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Everything posted by roverstdt

  1. Because we haven't sold anyone....this isn't rocket science but do you remember the squad he had when he arrived? Stokes, Graham, Mulgrew...None re sellable assets. Today Armstrong, Dack, Kaminski
  2. So you are telling me you trust Venky's Judgment?
  3. Where has all the waste gone, since he has come our Squad value is worth more today than when he came. Which means there is more assets and therefore brought in more cash into the team from the purchases he has made.
  4. Whether he is finished is not the question and judging by our finances we really dont...
  5. Not quite sure what Rovers fans expect, realistically, we do not have the finances for a Pearson or a Hughes so how we would get them is more FM21 rather than reality. The question we should all be asking ourselves is are we better than Watford, Brentford, Bournemouth, Swansea, Norwich? No we are not, the only one I see us still finishing ahead of is Reading but we are not the finished article yet. We have barely had the same back four...We need to continue building we don't deserve to go up but we should target it.
  6. Hi Glen! Main question i have is do you think the whole story will come to light one day around the scheme involving Steve Kean and Jerome Anderson or is this chapter closed behind lawyers for the foreseeable future?
  7. Amen brother i agree with you, maybe I don't know I am too positive :). For me I think it is hard to judge a season after 10 games I like to give managers time and the time with Venky's tells me as well, we have been at our best when building slowly. Is the squad better than last year? Yes, Absolutely. SHould we be higher up the league, yes if we want to be promoted. I do feel though we have had some tough games out of the way with the likes of Cardiff, Boro, Bournemouth, Watford. To which 2 out of the 4 I would have anticipated losing anyway. I think I we have some easier games coming up and I think what these last few games have showed us, is how vital Kaminski is
  8. I have to admit this forum can be quite fun to read all the meltdowns that occur. Originally after a few games we were going to walk the league and now it is we are going to get relegated. We are barely 10 games in and we know how much a season can in a heartbeat. Especially this year more than any teams are going to struggle to play a consistent strongest 11 side due to injuries and the pandemic. Yesterday performance there is no sugar coating it wasn't great however, what other players could we use? At the minute we are doing to the very barebone with: Travis, Dack, Johnson, Amrstrong, Bennett, Bell, Kaminski, Douglas, Ayala, I mean do I need to continue? It is almost like starting a full different starting 11. Overall, we can see when full strength we have a very strong side, however, we need time for individuals to come back. THe main takeaway for me is Dolan is a wonderful addition but he needs some muscle on him and playing him with the under 23's will help him. He needs to grow, though I am confident he can be a talent in the future. The main take away for me is that Wharton seems like a rugged defender and looks exciting. Big Ben I feel has started the season incredibly well and one bad game doesn't define his season. Gallagher positioning is all wrong and needs to work on his movement. I just feel we are little naive and lack bravery at times.
  9. I feel like this is an impossible transfer window. I feel like the football world hasn't fully woken up to the aspect that COVID will have on each and every club up and down the sports world. With the main source of revenue withheld, clubs must now find the balance of spending cash to keep the fan interested, but with no future visibility as to what extent fans will be allowed back. Rightfully, I feel the conversative approach will pay off, while frustrating things are falling in place and the impatient fan must unfortunately now more than ever be patient. On the positive i still feel like our hand may change because i feel a club will do us a favour! In favour i mean grab Raya and/or King. Get them both out we may be looking at 3-4m to spend which would allow us to get Whiteman, Manning, Pears. However, we do no need to get Mulgrew out his wages would help us so much to re-invest elsewhere. i feel unless the right loan player comes along then there is no need. I do believe in building and i am very much proud of the squad we have today. All players who i back passionately. Time will tell as to the outcome of this window, but I do think that good things come to those who wait.
  10. I can completely understand the underwhelmed fans on the results last night. However, i do feel that Michael O'Neil is not given enough credit he has dragged a free feeling Stoke out of the relegation zone and has made them very hard to beat. Their squad have a far higher wage bill than ours as well. Is it 2 points dropped? Of course. I do think it is harsh to judge Gallagher as an expensive flop. Has he set the world alight? No, but at the same time he hasn't been played in his natural position. I do think this season he has just been a step off everything and just hasn't seem himself. The style of play isn't suited either. I think he scored more goals in his first spell due to the long ball tactic. Having looked back he actually scored a fair few with his head. Whether we make the play offs or not i think a huge amount of credit should be given to Tony Mowbray. 3 years in charge, would we have ever imagined being in this position 3 years ago? Probably not. We have stability, exciting prospects and a solid team that we can proud of.
  11. From someone who is inept getting us to currently 8th is not that bad. Especially for a team that has not at all got the same budget or following as the other clubs in the championship
  12. After almost a season here how do people feel about Christian Walton? Would you sign him permanently or not?
  13. Great win yesterday and from what i hear it was a very good performance. I anticipated a defeat so happy to proved wrong. It goes to show under the right circumstances we have a good team. Is Mowbray the right man? Well i am still in debate and think a new voice could be good however, should this be signs that he learning then fantastic. I think regardless a good no-nonsense defender by Lenihan side will be great. I like Nyambe and always have and think he is the long term replacement for that position. We do need a LB and i do like Cunningham even though he is out injured. Gallagher i really believe can be a great asset but in the past has been left too isolated due to the team selection. Holtby, Dack, Travis, Armstrong, Evans is a solid midfield for me.
  14. I think it is a very tough game. I can see us losing or drawing against Brentford. I think regardless a new voice is needed and as controversial as it may be, I may be willing to cash in on my favourite Rovers player being Mr.Dack to re-invest that fund into getting a new defence. If we are looking to the long term for me I think we need to see Nyambe, Lenihan at RB and CB and build from there. We have Holtby and Travis which is a good pair for the midfield, and i seriously think that Armstrong playing off the flick-ons from Gallagher could be a dangerous strike partnership. We do need a new GK though big time who i am not too sure, would almost be inclined to get Jordan Archer from Millwall as a free For the Brentford game i would line up. -------------------------Walton----------------- Nyambe--Lenihan---Williams---Bell -----------Rothwell---Travis----Holtby------ ----------------------Dack--------------------- --------------Armstrong----Gallagher/Graham
  15. How? We have had 9 years of destruction from our owners? We are by no means in a position to be fighting for the Premier League. We can certainly build towards it for the future but we aren't even close to that. We have too many bridges to rebuild.
  16. Happy to answer these. ---------------------------------------------------------- Is the football better ? Since Owen Coyle? Yes absolutely, at least i see a team with desire and fight has the club invested well ? I think it is too early to say Dack yes, Gallagher could, Armstrong yes, Holtby Yes, so they have been some good signings other i will not and for the younger players they are yet to prove but who knows they may eventually catch up. Does the team appear to have an appetite for a battle ? Battle yes, just it is disorgansied and unbalanced to me. Is there a good team spirit ? Yes the team does play for each other. Is there a general positive feel about the club ? No but has there ever been since Venky's took over? Is the team progressing/growing/performing better ( compared to last season ) ? Depends on where we finish at the end of the season. Not saying we should keep Mowbray i am saying we are in a better positon since he took over. Is the manager inspiring our crop of young players? He did originally, is he still? Debatable but once again I am not saying we should keep Mowbray i am defending the fact that people say we are worse off since he took over. Is the club happy to rely on a loan goalkeeper when we sold a very good one last summer ? How many fans wanted him gone at the same time? I could go on. Saying we are in a far better position than when Mowbray arrived is really stretching it. ( Not entirely his fault though )
  17. Not doubting that, I agree with you, I however, disagree with every fan who would say we were better off prior to Mowbray or that we are no better prior to Mowbray. Had we turn back time to the last 10 years i can think of far worse situations we have been in and considering the mess that Coyle left us, Mowbray's has overall been a positive. His time may have come to end soon, but to say this is the lowest and the most deflated fans has felt since the Venky's took over is a massive over statement.
  18. Do read but still find it confusing how this can be as low as you felt, when the hatred I had for Kean took me lower followed by despair.
  19. But I am confused i don't understand how we are worse? Would you rather the squad we had prior to Mowbray?
  20. That the beautiful think we heading doesn't guarantee anything we may stay up, like i can say "we are heading for promotion" there is no way even opinion can be proven contrary as we cannot predict the future. What i am saying today on the 22nd of November 2019 compare to 22nd of November 2016 are we in a better position as a club, with our squad and with our manager? Yes we are.
  21. Oh I have mate, but are you telling me you would take Owen Coyle back any day over Mowbray? Are we last in the league? Are we in the relegation zone? Wishing upon a Steve Kean return? I think you will be embarrassed by your comments. I never said keep Mowbray, what i am saying is that you are massively overreaction and demonizing someone who has actually done a decent job for the club.
  22. No arguing his limits as a manager, more that overall he has left us in a better position. From the defence side i really struggle to see how? Greer and Brown were absolutely torrid players. I would very much take Tosin, Nyambe, Lenihan, WIlliams in our defence any day of the week than Greer Brown Hoban Hendrie and so forth.
  23. We were relegated that year we haven't and finished 22nd right now we are 18th so if we are picking on technicalities yes we have. The memory of a fan is incredible. I am not even saying keep Mowbray in charge, but to think he is a villain and hasn't improved us in 2 and a half years is delusional. He got us up from League One, finished mid table the following season, have a stronger squad...I mean is it really that hard for fans to say he was actually one of the few managers under Venky's who has done an admirable job?
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