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Mike E

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Everything posted by Mike E

  1. I've really enjoyed watching that. Cuba Gooding Jr is a criminally underrated actor imo. Loved his work for a long while, the comedies Rat Race and Boat Trip standing out in terms of his comedy side.
  2. Who was the last ACTUAL striker to play for England, who threatened the goal? Defoe? Owen?
  3. The 56 metre penalty conversion from Scotland was sublime.
  4. Exactly. We just need a reason (no matter how poor) that Taker is doing Vince's bidding.
  5. Be interesting to see what the Shane angle becomes. Will it lead to a brand split? WWE vs NXT (Shane vs HHH)? Is it a swerve of some sort? May we see a return to TV -13 (thinking of WWE actually helping Reigns 'get bloodied' which they never do).
  6. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=real+americans&client=ms-android-samsung&prmd=inv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj8w5nluJPLAhUFWhQKHVBSAqAQ_AUIBygB&biw=360&bih=559#imgrc=rg7J_dxE9g5MuM%3A
  7. Wholly agreed on Hanley. Never thought I'd see him being the one to organise defence. Genuinely think it bodes well that Lambert will be an idol to both Hanley and Duffy.
  8. I think they could do a lot worse than adopt the NXT formula in some ways. Just have big 6 PPVs (Rumble, Mania, ExtremeRules, KOTR, Summerslam, SurvivorSeries) with 2 months' build to tell better stories. I don't mind the Raw set, but at least have PPVs with their own different sets.
  9. It won't happen in a shootout because everyone's on the halfway line. Offside can't be given because Suarez is behind Messi. Doesn't the player have to be ahead of the ball as well as the defence?
  10. Thanks for not keeping up, I was excited for a while.
  11. I want to abuse my position and hide that post
  12. He's the best 'small man' we've seen in WWE since Eddie imo. Absolutely brilliant to watch. I'm hoping Finn Balor and Sam Zayn will compete for that mantle next.
  13. Better yet, Danny Simpson vs Leo Messi in the Champions League...
  14. The Scottish chip only exists if you let it, I've found. Been up to Scotland camping many times and if they give you any stick, best not to retaliate but just say 'Yeah...and? We're the same tiny island.'
  15. And why it is a travesty that Fergie got a knighthood but not Clough.
  16. For the record, Your Honour
  17. If you have anything to say to Stuart, you will use PM, not a public forum.
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