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Billy Castell

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Everything posted by Billy Castell

  1. Is there a new Eighties B-line......... album out soon ?. There was Mr. Mental a while ago, and MTV 2 has started showing a new song. P.S. The new Hives song sounds like that Çan't Explain'from the 60's or 70's.
  2. Bad to lose to Australia, but we're rebuilding the side in time for 2007. Tom Voyce looked particularly sh_t, but you wouldn't know that if you don't try him out. Thompson needs to learn how to do line outs as well. We should be back up to speed by 2006 or so.
  3. For God's sake, are we still bleating on abourt Duff ?. Who gives a rubber duck how he left a year ago. He is no longer a Rovers player, so get over it. Some of you will still be blathering on about this ancient history at his funeral. We have De Pedro now anyway.
  4. I don't think he is, but that may be down to his contract situation, or the coach wanting younger players. Hell, let's get both !.
  5. Mr. Blunkett 'keeping an eye' on them ?. Am I missing something here...........??
  6. Probably the same time Thierry Henry signs for Yeovil, John Barnes becomes a decent pundit and North Korea becomes the world's biggest tourist destination.
  7. That's typical of you. Someone gets a bit annoyed with you, or disagrees with you, and you lurch towards the personal insult. I am a football fan thank you, and I am not 'low life scum' just because I have aired my tiredness of this thread's topic being repeatedly issued. If this thread is specifically your business, then why have you created it for others to comment on ?. By doing so, this thread is in the public domain, and therefore is as much other people's business as yours. I have just come from a 3 hour exam, I'm tired, and the last thing I need is rude behaviour from someone thank you. Maybe you should learn some manners, then other people may not dislike you so much.
  8. Yet another of these threads. Can't be bothered to hijack it, so I'll just request it be closed.
  9. Source for these stories please. I don't want Cole to leave until the end of next season.
  10. On reflection, I'm coming to this kind of conclusion as well. In an ideal world, Craig Short will get his UEFA coaching badge by the end of next season, retire, and become one of our coaches.
  11. Deep breaths Tris. Want to borrow some of my medication by the way? It works a treat - I just burst out laughing at Jan's (few) posts these days. I suppose Jan is either hibernating, or on the huddleboard, discussing ways of killing Souness, Ferguson and Tugay with fellow Celtic fans. Anyway, give the Duff nonsense a rest RB, he wanted to be in the Champions league, and double his pay, which I can understand.
  12. I have been wrong before, but results suggest Germany will struggle to qualify out of the group stages. Depending on which Holland arrives in Portugal, Germany could find themselves beaten by their auld enemy, and then humped by the Czech Republic. Losing 5-1 to Romania and 2-0 to Hungary suggests that they're on their arse.
  13. "G + S couldn't have two better people to learn from than Paul AND ANDY" You're a journalist aren't you ?.
  14. At least we can now spell our players names now Andresen/Andersson/Andresson/Anderson/Andreson has left .
  15. Are you a jock Colin ?. You seem to take an odd liking to saying that England are rubbish. I think we'll get to the 1/4 finals, then lose. Re ah: Thanks. That's Spain and Portugal's group isn't it ?. Both of those would be hard to say the least.
  16. Which group winners would we play if we come 2nd ?.
  17. Just give him a chance all ye doubters. He may come good.
  18. My frustrations and anger at stuff involving computers is not there for your f_cking entertainment. OK, I understand that you need to try stuff out to see if it works, and things may go wrong. But don't mock me just because I expect things to work and occaisionally get angry when they don't. You can go back to your little world in which you two are so superior to me just because you can do some tomfoolery on a computer that I can't. P.S. Hot weather does put me in a more irrational mood, so I'll be in a more easy going frame of mind when I'm used to it, and my exams are over. Still don't like you two trying to pull rank over me though.
  19. Be positive, but don't go mental if he doesn't score 3 goals and 20 assists in the first month. He should do more than just wear the shirt, but let's not put loads of pressure on him as soon as he arrives.
  20. Korn suck. Every song is the same !. That same bass sound, the same drums, and then Jonathan Davis whines on about how he 'can't take any more', and how he was bullied at school etc. Half way through, there is an instrumental bit, in which Jonathan may start going 'Rum-tiddly-um-pum-pum'. That new Hoobastank song is a bit like Lagacy by Mansun, but sh_t. Metallica should go away and count their money, Drowning Pool are another non-entity band, the jokes worn off with Sum 41, Linkin Park are just poo, and Soulfly just aren't as good as Sepultura were. I like Slipknot though, as I can laugh at the whole comic act they put on. It's a modern Alice Cooper really, whilst the Hives are great and I like Iggy Pop.
  21. I thought he was good, according to you Norweigens. Now you're saying he's rubbish ?. This is very confusing for me now. So should us non-Norweigens be happy to see him here or not ?.
  22. That was my thought when Krislu said he was bad that last game he saw. I have never seen him play myself, but most of the Norweigen people here say he's got a lot of potential, and could be a good signing. As they're more likely to have seen him, I trust their judgement.
  23. Pedersen may not be the only one leaving Tromso
  24. Oh well Abbey, McEverley was good, but now he must be sold now because he dared play for Burnley. Sorry, but what a dumb statement, although I agree about not loaning players to Bumley.
  25. I only expect things to work, whether or not they're free. It's nice they are free, but that shouldn't mean unreliability and/or faulty goods. I mean, you'd be peeved if you thought you had a bargain when you bought a stereo only to find it screws up when its a bit humid. Like you, I need to let off steam in this way. Anyway, that doesn't matter, as my team is going to kick your teams' arse . As you will see, I have gone for a largely cheap defence that will not play a game. Therefore no negative points, and more 'money' to spend on the midfield and attack. Oh, and for all those who have Germans in their teams. Don't forget the 5-1 vs. Romania
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