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jim mk2

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Everything posted by jim mk2

  1. One of the best batsmen of all time and a gentleman too who always liked to see the game properly. Now your turn to praise an England player.
  2. If you support the other lot against England I'll be on you like a ton of bricks.
  3. Mmmmm... I thought so, grudging admiration for Pietersen but no one else and not even Bell, a class act who was the best batsman by miles on either side this summer. I look forward to you backing England all the way this winter.
  4. Forget all that. Name me your favourite England players of non-Indian descent in terms of skill, watchability etc.
  5. I like him too but his Test temperament is suspect. But how about the Anglo players ? Come on, you can do it.
  6. Cricket captains and like football managers - they are judged on results. Cricket captains can make a difference - even with seemingly ordinary players. Years ago England had a very average side that became a very good one thanks to the brilliant leadership of Mike Brearley. England played poorly this summer - yet Clarke still couldn't get a win. He's not a "great" captain as claimed, he's not even average yet. Memo to self 1: Don't rise to cricket simpletons. Memo to self 2: Don't discuss convict cricketers - I couldn't care less about them anyway.
  7. Clarke's record is woeful - better players or not. A "great" captain he ain't. I don't do this very often but you deserve one of these. Congratulations.
  8. India aren't the best team in the world - that accolade belongs to South Africa with England second and India third. And Clarke is not a great captain - his record proves that. He's also just got stuffed this summer 3-0. You're being silly again.
  9. Panesar gives the appearance of being mentally unstable. In the recent past his marriage has fallen apart because of his volatile behaviour; Sussex kicked him out after he admitted urinating on a nighclub bouncer. Essex gave him another chance and in his first match he was involved in two serious on-field spats with Worcestershire players. He's not a "drunken imbecile" as the India-supporting hypocrite says but I'm very surprised England have picked him for the Ashes. He is only backup for Swann and there's a good chance he will play hardly any cricket on the tour. The likelihood in his current mental state he will crack at some point through boredom or through some perceived slight. I doubt he will finish the tour and will be on an early plane home.
  10. England won the Ashes 3-0 not because they cheated but because they were the better side. The ODIs hold no real interest for me. Hope you are proud of your countrymen who are just the latest in a long line of corrupt Indian cricketers. For your enjoyment I have posted the list of shame again. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cricketers_banned_for_match_fixing
  11. Daft post. 227 in 44 overs is just over 5 an over, normally a piece of cake in the one-day game but they were Test conditions with no restrictions on field placings or wides etc. I thought England timed the innings to perfection and with 21 needed off 4 overs would have got there easily but for the ICC's ridiculous light meter ruling.
  12. I'm not surprised Clarke was desperate to go off - his team have never lost a series here 4-0 and presumably he didn't want that on his headstone. I think it's been a cracking series - the games at Trent Bridge and Durham were edge-of-seats stuff and Lord's could have gone either way at one stage. Bell (and Pietersen sometimes) apart, I've been disappointed with England's batting. Cook needs to sort out some technical issues over the next 3 months.
  13. Full house at the Oval, raucous crowd in celebratory mood anticipating a stunning England victory, and the umpires take the teams off and end the match with 4 overs left because of a stupid ICC light rule. The people running international cricket are idiots. However although we were denied a deserved 4-0 series win, I'll take a 3-0 thank you very much. Alastair Cook I salute you sir.
  14. In hindsight we made a mistake with the team selection. Woakes looks a good bat but on this evidence his bowling and that of Kerrigan is below Test standard. Plus dropped catches meant we lost control of the game from day one.
  15. England were on a hiding to nothing - attack and they risked losing wickets and following on. Today was like watching cricket from 50 years ago when Boycott and Barrington shut up shop and nurdled along at 2 or 3 runs an over. Proper Test cricket I call it.
  16. Hmm, Alderman in the 1980s. Would that include the 1981, 1985 and 1986-87 series when we took your lot to the cleaners ? Gower's comments were tongue in cheek but Lehman's were of a different nature and entirely inappropriate for a national coach. Consensus here is he was let off lightly.
  17. Stuart Broad's dad Chris Broad was a feisty beggar too, often in trouble with authorities. He scored 7 Test hundreds - all of them outside 4 of them in Australia. I guess Stuart Broad will be loving this fuss. i know all about our shameful football violence thanks but we're talking cricket here.
  18. Au contraire, my dear boy. Sir David on their "feral" crowds, below http://www.theage.com.au/sport/cricket/australia-has-no-culture-gower-hits-out-at-feral-cricket-fans-20130605-2noyq.html. Also, read John Snow's account of the 1970 tour (you know, as in "read" his book - those weird things in libraries and bookshops).
  19. Headingley crowd are horrible when they get drunk but they're nothing like "your" lot.
  20. Do you research on that tour. Might open your eyes, like.
  21. John Snow was physically attacked by a convict spectator on the 1970 tour. so you're wrong on that one.
  22. They didn't sound sarcastic to me, more an incitement to riot. Appalling comments by a supposed national coach.
  23. It was good to see them picked but they both played poorly today - perhaps first Test nerves. Stick to the golf Gordon.
  24. Lehman admits to never walking and then accuses Broad of cheating. Irony hasn't reached the outback obviously. I don't like Lehman but then I don't like any of that lot. In the words of Keggle Keggle I would absolutely love it if Broad shoves Lehman's words back down his throat this winter. I wouldn't have played Woakes or Kerrigan - on today's viewing neither look ready for Test cricket yet. With the return series only a few months away it's important we end the series on a high note and win this game.
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