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  1. Made to look easy, but only because of the quality involved. Whatever happened to Sergio Peter?
  2. I had forgot about that! Even better. The fight and desire only left our sides once Big Sam was sacked and we had scum agents doing whatever they wanted.
  3. Agreed. We could have gone down without Venky's turning up, but like most normal clubs there would have been hope of a return and an, erm, actual attempt made to get back up. It makes me laugh (well, no, it doesn't) hearing some come out with nonsense about us having crap fans and relegation being inevitable. That was not the case in November 2010. How any Rovers fan can utter those words to deflect away from what these tossers have done, is unfathomable to me.
  4. We don't have any fans though, Matty. Relegation was inevitable too. Finished 10th in the Prem in May 2010, reached the semi finals of the League Cup four months earlier, but relegation was inevitable. Aye.
  5. My first thought upon seeing that is "he's staying" (with the Japanese club). Let's hope it's him being kind and this is his way of saying farewell to the fans over there. If this is botched up again...seriously. It wouldn't even be about the player in such a scenario for me, but everything to do with the clown show. Prove us wrong.
  6. Brilliant. Fair play to that manager. If JDT hadn't have cooked Waggott and Co the way he did, it's the kind of thing he might have done in a friendly.
  7. PNE fans seem to rate Gallagher highly for some reason. The way they talk about him, you'd think we've got a Championship Drogba here. Hilarious based on what we've seen, but still strange to hear it from them. They are welcome to take him, imo.
  8. The idea of bringing in quick wingers, which Eustace seems to favour and is openly asking for, is something I can get behind. I've wanted to see us have pace on our wings for many years. Obviously, we all know the big issue in all of this. What the manager wants and what he is allowed are usually two different things here. IF he is able to bring in those wingers, plus a striker, a CM, CB and a LB we might be alright. There are a lot of 'ifs' there though and we are talking about one of the worst hierarchies in English football, expecting or hoping that Park pulls out a few gems. Personally, I hope there's somebody there looking towards Africa, there's players to be found, we just haven't done it/been able to for a number of reasons under this lot.
  9. Happy to watch and sad to watch at the same time. I think it was a couple of weeks after this game that there were Tugay masks all around Ewood and pockets of Galatasaray/Turkey fans inside the stadium.
  10. Never seen Humphrys play so I have no idea what he is like as a player. We'd have to go some way to find a player less effective than Vale, imo. On a side note, he is represented by the same agency as: The Wharton brothers, Carter, Gamble and former Rovers' in Nyambe, Mahoney and Sam Hart.
  11. We need more than the one attacker coming in of course, but I like the look of the potential Japanese signing. It's an 'out of the box' move, which we haven't done for a long time, imo. I've always wanted us to sign some players from that region, but it has never happened. There have been some very tidy Japanese players over the years that have gone under the radar just because they haven't been linked with the 'top 4' or the now 'big 6'. It looks like somebody (it won't be Waggott or Pasha) has given some thought to the potential commercial opportunities too with this move. Ok, he isn't a Keisuke Honda I.e. a major player from that area but still, we are now likely to gain new fans and interest in the club from Japan. There's also a possibility of a few from there turning up at Ewood with their flags, as a few Koreans do for Son at Tottenham. I like the sound of that. This is probably a John Park pick out and fair play if it is. Would rather have him spotting players than Broughton. We need more though, as Gallagher, Leonard and Vale leave me thinking 'wtf, is this what football has come to these days?'. Not one of them is good enough for this club.
  12. Same here. If ever there was a time for Andy Bayes to step forward and stick it on them, now is the time. The time for treading softly around these tossers has long, long passed. Bayes has it in him, as him mildly turning up the pressure on Mowbray a few years ago showed. He had to reign it in a bit due to the bitty responses, but don't play it safe now, Andy. Go for it. Adam Cottier is the local journo that has impressed me the most though. He doesn't hold back in asking what the fans want answering. I thought he was very direct with JDT and pushed him for answers a number of times. He wasn't settling for wishy washy responses. Even though I was thinking "wrong man, Adam, wrong man!" at the time, he could only ask the man who was fronting up for questions. We need to get Cottier infront of the slimeball that is Waggott! If you are reading this, Adam, we could do with you getting on the case for all of the Rovers fans on here and beyond.
  13. Disgusting, isn't it. Some might say they aren't interested in Rovers and there might be some truth in that. I think it's more than that though. I have always felt there is an agent led agenda to protect this lot as much as is possible. Which other owners in England are described as 'loyal', 'fantastic', and 'wonderful' when they have lowered a football club from such a height to such a low and where the reality of the last 14 years says the very opposite of those descriptions being put out? Which other CEO is constantly going around trying to convince anybody that will listen that their owners are fantastic and that their club is so lucky to have them? On what basis is Waggott spouting this? Who is he trying to convince? I doubt such rhetoric is even repeated as much at Man City as often as it is here, and they win everything and would have some right to argue such a point! These tossers have ruined the club, are sending it to L1 again and will never ever, ever, get within a sniff of winning anything here, yet we're lucky to have them? Piss off. This lot are taking the piss. Just look at how certain journos have gone full on pro Venky mode this summer, in the face of fans rightly criticising the lack of signings and being concerned about the court situation. That in itself is outrageous. Then out come the financial experts with words to the effect of Rovers being finished without Venky's. Followed up by a similar headline in the local rag. It was being suggested the other day that posters on here have an 'agenda' for not being positive. I'd suggest looking elsewhere for the actual 'agenda' in play. Without going all Kevin Keegan...I will love it, bloody love it, if the Delhi High Court delivers the blow required for Rovers to start the recovery process.
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