn't attend last night, that this information came from the floor and not from anyone involved with orgainising the meeting. I don't want it on record as "BRISA said ......". That said, I trust the source and have no doubts it's true (although I believe pertanent details such as WHEN this discussion happend and WHO WITH weren't gievn).
  8. If you're concerned that the average beer-swilling chant-singing industial-language-using dingle-baiting pie-eating breast-loving terrace-missing bloke isn't represented, then I think it's safe to point out that there are several of us close to that make up who are involved .
  9. I don't think I'm breaking any confidences when I say that the club has at least looked into this. Not sure what came of it though.
  10. The reminds me. If somebody with an ST in the BBE Upper doesn't mind the hastle of looking after it, then brfcs.com ownes a nice B R F C cross of St George that could be draped over the big blue empty hording where McDonalds used to be. Mushy and Oklahoma took it to the world cup, Ste and JPW took it to Germany for the Pre-Seasons, I've taken it to Bray, Cardiff and Turkey. It's kinda silly it's never been out at Blackburn
  11. That sounds like John Newsome ... except for the big bit. Sav waved at the Leeds fans in a cheeky fashion as he entered the tunnel, which was funny. But then Tugay followed suit ! Could Brad have been pointing out the Tugay vs half the anti-Turkish nutters in Leeds wouldn't be a fair fight ?
  12. Sony network adapters are becoming hard to come by. I have a few freinds who want to add HDs to their PS2 (the network adapter doubles as a HD adapter) but can't find anyone with stock left.
  13. When I spotted nobody was coming onto the Riverside with a flyer in their hand I got to steward to let me through so I could hand them out just inside the turnstiles. I only managed about 20 mins though before I had to get back to the BBE for kickoff.
  14. I haven't seen the interview yet, but from the press release BRISA did, ticket prices full under the heading of "national issues" rather than Rovers related ones (i.e. the silly prices we're getting charged at Chelsea). Few would argue Rovers have some of the best value for money tickets in the EPL. What's more worrying (and hopefully something BRISA can help the club address) is why despite Rovers charging relatively little compared to other clubs are we NOT seeing a proportionate increase in fans. As for Mike's board identity, I don't think I'm giving anything away (because you can work it out from the minutes) that it's Preston Blue.
  15. Hell ! We've already suprassed what I expected to reach after the launch night ! Which I guess means I owe Scotty an apology.
  16. The the pay bit of the official site now has video of an interview with acting BRISA chairman Mike Graham (who you call know as Preston Blue). As I'm not a subscriber, could somebody let me know what it's like
  17. 1. I think it's common knowlegde he is 2. As far I am aware, the FF was originally made up mainly of people who headed existing supporters groups and people who had recently contacted the club with fan related issue (although this was before my time of the FF). 3. I believe a show of hands from the FF members elected the present chairman after the previous one stood down (again, before my time). Re conflict. Fair enough, but as long as the FF members don't share that info with their fellow BRISA members I don't see much of a problem (however, if it does turn out to be a problem, then fine, I'll pick one or the other). From memory SAR, weren't you a FF founder member ?
  18. I can't speak for the other two, but I have always maintained that if either group thinks my being involved with the other is detrimental to that group, I'd happily resign from one or the other. Personally, I feel that as long as I honour my agreement to keep what is said and the FF priavate and what is said at BRISA public I don't see any problem.
  19. I've been thinking of a way of educating our "quiormasters" recently. I applaud anyone for trying to generate the atosphere, but recently we've been made to look right numpties by them. A few examples. Huddersfield Games. 1-0 up after looking the poorer side to a D1 team is NOT the time to sing EASY ! Anyone watching Rovers any length of time will know that even 3-0 up to 10 mins to go is still tempting fate. Singing "Small Town In Yorkshire" to Burnley is funny, it's a humerous insult. Singing it to a team who are in fact FROM a small town in yorkshire is a silly as singing "you play in blue and white stripes you do". "Are you Burnley in disguise" to a team from a division below them ? We don't sing "Are you Juventus in disguise" to West Brom do we ? Liverpool "Worst Support We've Ever Seen", to a FULL and LARGE stadium, genius. "Worst Support We've Ever Heard" makes more sense. "Have you one the Premier League", whilst now very dated at least makes sense. Singing "Stand Up if you've one the league" and "What's it like to win #### all" to a team with 18 top flight league titles and 5 European Cups is just silly. ...... I have other examples, but that will do for tonight.
  20. Seeing as I have involvement in both, I'm probably well suited to answer them 1. Several members of the fans forum were invited to become involved with BRISA from early stage (with the exception of the chairman, they were asked in their "other" capacities, such as OSA heads) and three fans forum members were involved from the beginning. However, the two groups (the FF and BRISA) have very different remits with very different ways of seeing their aims met (although I imagine their aims will be similar) and I can see neither the club nor the fans benefitting from NOT having both. There is NO attention to replace the FF. The FF exists to get the views of a representative group of fans on matters important to the club. By the entire nature of the FF, much of what is discussed is not for public disclosure, without this agreement between the club and FF the FF would be much less effective. One the other hand, BRISA is founded around be an open and honest communication, by it's very nature it simply can't be run as privately as the FF. If the club don't want the fans to know something, they shouldn't tell BRISA. BRISA sees the need for the FF, hopefully the FF will see the need for BRISA. 2. Yes. The FF is there to (mainly) benefit the club. If the FF doesn't like something all they can do is tell the club, any further action and the club could simply close the FF. If BRISA doesn't like something, we have no (official) ties with the club, so we are not as limited when it comes to direct action (however, the club have been very helpful and supportive so far). Plus BRISA is designed to talk about the issue it raises with the club with the fans. Talking about the issues with the fans in general is not a luxury the FF has (unless it happens to have already been a topic for discussion amongst then fans), it's left down to 20 or so individuals to put forward their own views (and those others as best they can). 3. Rev, this is precisely the problem. In fact it's precisely TWO of the problems. The closed nature of the FF means that the fans don't find out what issues the club is aware of and more importantly what they are doing about it (in my eyes, the club is pretty good at doing the right thing. Where they fail is letting the fans know WHAT they've done to address the problems). The second problem is that yes, many things have been discussed ad infinitum, but talking alone won't solve things. The way I've always seen it is the FF and BRISA are tackling the same problem from different ends and should compliment each other.
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