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Everything posted by JacknOry

  1. It was, i just got distracted by WegerlesWiggle which had me running to Twitter... Dont see nothing
  2. Well, not really, i dont own an air rifle or shoot animals with one. Was just a quip.
  3. Sounds like guesswork from Sharpe regarding Bernard Manning tbf. Not much different to us lot on here.
  4. Holtby has never been known as a goalscorer tbf, more creator/dictator. Suits him in the Tugay role as long as he has others around him doing the legwork.
  5. Hyerbole from the other side too, some have said he is shit. Arsenal would not be considering 10-15 million on him if that were the case.
  6. Personally think we will start to see the best of him this season. Was played all over the shop last season and hadnt had much of a preseason when he came in. Do hope he can stay as injury free as possible though.
  7. Yup, would take Manning in a heartbeat. That said, i would take a cardboard cutout from the terraces in a heartbeat over Bell right now. Seriously our weak link at the back now. So he believes we 3 or 4 short of challenging. a LB, backup keeper, CM and Forward? Then possibly another CB if Williams leaves?
  8. Not his biggest fan but I would be playing Johnson for this game given those that cannot play. He is tall, decent in the air so a threat at set pieces, a physical presence and is probably one of our better long range shooters. We can have all the creativity that we want but we have shown that we cannot break down teams that park the bus.
  9. Isnt Pears currently number 3/4? If so, number 2 is an upgrade.
  10. Fair to say that this is really winding Preston fans up. Half are moaning that they have lost the guy for nothing while the other half are defending the club and saying it says more about our squad if Dolan is getting minutes/starts. https://www.pne-online.net/forum/index.php?threads/ethan-walker-carlisle-loan-confirmed.3431477/page-3#post-3758236 Scroll down to about post 54.
  11. Agree, just woulndt want to see another former player at Fulham. They are likely go down imo, so seeing them all 'probably' beat us the following season is not ideal for me.
  12. Makes you wonder if he was the 'first' project. Youth international, captained England at youth level, and was the next on the production line after a certain Phil Jones.
  13. yup just read that - https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/football/transfer-news/marcus-maddison-says-hes-received-18756502
  14. Odd isnt it? Obviously a good L1 player but struggled at Hull in the Championship (though they were in freefall having lost their two best players). Probably a combination of all the above. Probably thinks he deserves a Championship club/wedge but not many takers due to wage demands/attitude. His ego probably wouldnt allow him to drop back down to L1 and there is also the wage cap.
  15. I agree, he does have the tools to be a quality DM, fans at WBA said the same the season before too. Just fairly sure I have read that he sees himself as a CB and nothing else.
  16. Any out there that take your fancy? Realistic I mean. That Bonne at Charlton is attracting interest, think he got 11 goals in 30 appearances last season. Think he is a decent age too - though I don't really know much more about him.
  17. Really happy for Wycombe actually, I believe this is the highest division they have ever been in?
  18. No, he never actually left the country. Makes me wonder if the whole Saudi thing was a ploy to try and get us to offer more.
  19. Wonder how much. Clubs should be forced to disclose transfer fees. Looks a good player but still want a LB - then will be fairly happy with our defensive recruitment.
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