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SINCE 1996
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    Mountain Top, Pennsylvania  USA

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  1. Lewandowski ending up here may have led to us attracting different buyers or qualifying for CL & the Walkers sticking around.
  2. I guess it would explain things if we were in again for Mcguire. 😉 Fortunately we don't have Les Maritimes of USL Dunkerque on the friendlies' fixture list.
  3. One of the great matches period of the 1st decade of this century in this sport in any competition. A great memory & great advertisement for the sport as a whole. I convinced a friend to watch the match with me that day & made us a new supporter. He jumped off his couch when Dunny went close late for what would have been a sure winner.
  4. I'd follow up on that, but I wish not to be admonished.
  5. Our favorite target Duncan McGuire was in fact named to the US Olympic squad today. Watch him set a new scoring record for the tournament & then move to a PL club for more than we got for Adam. It would be typical of our ash-clouded luck.
  6. I remember before the 98-99 season more than a few supporters as well as pundits referring to us as title contenders. I would look at those kits & think there's no damn way we're winning anything in those. I still get riled when I see one in the stands.🤬 They are the worst pieces of garbage we ever donned.
  7. So all this stuff the last 14 years has been your fault?!?
  8. If I can get Dakota Biotech in a men's size I'm in for this one, but there's no way I'm wearing the RamButt one.
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