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[Archived] Fao Orange Mobile Customers

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If anyone is on an Orange mobile contract that they started before mid-May, they can cancel their contract immediately and keep the phone due to Orange changing their call charges (breach of contract). Alternatively, accept their attempt to keep your custom like me. Now get 400mins and 500 texts for £5 a month! :D

You might have had a text from orange recently about changes in call charges. This is in breach of your contract as clause 4.3 states:

- "4.3 You may also terminate your Contract if we vary its terms, resulting in an excessive increase in the Charges or changes that alter your rights under this Contract to your detriment"

So you ring up and ask to cancel due to recent notification of change in call charges and thus breach of contract. You can also keep the phone as clause 14.1 states:... Read More

- "14 Devices - Your Device is not a part of your Contract. Your Device and Accessories are acquired by you outside the terms of your Contract."

This also applies to any free gifts you got such as laptops, ps3s, xboxs etc. They'll try and keep you on, but at the end of the day they have changed a contract mid-term which is ILLEGAL and are paying the price for it. You can even cancel, get a new contract on Orange, put the new sim card in your old phone and sell your new phone on eBay :)

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Yeah that's right, as long as it's a pay-monthly contract. I got sent the text about a week ago saying that the new charges were going to take effect from 12 September. You only have 30 days from them notifying you to cancel your contract though, otherwise you automatically 'accept' the new terms and conditions.

Orange have cocked up BIG TIME, and they were probably counting on many people just disregarding their text and carrying on regardless.

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  • Backroom

I've been hoping to cancel my contract but the only option has been a buy out. I've had my contract for about 14 months (18 month contract) but only last month recuced my call package, will this mean i am unable to cancel?

I havn't had the text yet either but when I changed my plan they said nothing changes apart from my included minutes.

Edit, just rang up and cancelled, got my PAC code on its way, gonna pick up an Iphone towards the end of this month.


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with regards to my earlier post about them cutting me off every month, guess what happened about a hour ago? i was cut off, direct debit has gone oput and everything so im fully paid up :angry: :angry:

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Theres more detail on this on moneysavingexpert.

Apparently you can disconnect unless you get the text, and they may stop you joining orange in future. Only got 3 months left on my deal anyway. May use it to get an early upgrade.. But not a clue what phone to get.

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Cool. Just gotta wait for it to arrive now.

For those interested:

A couple of cashback sites are offering £100 when you sign up for a 12-month, SIM-only O2 contract.

The cheapest package usually costs £19.58/mth for twelve months. So, factoring in the cashback over the course of it, the monthly cost is reduced to £11.25.

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Mobile deals can be very lucrative if, like me, you dont care about the phone you have and are prepared to be a bit organised.

My current deal has 3 cashback claims over a 12 month contract, totalling the full line rental, plus I got £60 from quidco for taking it out.

So for my 200 mins, 400 texts a month Im being paid £5!!

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  • Backroom

Odd how they could stop you using orange in the future, talk about cutting the nose off to spite the face.

The woman on the phone told me I wouldnt be able to get a new contract as it would affect my credit rating and we are in a credit crunch, surely doing something within your rights can't give you bad credit.

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the iphone is subject to stock, so best bet is to get it online off the o2 website, only takes a few days i think.

im unable to cancel mine, i have 2 phones on my contract, mine and my sisters and to cancel mine i have to either xfer her phgone into her name so it goes out of her account (shes 16 so that out the window) or cancel both (with her being at college this year she cant really afford more than £25 a month and with dolphin we get 500 mins and unlimeted texts for £4.95 a month)

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Odd how they could stop you using orange in the future, talk about cutting the nose off to spite the face.

The woman on the phone told me I wouldnt be able to get a new contract as it would affect my credit rating and we are in a credit crunch, surely doing something within your rights can't give you bad credit.

It is probably marked on your credit file as satisfied prior to the end of term, in the same way that opting to return a car on finance when you are allowed to is.

It wont make a right lot of difference, if any.

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Right, I got the text today so I wanted some advice on what to do!

My contract is up at the end of August anyway but quite fancy a new toy to play with!!! If I do this will I be able to keep my phone number and will I be able to stay with orange. I need to stay with orange as that is the only phone company that gets reception at my parents house and I go there regularly.

So should I cancel the contract or just wait until the end of the month? If I am to cancel the contract - what do I say to them???

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Right, I got the text today so I wanted some advice on what to do!

My contract is up at the end of August anyway but quite fancy a new toy to play with!!! If I do this will I be able to keep my phone number and will I be able to stay with orange. I need to stay with orange as that is the only phone company that gets reception at my parents house and I go there regularly.

So should I cancel the contract or just wait until the end of the month? If I am to cancel the contract - what do I say to them???

You can cancel now anyway, as you're in the last 30 days.

I would just do that and ask for a PAC code rather than immediate disconnection

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I have just been looking at new phones! I don't really know what to look for as they all seem to have extra features that I am sure I never use! All the deals include loads of minutes which I never use - I just send a phenomenal amount of texts! TBH I normally just pick the pink phone from the shop!!!

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