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dave birch

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Everything posted by dave birch

  1. Fathers day here, down under.... Kids got me a four disc set of Chet Baker. Cool, cool jazz from the 1950's, just a pity he sent himself into orbit on a cocktail......
  2. Krislu, I can only assume that this is the first time you've come across 4K Holes? It was always a bit quirky, a bit satirical.
  3. What's that in English? Anyway, Kev, I think Krislu and yourself are missing the whole point of the fanzine. It was meant to be that way. Keep going the way you're going Trawden. Take pot shots at whoever you wish to, (without causing legal complications of course) be irreverent, be different. The Rovers and their supporters have always wanted to be just a little different.
  4. The rumour is CK, that you have a detatchable scrotum. It's likely to be strung around your neck if we lose. Hold onto your balls!
  5. Wilf Billington, (GK 1950ish) last seen in a club in Wollongong NSW Had bloody enormous hands and a similar sized sense of humour. Great bloke to talk to.
  6. Cocker, an explanation as to my previous post. When Bert was playing in Holland (these are my thoughts on how the game was played there) the teams allowed the opposition more room. So when bringing the ball out of your own area, you looked good, going forward, making yards, getting into the opposition half. In England, you're closed down much sooner, you don't get the chance to run into the opposing half, you've got to get rid, and pass more. Watching Bert at international level, is like watching non English teams play (I know it sounds daft, but can't explain it better at the mo), more room etc. Simply, at the Rovers, he doesn't have the same opportunities as he does at an international level because of the way the opposition play against you...... Does that make sense.
  7. Thanks, Fife, for reviving many memories at Ewood. The best, for me, was the 7-2 drubbing of Spuds. Went to the reverse game when we got touched up 4-1.
  8. Speedie, If Hughes knew he could get a better replacement for Bert, he'd get him today. End of story.
  9. No good asking me, ask Mark Hughes, or John Williams. They are, of course the people that extended Bert's contract. I've never presumed to be knowledgeable in football dealings. If I was, i wouldn't be at this end of a computer typing an answer to you. Whether I think Bert has good football skills, then yes, I think he has. Whether they are effective in the premiership, I've got my doubts. It's like horses for courses. Is that much of an answer, cocker?
  10. I wonder how many of you have managed to be picked up by premiership clubs considering your knowledge of players and modern day tactics. Get real laddos, you're fans, you have your favourites, you have those that you can't stand, you aren't going to change your opinion no matter how well someone plays. Put it simply, if you were any good at picking players, you'd be "in" the game, not someone watching. Mark Hughes, on the other hand, "is" in the game, and is playing it his way. He lives and dies by his selections. How many of you would go to him and say, "you've done it wrong."? Hughes has a reason for doing what he's done, and, todate, has been proven right and astute in his dealings, and his team management. Yet the slagging of players goes on and on and on and on..................... it's a team game guys, a teamgame.
  11. Chesh, we are realists, you and I. To give footballers a little credit though, have you ever listened to a Rugby League player speaking? They make Footballers sound intelligent. On an IQ level, they would be paying us to watch. Having said that, Bert is a top bloke, as is Lucas and Tim Cahill. Yeah, they aren't Rhodes scholars, but when they are back here, they realise how priveliged they are to be earning so much dough. They quite willingly go back to their old schools, clubs etc and show what can be acheived if you put your mind to it and sacrifice part of your youth in an endeavour to make it. I have my views about Bert and the way he has played at the Rovers, but I won't go into that here. Maybe later, when he has left...
  12. For 20-30,000 pounds a week, Take me to gaol, take me to gaol. You can slag Bert from pillar to post, but of one thing I'm certain, he's a top bloke, unaffected by money (he doesn't need to work ever again), and hasn't drifted away from his mates in the area he was brought up in. He has just bought a rather large property in western Sydney in which to settle. He's got his financial future settled, not bad for a 28 year old. If he "isn't that bright", what does it say about the people paying him?
  13. --> QUOTE(ste b @ Aug 7 2006, 08:36 ) 432687[/snapback] STOOD actually There were a few fans sat in the main stand behind the Rovers team, including Sergio Peters mum. I'll upload a few pics tomorrow. Apparently Neill told Orvil that he would "hopefully" sign a new contract. Emerton wasnt involved at all, neither was Andy Todd. If that is true, then it is good news.
  14. Well, thanks to Cocker, I'm listening to Pandora playing Chet Baker, an LP "Polka dots and moonbeams'. Just the thing for a night in with the lady of your life, and some , how should I say it, good food, good wine and great SEX. Smooth, is the word.
  15. Paul, I should have added, i was in the passenger seat. When she stopped, so was she We've seen venomous spiders around the house, but they haven't found a way past a size 10 foot, or a litre and a half of insect spray.
  16. Hardly ever see them, Paul. I can recount the day my good lady was driving down Southern Cross drive in her car. This huge, well big, spider started crawling across the inside of the windscreen. She takes her foot of the accelerator, whacks on the brakes and turns into the kerb (that's kerb, Col, not curb). Open window, spider crawls out, window up. I say gun it. So one mini minor doing 80mph down road. We get home confident rogue spider is left miles behind. Wrong! The critter is still there hanging onto the roof. Hot foot it inside, next day spider gone to new home. The spider, by the way was non venemous, but very scary. Al, you have to change the tenor of your dreams, change the monster into a nubile young lady. Hot for you, pant pant pant!
  17. Paul, LG are releasing a LCD TV with a built in STB that has a 450Gb drive in it. I'll try and find the details.
  18. You bloody heathen! A Hammond is the greatest. Jimmy Smith, legend. Some of the greatest Jazz is played on the Hammond. selective edit there flops.
  19. Greggyk, That hard hat is no good, the beer will get too warm with the direct sunlight
  20. According to John O'Neill, FFA boss; Lucas has committed himself to playing for Australia v Kuwait on 16/8.
  21. There are always stories like this going on. The 2004 Olympics had similar problems and talk was going around that they would have to go back to Australia, but it was never going to happen. The Greeks got their act together and put on a great games. I suspect that something similar will happen here, and the Saffers will pull their finger out.
  22. Must admit, It's been very ordinary for me. If you're into diving, if you're into pettiness if you're into unsporting behaviour Then this world cup has been one for you. It has not been a world cup for football bliss.
  23. Rubbish. In the Aussie game against Japan, there was a handball, which was given; and a barrelling of the keeper (who, from memory went to ground) which wasn't.
  24. I'm not so sure that England, or the majority of the 32 teams, are that much behind, BRFC. All it takes is a slightly different approach from an astute manager. England had the right squad available (though it wasn't chosen) and with hindsight, the wrong manager. I'm not convinced that with the new manager it is now heading in the right direction. If you look at the approach that the Aussies took into the game v Italy. They were fit, they chased down most of the play, and they backed each other up. OK they ended up losing, but it was close. When the Italians scored against Germany, the Germans were being overun. One can only asume that the Italians were fitter, physically and mentally. I wonder what would have happened if Hiddink had been the manager of England. I'd hazzard a guess that they'd still be in it.
  25. Played against their over 35's in a few pre season friendlies about 10 years ago. So named ofter the Michael Palin stories on the beeb.
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