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[Archived] Two Match Truce


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DMTP, I'm not representative of the supporters and have never claimed to be, what supporters do at these games will be upto them, I have issued no press release this week regarding any organised protest, for one reason.... There is none, there is no thread open anywhere to promote one, I will not be making a statement to ask supporters not to protest as i'm just a protest organiser, and as I have not organised any I have no reason to issue anything.

What supporters sing, or when they boo, or whatever a supporter chooses to do on a match day, I have no control over, i'm just a simple supporter just like you and every other member of BRFCS. This myth of what Glen and Simon says people do, is completely wrong and its a seed which has been planted by anti protesters. Everyone makes their own decisions. I'm greatful and thankful that all who have taken part in organised protest have done so in the right spirit, have adhered to the rules imposed by the club and police and have conducted themselves superbly throughout. They have never once let themselves down and have never let me or simon down or compromised our position in terms of us getting in trouble for accepting the responsibility or punishments had people over stepped the mark.

The club are fully aware that there is no organised protest this weekend as is Mr Wild who has done the article in the LET today, This is not a decision we made today or yesterday but was a decision made early last week.

I hope this answers your question and indeed the question posed when this thread was opened

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I will not be making a statement to ask supporters not to protest as i'm just a protest organiser, and as I have not organised any I have no reason to issue anything.

glen, it seems to me you are deliberately distancing yourself from the proposed and dialogue proposal ? (LET article).

i think its a great shame. a simple statement from you could do a lot of good and definetly aid the true and dialogue attempts with the owners - and also improve the atmosphere in ewood (for these 2 huge games!)

having peaceful discussions is well worth a try, but...

obviously.. it goes without saying if these dialogue attempts fail or the owners choose to ignore.. then unleash hell.

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Reasons why I think a truce would be pointless:

1- The team has been backed 100% through this difficult time. This has had no effect whatsoever on performances or results.

2- Kean was backed 100% last season and that also didn't have any positive effect on results. Kean took a club from the top half of the table to almost being relegated on the final day.

3- A truce would give the impression to the owners and those PR individuals at Rovers that Kean has full support. Kean would spin this to keep him in the job longer.

Overall Kean's ineptness can't be countered by fan support. Kean is a ###### manager and nothing will change that.

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DMTP, I'm not representative of the supporters and have never claimed to be, what supporters do at these games will be upto them, I have issued no press release this week regarding any organised protest, for one reason.... There is none, there is no thread open anywhere to promote one, I will not be making a statement to ask supporters not to protest as i'm just a protest organiser, and as I have not organised any I have no reason to issue anything.

What supporters sing, or when they boo, or whatever a supporter chooses to do on a match day, I have no control over, i'm just a simple supporter just like you and every other member of BRFCS. This myth of what Glen and Simon says people do, is completely wrong and its a seed which has been planted by anti protesters. Everyone makes their own decisions. I'm greatful and thankful that all who have taken part in organised protest have done so in the right spirit, have adhered to the rules imposed by the club and police and have conducted themselves superbly throughout. They have never once let themselves down and have never let me or simon down or compromised our position in terms of us getting in trouble for accepting the responsibility or punishments had people over stepped the mark.

The club are fully aware that there is no organised protest this weekend as is Mr Wild who has done the article in the LET today, This is not a decision we made today or yesterday but was a decision made early last week.

I hope this answers your question and indeed the question posed when this thread was opened

Glen you are one of the main organisers of the protests ? You helped arrange a banner mid-match ? You previously asked supporters to support the team during the match (to good effect) ? You have been in regular contact with the media regarding the protests. Whether you like it or not - as one of the protest organisers - you do have an impact (unfortunately demonstrated by the idiot who attacked you at Wigan).

Could I ask why there is no organised protest ?

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glen, it seems to me you are deliberately distancing yourself from the proposed and dialogue proposal ? (LET article).

i think its a great shame. a simple statement from you could do a lot of good and definetly aid the true and dialogue attempts with the owners - and also improve the atmosphere in ewood (for these 2 huge games!)

having peaceful discussions is well worth a try, but...

obviously.. it goes without saying if these dialogue attempts fail or the owners choose to ignore.. then unleash hell.

I'm certainly not distancing myself, a statement may be issued later in the week, but I have no plan to do so at present, I'm still in discussions, Any statement has to be agreed with the other organinsers, I'm waiting on some key dialogue back from the club and until that time, I can't commit to anything

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I'm certainly not distancing myself, a statement may be issued later in the week, but I have no plan to do so at present, I'm still in discussions, Any statement has to be agreed with the other organinsers, I'm waiting on some key dialogue back from the club and until that time, I can't commit to anything

understood. thanks for clearing it up.

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I'm certainly not distancing myself, a statement may be issued later in the week, but I have no plan to do so at present, I'm still in discussions, Any statement has to be agreed with the other organinsers, I'm waiting on some key dialogue back from the club and until that time, I can't commit to anything

To say you and the protestors have behaved properly is not correct. You and others have insulted and given abuse to people not involved in the protests. You say people are free to choose. But when they have made a choice, they have been subject to all sorts of abuse on here.

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Glens stance is right in my opinion, any crowd reaction will always be spontaneous and rightly so.

We badly need to win the next two games so organised protests need to be put on hold, the crowd will react anyway to events as

they unfold.

Trying to pressurise glen to protest is very unhelpful, he is right to do what he is doing. If we had a crowdful of fans with

his passion for the club we would probably be in a better position by now.

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I think it's all academic now.

I think Venky's & Kean are past the point of no return.

It's just a case of when Ewood, figuratively speaking, explodes with anger. I suspect this will happen should we be losing at some stage on Saturday.

Feels like the likes of Battersby should have been making waves in October when out in India - if he could make no impression then, it's unlikely that he can now.

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To say you and the protestors have behaved properly is not correct. You and others have insulted and given abuse to people not involved in the protests. You say people are free to choose. But when they have made a choice, they have been subject to all sorts of abuse on here.

Don't agree, abuse has been a two way thing, and I don't recall ever abusing anyone, stop trying to bring about an argument which does not exist, we want solutions not more problems

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To say you and the protestors have behaved properly is not correct. You and others have insulted and given abuse to people not involved in the protests. You say people are free to choose. But when they have made a choice, they have been subject to all sorts of abuse on here.

Whoaaaaaa hang on one minute!!!! YOU are the one who threatened to smack any protester !!!!!!

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Just to clear things up as certain people obviously don't read all the post on here, or chose to pick holes in a text conversation.

Last week we negotiated having no planned protest for the next 2 games, these talks are on-going (well the formailites of the agreements). If any protest take place this weekend or on Tueday they will be spontaneous and in reaction to the game from the crowd. We have not called all protest off but we have put a temporary postponement in them to allow the club to follow through with some proposals which we put to them and have been agreed.

Once this agreement is locked in stone, then a joint statement will be issued and this will be agreed by all parties, In addition we will make our own press release if we seem fit to do so, or think it needs to doing.

Its called negotiating and co-operation.

If supporters choose to protest at the next two home games it will be on their own accord. I don't want to cover this ground again because 95% of the people on BRFCS understood the first time I said this.

Wayne Wild is aware of our actions and what we have done every step of the way, and he will indeed be part of the board meeting we have, So his article in the LET, was not a call out to us, as he can pick up the phone, email me, or could have spoke to me yesterday when I was at WEC. He is fully aware where we are at, and we have worked closely for many months.

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Don't agree, abuse has been a two way thing, and I don't recall ever abusing anyone, stop trying to bring about an argument which does not exist, we want solutions not more problems

You have said, they are not true supporters etc etc.if they don,t get involved in protests.

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DMTP, I'm not representative of the supporters and have never claimed to be, what supporters do at these games will be upto them, I have issued no press release this week regarding any organised protest, for one reason.... There is none, there is no thread open anywhere to promote one, I will not be making a statement to ask supporters not to protest as i'm just a protest organiser, and as I have not organised any I have no reason to issue anything.

What supporters sing, or when they boo, or whatever a supporter chooses to do on a match day, I have no control over, i'm just a simple supporter just like you and every other member of BRFCS. This myth of what Glen and Simon says people do, is completely wrong and its a seed which has been planted by anti protesters. Everyone makes their own decisions. I'm greatful and thankful that all who have taken part in organised protest have done so in the right spirit, have adhered to the rules imposed by the club and police and have conducted themselves superbly throughout. They have never once let themselves down and have never let me or simon down or compromised our position in terms of us getting in trouble for accepting the responsibility or punishments had people over stepped the mark.

The club are fully aware that there is no organised protest this weekend as is Mr Wild who has done the article in the LET today, This is not a decision we made today or yesterday but was a decision made early last week.

I hope this answers your question and indeed the question posed when this thread was opened

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Fans fighting with fans must stop now. This situation is actually getting worse by the day. Protest if you want to or don't. Kean and the chichens want us all at each others troats. Don't you all get that. While we are fighting they are happy. The club is being destroyed (this surely everyone must agree) and everyone must be left to deal with that in their own way.

For my part Glen and simon etc are doing a great job.

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I said dire consequences - which I also appologised for.

You still said it whether you apologised or not, I was targeted by 4 brave non protesters who were all mouth and wouldn't back it up. So it seems to me your very wrong this time.

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And your still at it!!!!, please go and find this quote, as I have never made that statement, and tbh I have better things to do than keep answering your inuendos

To be fair Glen, I do recall you saying you had a list of people you wanted to name and shame after all this is done, but not using the "true fans" line that others have.

As for a truce, it wont make a difference, when people decide they have had enough you will hear it on the Blackburn end, regardless of if protests are happening or not.

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Sorry Glen,I don`t understand,If you are negotiating terms and strategies with regards to protests surely that must make you the leader of the protesters.There can`t be such a thing as spontanous protest anymore because as soon as somebody in the ground objects vocally or otherwise they become a protestor and whether you agree or not you, being the "voice" of that group,become responsible for their actions.If that is not a position you are willing to accept then maybe you should re-asess your involvement. Don`t mean this to be argumentative but if and when the proverbial hits the fan Yourself and Simon are going to be the first people to get their doors knocked on.

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You have said, they are not true supporters etc etc.if they don,t get involved in protests.

What the hell is a true supporter? What the hell are you on about?

If you want to boo or protest do it. If you don't then don't. If you want to sing "I love Venkys" thats up to you.

I'm not bothered what anyone does, that's up to them.

Do you have a mind of your own? If so use it and do you you want at the match.

What I have done to support this club over 40 years can not be measured, but let me tell you it is a lot.

I moan a lot, I admit, and if you think coz I have a boo sometimes i'm not a "true supporter" that's fine. I am mentally robust enough to deal with silly criticism or accusations whether I think they are right or not. It appears you are not.

I will still be at Ewood next season, that's teh important thing, I hope 30000 others are as well and if Kean and Venkys are still here I will still be booing as I feel can't forsee a situation where I could support either as manager or owners.

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To be fair Glen, I do recall you saying you had a list of people you wanted to name and shame after all this is done, but not using the "true fans" line that others have.

As for a truce, it wont make a difference, when people decide they have had enough you will hear it on the Blackburn end, regardless of if protests are happening or not.

Correct so do I.

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To be fair Glen, I do recall you saying you had a list of people you wanted to name and shame after all this is done, but not using the "true fans" line that others have.

As for a truce, it wont make a difference, when people decide they have had enough you will hear it on the Blackburn end, regardless of if protests are happening or not.

[/quote s

The wall of shame was a tweet I did and had nothing to do with supporters, it was aimed at the club

And Pafell saying correct as he has just done, knows fine well cos I tweeted him via DM to explain the tweet, Again another case of twisting a 140 letter tweet to make it fit

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Just to clear things up as certain people obviously don't read all the post on here, or chose to pick holes in a text conversation.

Last week we negotiated having no planned protest for the next 2 games, these talks are on-going (well the formailites of the agreements). If any protest take place this weekend or on Tueday they will be spontaneous and in reaction to the game from the crowd. We have not called all protest off but we have put a temporary postponement in them to allow the club to follow through with some proposals which we put to them and have been agreed.

Once this agreement is locked in stone, then a joint statement will be issued and this will be agreed by all parties, In addition we will make our own press release if we seem fit to do so, or think it needs to doing.

Its called negotiating and co-operation.

If supporters choose to protest at the next two home games it will be on their own accord. I don't want to cover this ground again because 95% of the people on BRFCS understood the first time I said this.

Wayne Wild is aware of our actions and what we have done every step of the way, and he will indeed be part of the board meeting we have, So his article in the LET, was not a call out to us, as he can pick up the phone, email me, or could have spoke to me yesterday when I was at WEC. He is fully aware where we are at, and we have worked closely for many months.

I appreciate the work you've been doing and have been supportive of nearly all of it. Plane included! I'm especially in favour of a temporary truce largely because of the negative reaction from the booing last week being counter-productive to what we all want to achieve. I completely agree that was a spontaneous reaction and not, directly, in your control.


As you are a visible figure with regard to the protests a statement from you and Simon goes a long way and I would very much hope that you issue a separate PR (I don't trust the one co-authored with the club will be worded effectively) that for the next two games we desperately need the points and would welcome all efforts to create the most positive match-day atmosphere possible to give the team the best possible opportunity to put in the required performances.

You don't have to tell people what to do, not to protest etc. but an appropriate form of words goes a long way. It's not in anyone's interest for the club to get slagged off in the media over Christmas. To be frank, "I'm just as organiser" doesn't wash with me, even if it's technically true. You have your views, you aren't *just* an impartial observer so the statement is inherently contradictory and it would seem an element of the fanbase prefers to ignore your assertion anyway. A bit of leadership goes a long way in the current vacuum within which that quality is sorely lacking.

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