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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Spot on. Mowbray's article in LT was, IMO, feckin disgraceful. I think he's frightened of playing Chapman because he knows what he'll do if given a chance but he simply doesn't like the guy.
  2. Think Yardley is a complete tosser. Full stop.
  3. But we extended contracts for Hart and Smallwood - IMO, utter incompetent madness if that's why the reason for Hilton's exclusion.
  4. IMO, another lost opportunity. Would like to have seen Davenport and Vale start. Vale looks like he has REAL potential and star quality - why hold him back!?!?
  5. Not really. All this seems down to the new owner who, arguably, should not have completed the acquisition. This is not the fault of Wigan FC. I think it's 75/25 in favour of Wigan being successful in any appeal.
  6. Don't think so - quite simply, without the points deduction (which would be deemed unfair if the appeal is successful) they would have been relegated anyhow.
  7. You are right if looked at in black and white. However, think we are now in a 'grey area' and the decision from the appeal may well become a precedent - law and the like, in these sort of matters, evolves.
  8. As I said, I think they will win the appeal. Those who run the club did not deliberately run the club into the ground nor strive to keep operating when they knew insolvency was approaching - it was not an attempt to 'cut and run' at the expense of the creditors. I think it will be construed the new owner of less than four weeks was grossly culpable and the EFL, IMO, have made a real dog's breakfast of it.
  9. Whacked a good size bet on Wigan to be beat Fulham at almost 2/1. Pretty sure Cooky will have Wigan fired up and will be far too feisty for the southern softies.
  10. Hopefully, Cooky will move to Ewood to replace Mowbray!
  11. Also to think how much we paid this guy in wages over the years - probably measured in £millions! I don't blame Lowe for that, you must look after yourself and you don't look a gift horse in the mouth! The lad's probably set himself up for life.
  12. A huge, huge worry. To put it into perspective, I would think you are talking about a monthly cost in the £40k to £60k range. In the scheme of things, for a football club with a staff cost bill of say £23million (as per last accounts) per year, IMO, it's chicken sh1t. Think your red flags need to be raised a lot, lot more!
  13. A bit deeper than that. You are what you are and management style will depend upon what skills you have in your own locker, your personality, the level of experience you have and, importantly, the needs of your team / colleagues (part of which will include your kicking / cuddling!). The ethos / culture of your organisation will also play a part (though I'm buggered if I know what that is at Rovers!).
  14. and he had Chapman when we were in League 1. If he knew what Chapman 'was all about' then why the hell sign him for a second time? Chaddy, have you ever managed anyone at work in your life? If so, what is your style, authoritarian, servant leadership, pacesetting, visionary etc ?
  15. Feckin hell, it's a good job George Best had Busby as his manager and not Tony Mowbray's dad!!!
  16. Nonsense. You should engage with colleagues upwards, downwards and horizontally. All good managers across all walks of life do it.
  17. I'll put you out of your misery: minus £15 to £20million me thinks.
  18. I think Wigan will win their appeal should it come to that. Administration came so quickly after the change in ownership (was it 26 days) and the club could not see it coming nor could the Football League for that matter . As far as I can see, there was no deliberate intention to try and play fast and loose with their creditors.
  19. Think he played many more games than Brereton and Gallagher have manged over a collective 3 seasons! His goal record wasn't bad for a midfielder either - think he averaged about 1 in 6 - again far better than Brereton and Gallagher!!!
  20. IMO, just bullsh!t. I don't think we get this from Mowbray about other players. IMO, it is personal and Mowbray should not be talking about Chapman like that in the press. Chapman has every right to be livid. IMO, crass management, again, from Mowbray.
  21. More than once, seen him put defenders on their arse in tight areas in the penalty area with the U23's this season. He frightens defenders and, IMO, the lad is a real talent who just needs managing the right way. I know I've banged on about Chapman before but I honestly believe he has something a bit special which is in short supply at Rovers.
  22. Well kindly spill the beans then......................
  23. If their stance is not a rupee more.........................!!!
  24. and don't forget Marshall Burke who was a key part of our success under Howard Kendall which very nearly finished with promotion to Division 1 (now the PL). Mowbray talks about 'slow build and evolution' - feckin hell, Howard Kendall took us from Div 3 to Div 2 and then missed promotion to Div 1 the following season on goal difference. In two seasons, Kendall worked miracles with virtually nothing to spend. What he would have given for the then equivalent of some £20million (fees and wages), IMO, spunked up the wall by Mowbray on Brereton and Gallagher. Kendall v Mowbray - no comparison - IMO, a master v a third rater. Kendall had the lot - can do attitude, fitness, organisation, tactics, motivation, player trading management etc.
  25. Don't think you can't rule ANYTHING out where Rovers are concerned. As I've said before, think Waggott and Mowbray already know the financial score. If it's as bad as it might be, that will necessitate £20million in fees and savings on wages.
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